Carolina Panthers. Home-ness.

February 5, 2016

Since the Super Bowl is right around the corner, I thought I would give the Carolina Panthers a little shout out in celebration of their second time in the Super Bowl.

And it just so happens that I actually have in my possession a Panther-themed photo to share, since that was the motif used at my dad-in-law’s birthday party in Charlotte last Sunday night. Go, Panthers! (And happy 85th birthday, Ken!)


It’s been really helpful–from a travel perspective–that Steve’s parents live in Charlotte because that is about two-thirds of the way to Georgia, where the conference we attended this week was held. 

When we got up Monday morning to hit the road, Steve’s mom had already set out the coffee cups.


Let me just add that these are not just any coffee cups.  These are hand thrown pottery mugs by a man with the last name of Gobble.  (He signs his name on the bottom of each one.) 

Ken and Vernie have several of the mugs and have also gifted Steve and me a few of them over the years. They have become our favorite mugs.  I happened to noticed  that when Nathan and Meagan were home at Christmas,  Nathan instinctively reached for a Gobble mug, even though we have several other kinds in our cupboard.  He said, “I just love these mugs.”

Isn’t it funny how families have certain items that all the generations love?   I keep harboring this hope that I might wander into a thrift store and find some more Gobble mugs, but chances are against it. In the meantime, we will keep enjoying the wonderful mugs we have.

Do you have a particular item (or items) in your kitchen that you always reach for?


On To The Conference . . .

The conference, held at Free Chapel in Gainesville, GA, started Monday afternoon. This is the 3,000 seat auditorium at the main campus; the church has several other campuses, as well.


I have always been a fan of beautiful architecture and design, and when those two things are connected with a church—well, that just make it all the better, since I have spent so much of my life in various church settings. 

Here are a few photos of the facility. The first pictures were taken in the lobby off of the smaller meeting room where our conference was held.


This is my foot.  (Just in case you were wondering.)





The entry to the main lobby.





They even have their own store!  



A coffee shop . . .


and cool seating areas completed the picture.


The conference itself was wonderful although our brains (and behineys) are pretty tired. This was our third, three-day session out of a total of four sessions.




It’s funny that I recently blogged about my lack of college experience because attending the four sessions of this intensive leadership conference can actually count toward a Master’s Degree at several universities.

In April, Steve and I will both be awarded our certificates of completion and we can take that certificate to the participating universities (one of which is Southeastern, where Nathan graduated) and be given advanced standing in a Psychology, Counseling, or Pastoral Leadership Master’s Degree. That means that after writing a paper and doing some additional required reading, we would automatically be one-third of the way through that degree.

I am actually not planning on pursing this because I am not interested in any of those three subjects, but it’s been a great experience to get to be a part of an educational experience like this and scratch my “classroom itch” just a little.

When we left our hotel yesterday morning to head home, this is what our GPS looked like.


Nine hours later, we were down to two miles to go.  Hooray!


Even the rain  over the last bridge home was beautiful.


After fifteen hours of intense teaching, and a total eighteen hours on the road, I can’t tell how fabulous it was to walk into the door of our house, and be happily greeted by Sarah and Summer. Sarah had gotten sick while we were gone (bad cough, fatigue, dizziness) and so being far away from her was traumatic for my mama heart.  (She did have several women in the church offer to go over and check in on her, which was really nice.)

We are having some people over for dinner tonight so at some point I need to get groceries and clean and cook but for now, I am sitting here in my writing chair with the rain beating on the windows and Summer snuggled in close beside me.

How wonderful it is to bask in the coziness . . . the quietness . .  . the home-ness.


24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Carolina Panthers. Home-ness.”

