Card Shower. Graduation Plans. Garden Shots.

May 7, 2014

I got an email a few days ago from Jodi, a long time reader and all around really nice person. She suggested the following idea:

Is there a way that we can have a graduation card shower for Sarah’s big day on June 14?  With the high number of readers you have, it sure would be amazing to shower her with as many cards as possible to celebrate the special  and amazing (in so many ways) day!

It sure would be cool if at least one from each state arrived. Even better, how many countries could be represented?

Jodi, that is a very sweet idea; thank you!  And I agree that it would be fun to see how many places the cards come from.

Address for cards:

Sarah Smith
127 Raleigh Wood Dr. 
Manteo, NC 27954  

Speaking of Sarah, she was so excited yesterday when she got her highest AP Class score of her entire High School career. She got it in English which made it a double joy, since that is her all time favorite subject. She was also asked by the principal to speak at a banquet next week that is being held for about 15 graduating seniors and their families so she’s really excited about doing that. 

She and I are in the throes of choosing photos for her graduation slide show to be shown at our church’s Graduation Sunday and I’m starting to think about plans for her graduation party. (I’m not a very good party planner so I’m stressing out over that just a bit.)

Nathan, Meagan, and Noah, along with Steve’s parent’s, my mom, my sister and brother-in-law and my nephew are all making plans to drive/fly here from Charlotte, Wisconsin and Florida. We will have a house full of Sarah Celebrators and are so looking forward to it. Happily, my brother-in-law, Randy, will preach the Sunday morning they’re in town which will give Steve a nice break.

I can just feel the graduation pace picking up, going faster and faster. And all the while I’m digging in my heels, scraping my fingernails along the pavement and yelling, “Nooooooo . . . !”

It just can’t be possible that we’re at this place in life already. A married son and daughter-in-law. A grandson. A daughter about to graduate from High School. College plans.


So. In order to take my mind off these quickly changing seasons of life, I’ll leave you with a few glimpses of changing seasons of another kind. I took these outside the Elizabethan Gardens here in Manteo.

This is a little path that wanders through the woods behind the gardens.


I thought this plaque was interesting.


And here is the entry way to the gardens themselves. (I was too cheap to actually pay the entrance fee although at some point in my life, I do actually need  take the whole tour.) 

This little area is where some of Sarah’s graduation photos will be taken tomorrow night.

















I do hope that springtime is popping out wherever you are!  Sending warm thoughts your way today from the loveliness of Manteo!

22 comments so far.

22 responses to “Card Shower. Graduation Plans. Garden Shots.”

  1. cath young says:

    New York is still cold, gray, wet and dreary, but the trees have blossomed, nonetheless. Still, I enjoy the photos of a area so much more in bloom. My husband and son were in your neck of the woods, (state, really) and said it was gorgeous there. He’s looking at some colleges now.

    Took his AP English exam just today, my son did, and won’t get the results likely until July. How on earth is Sarah getting hers so quickly? Thought they were nationalized.

    Can’t believe your sweet girl is college bound already. And my baby next year.

    • Becky says:


      Oops. I didn’t write that correctly about her AP grade. What I should have written was that she got her highest REGULAR test score that she’s ever had in an AP class. Like your son, she took the official AP finals this week (yesterday, actually) and won’t get that final grade for a little while yet.

      It’s exciting days to have college bound kids!

  2. Mrs. Pam says:

    I’ve already got my card picked out… what a fun way to honor the graduate!
    What month does the school year start in Manteo? My school district’s graduation is May 13th (the kids start about the middle of August)… I much prefer starting after Labor Day, and having summer actually being time for a vacation.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      We start the third week of August. It does seem like summers have shrunk a little since I was a kid!

  3. Courtney Hurd says:

    My dear Becky, I am a party planner. These people haven’t figured out yet that they pay me a salary to plan parties and love on people. Pretty fantastic! If I can do anything to help ease your anxiety, please let me know. I know it will be a special family time making magical memories and taking lots of photographs! Can’t wait to “see” everyone!

    I would like to hop on the gift card train too. Looking forward to showering Sarah with love from near and far!


    • Becky says:


      I love knowing people who have found what they are gifted at and find joy from and then are able to make a living at it. That is inspiring.

      So. Why don’t you just clear your calendar and move to Manteo for the next four weeks and plan my party?? Seriously though, If you have ideas or tips, I would love to hear them. I am absolutely clueless.

  4. Jenna Hoff says:

    What a lovely garden; I am particularly drawn to beautiful gardens and lush greenery. It will make a gorgeous background for Sarah’s photos. Despite getting snow all weekend and in to Monday, spring is slowly making an appearance in my lil part of the world. Already the snow has melted, there are robins everywhere and the grass is getting greener by the day. I even saw my first outdoor flowers of the spring yesterday! ! It is still too risky to plant my garden (after Victoria day on the third weekend in May is usually when it is considered safe to plant without the risk of overnight frost). I have to keep restraining myself from running to the garden centre to buy some seedlings early!!