  1. cath young says:

    Most college students are NOT experiencing what has become the stereotypical 4 years away at school type of thing. Most do NOT live on a campus, and work full or part time, getting their degree on a part time basis. The cost of going to a boarding school which is what college is when you live on campus or other place just to go to school, and do it full time, especially for those who are about 18 years old and are rarely self sufficient is prohibitive for most families. My husband’s family who are pretty much all in the lower and middle income ranges (within the mid 50% income wise and they tend to be above the lowest 10%) with very few in the upper quarter, all went to college, if they went at all by commuting to community college and working part time, as Sarah is doing, as the optimal choice, and usually ending up taking a course here or there as they worked full time plus. Most did not finish their degrees, and this is common as reflected in national statistics.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed, and breathing a little prayer that my oldest who had every advantage and privilege to go away to college full time and did not finish will finally get his degree more than 10 years later, thanks to generous state school program that is accepting all of his credits scraped up from here and there. I’ll be celebrating this spring if and when this happens. He is in good company with many doing as he is, many much older than he is, some even my age and older, certainly older than you, Becky. A whole other college scene from that my youngest is currently experiencing as a freshman at a national university many miles from home at a price that is milking every cent out of us.

    • Becky says:


      I certainly do hope along with you that your oldest child is able to finish his college education and get his diploma this spring. That takes a lot of determination to come back to it and finish many years after starting.

      And yes, I agree. College is so horrendously expensive–it’s wonderful that there are options of online learning, part time classes, community colleges, etc. It CAN be done; it’s just not an easy (or cheap) undertaking!

  2. Robin says:

    The mugs are by Clyde Gobble from Lexington, NC. Sadly he passed away in 2014. His studio was Bob Timberlake’s old studio, used to be able to buy pieces @ Bob Timberlake gallery. I have a ton of his stuff (including those mugs) but would still love more.

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Like the napkins. Have not seen them here. Go Panthers. #KeepPounding. Hoping the trophy comes to NC. I have enjoyed watching this week the NFL channel and my pups have enjoyed me staying still so they could snuggle up. Praying Sarah feels better soon and is 100%. Glad you and Steve had a safe trip. I like Peyton Manning but Panthers come first.

  4. mrs pam says:

    Hope Sarah is feeling okay by now. I, too, just found out today who was in the SB… I got a kick out of reading the following:

    An ape at the Salt Lake City zoo has predicted the Carolina Panthers will win the Super Bowl.
    Zoo spokeswoman Erica Hansen says a 1-year-old orangutan named Tuah chewed up a cardboard Panthers sign and later kissed a papier-mache Panthers helmet. Hansen says he never touched the Denver Broncos sign or helmet.
    Hansen says Tuah’s older sister gave Broncos fans hope when she entered the enclosure later and put the Broncos helmet on her head.
    The annual event occurred Thursday. Animals at the zoo have correctly predicted the Super Bowl winner eight straight years.
    This was Tuah’s first time handling the duties. His dad picked seven straight winners before dying in 2015. A lion stepped in last year while Tuah was a baby and correctly picked the New England Patriots.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Thanks for sharing the zoo story. That was way too funny! Wouldn’t it be hilarious if an animal chose it correctly again? Love it.

  5. Mary H says:

    There is no place like home…….Glad you are back and Sarah is in your sight so your worried heart and mind can have a little more peace and she can be showered with love and care. There is nothing better than snuggling with a pet – I so miss our Greyhound but our cat has truly stepped up to the snuggling and companion duty.

    There are a couple of things in my kitchen I always grab – one is the best size pot that was a gift when I moved into my house where I live now. It is a small version of a Dutch oven – just perfect for cooking for two or a few more. My friend even included a recipe book of soups when she gave me this pot. It is used almost daily. The other is a hand painted coffee mug from my grandson – I think he was 3 when he painted it and I have been known to get it out of the dishwasher and wash it by hand because none other is as good as Ryan’s mug.

    Have a good weekend and go CAROLINA – I will be at a Super Bowl Party – eating more than watching but that is a lot of the fun of this “holiday.”