    I really like the idea of showering Sarah with cards. I will send one and it will be interesting to hear where she gets cards from. I also really liked Tiffany H’s idea of sending her a gift card. If Sarah is open to this this, I would really like buy her a special book about writing of her choice. It will be a gift from one happily introverted, quiet, lover of both writing and reading to another. As a fellow writer I believe Sarah has the potential to go far with her writing and has the needed writing skills, imagination, drive/ dedication and a unique view of the world. I’m guessing postage for mailing a book will be expensive, but if Sarah is interested in letting me buy her a book I can either order it off Amazon or Chapters online and have it shipped directly to your house or send her a gift card to a bookstore of her choosing. Or she can go pick out a book from a book store I can include a cheque for the amount in her card. Any book is fine- my one stipulation is I’d really like it to be a book that would be helpful in further developing her writing be it a book about writing an article for a magazine; character development for the novel she is writing; grammar or sentence structure, a thesaurus, or any book she’d find useful!

    Congratulations Sarah on graduating! You have many adventures coming your way as you move into adulthood. Know that God has a plan for your life and loves you very much.


    • Becky says:


      You just got more SNOW? Oh my. As I type this, I am looking out over verdant green lawn, and flowering blooms and I am thinking of you sweet Canadian people still dealing with the remnants of winter. Glad to hear a LITTLE green grass is poking out!

      What a very lovely idea to get Sarah a book on writing; she would absolutely adore that! However, you want to do it is fine with us. It might be more special if you chose it yourself, though, especially if you have a favorite.

      Thanks for your thoughtfulness!

      • jenna hoff says:

        Hi Becky,
        Your lawn and blooms sounds beautiful! The weather here can be pretty dramatically different- this year it was still snowing last weekend, the temperatures at night still dip blowing freezing, and buds are just begging to appear. However, this time last year we had record heat and the temperature was plus 31 (I think in the 80’s Fahrenheit) and I was planting my garden! We have a saying here that if you don’t like the weather, just give it an hour! Over the memory of my lifetime, we’ve had snow every month but July (and there has been snow in July in other parts of the province). At the same time, there have been a few Christmases where we still haven’t had snow and during the summer it gets pretty hot. It’s fun to have such dramatic seasonal changes.

        Also, to let you know, I have placed an order through Amazon. I picked a book on writing fiction that I haven’t read- but the description sounded pretty interesting and I thought Sarah might like it. I hope she does- I really want to encourage her in her writing. It should ship within the next 3-5 days; if it doesn’t arrive will you please let me know and I will look into it?
        Have a great day! Congratulations Sarah on graduating! Enjoy all the partying and family times!
        Jena Hoff

  5. Linda says:

    Sarah . . . you are an absolutely amazing young woman with your future opening its arms wide in a welcoming embrace! Congratulations on your AP English and your graduation! You are an inspiration to many!

    Linda in Pittsburgh

  6. Amy N says:

    Where were those pictures with the building in it taken it is gorgeous?

    • Becky says:


      That building is the entrance to the Elizabethan Gardens. So lovely, isn’t it?

      • Amy N says:

        Yes absolutely gorgeous. Totally agree with Mary H about the botanical gardens in St Louis my sister lives very close to there so I try to visit when I am up there.

  7. TiffanyH says:

    Becky… check pinterest for party ideas… I have found lots of great things that are simple and inexpensive and done for all my girls birthday and stuff… I know there are lots of good ideas out there, I have seen some from some of my friends who have kids graduating too… 🙂 I am going to send Sarah a card… is there any place special that she would like a gift card from? I don’t want to get one to a store that is not that close to you guys… but she definitely deserves big congratulations for the AP English… I took that my senior year, and it was by far the most difficult course I had in high school,… including AP Biology, AP US HIstory, and Calculus!!! Go Sarah!!

    • Becky says:


      I do look around on Pinterest a bit but can get quickly overwhelmed by the really fabulous events that people manage to pull off. I will take another peak at it and see what I can glean.

      Sarah loves iTunes cards and Amazon cards; there is also a Belk and TJ Maxx nearby and she loves clothes! 🙂 You are so sweet.

      You must be very smart to have taken all those AP courses. Wow! Sorry has taken a couple and they have been a handful.

  8. Liz says:

    Congratulations to Sarah for many things, but particularly for the AP English success! Sounds like graduation will be a wonderful family time, as it should be. Hope you can enjoy it all.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we’re looking forward to having the family here; I will definitely be doing some big time enjoying!

  9. Mary H says:

    Perfect idea, Jodi!! I can’t wait to send a card and see the results. Sarah deserves every shower of celebration and praise and glory that can be mustered up. Becky, your party plans will be perfect because you know her best and just plan what she would enjoy. You can add some very special touches in decorations or placecards or centerpieces that are truly unique to Sarah. Relax, you have so much more talent in these areas than you realize. Your photos framed and placed around the celebration area would be a wonderful touch also. Sarah loves the simple joys in life – so make her celebration glorious and fun but Simply Sarah!

    The gardens you photographed look very much like our beloved Missouri Botanical Gardens. If you are ever in St. Louis, it is a must stop. I rarely can afford the entrance fee for these Gardens but my sister is a member and she treats me often. I can’t wait to see Sarah’s photos.

    Relax, enjoy, celebrate the changing season, but I completely understand the reluctance to do so.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your encouraging words about the party. And I loved your line, “Simply Sarah.”

      Glad you have a sister who is generous AND a fellow garden lover. Enjoy!

  10. Tammy says:

    I’m so excited for you all! Sarah is an amazing girl that has amazing parents that have instilled all that “amazing-ness”! Let me know if I can help… you all!!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your offer of help–I may take you up on it after I melt into a little overwhelmed puddle. 🙂

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