    • Becky says:


      What a sweet gift that someone gave you a perfectly sized pot along WITH recipes to go in it. Love it. And I had to smile when you said you wash Ryan’s cup, just so you can use it again. THAT is a special gift.

      Enjoy your eating and partying tomorrow night!

  6. Margaret says:

    Becky, Love, love, love. That is what I always absorb when reading your blog! But I wish to address something you had earlier mentioned: “but it’s been a great experience to get to be a part of an educational experience like this and scratch my “classroom itch” just a little.” How that particular blog had touched me, and I am thankful to our Lord that He would arrange something like this for you. You are ever in the palm of His Hands, and He knows better than anyone what you need. I am positive that He can arrange an honorary degree, but it is the college “experience” for which I pray. The above is a wonderful answer to prayer!

    • Becky says:


      How very sweet of you to rejoice with me over my classroom experience. I truly loved it and learned so much. The happiest news is that I get to go back and do it again in April! 🙂

      Thanks for your encouraging words.

  7. dmantik says:

    Glad you are back, basking in that wonderful home-ness! Sounds like a profitable time. Hope Sarah is better.
    Love to all ya’all Smiths down yonder! 🙂

    Love, Deb

  8. Dale Tousley says:

    No matter how old your kids are, when they are sick and you are far away, it’s tough. My daughter is 27 and just moved to NC to be closer to us, we were in Florida in December and she called and said she had just had some abnormal medical results and was really upset, we were driving back to NC the next day and it seemed like forever to get home! Hope Sarah is feeling better soon and sorry to say, but Go Broncos, love Peyton Manning….though I better keep quiet about that here in Raleigh!

    • Becky says:


      I know that ride back to NC was the longest ever, knowing your daughter needed you. You’re right–they never get too old to not need mama!

      My dear childhood friend lives in Denver and so she is cheering for the Broncos. And since I’m “letting” her do it, I guess we’ll let you do it, too! But like you said, just don’t do it too loudly in Raleigh. 🙂

  9. beckylp says:

    hope that Sarah is feeling better and I hope the Panthers win since we are supposed to be for our home state boys. I know nothing about sports either. Glad you had a safe trip

    • Becky says:


      Sarah is about the same but at least she has her mama here with her now! 🙂

      I am not a sports fan (won’t even watch the game) but it is nice to see NC represented in the Super Bowl. Hooray!

  10. Jan Reuther says:

    I hope Sarah is all better by now. I’ve always been amazed that anyone could say, “It’s just a cold,” when we all know how truly lousy it feels to have one!

    Neat-O table for Ken’s birthday! I honestly had no idea who’s playing in the Super Bowl until I read your post…so now I’m half-way to knowing. As for caring? Not so much.

    That church is amazing! And you’re amazing, too, Becky…for sitting in your seat for all those hours.

    • Becky says:


      Well, that is obviously one of the benefits of reading Smithellaneous. You get to discover one half of the Super Bowl participants and end of feeling pretty knowledgeable!

      And I’m like you. I don’t really care either. 🙂

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Sorry Becky, but I’m a Colorado girl (born and raised there) and a huge Denver Bronco fan! Go Broncos!!! 🙂

    I love to take trips, etc. but it’s always so good to get back. There is no place like home!

    I hope Sarah is feeling better by now.
    Happy Friday!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I don’t mind you cheering for the Broncos since I have a dear friend who lives in Denver and she will be cheering her head off for them! 🙂 Enjoy watching the game; I’m sure it will be a good one!

  12. Becky says:


    You can tell how “up” I am on sports! 🙂 Thanks for letting me know; I’ll go back in the post and change it.

    Hopefully we will have a victory to celebrate Sunday night.

  13. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    It is actually their second time in the superbowl… they were in it in 2004 but lost to the patriots, here’s hoping they can pull it off this time!! 🙂 Hope Sarah is feeling better now… Love all your pictures and stories!! Keep them coming!!

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