Brother. Sister. Photobomb. (And The Card Report)

June 23, 2014

It’s always gratifying to me when I get to see the original Smith Sibs together.  


They love each other so dearly and although they only get to see each other two or three times a year, that sibling connection never wavers. Also, Sarah is so very happy that her brother (with the teeniest bit of help from Meagan) made her into an aunt.


And speaking of Meagan, here she is!    Lovely inside and out.06-DSC_3958

Pictorial Detour Alert:  I always think it’s fun to see pulled back shots in order to show what’s really going on.


Here’s another close up . . .03-DSC_3940

and another pull back.


I love the fact that Steve’s dad is craning his neck to see what kind of small aircraft is flying over. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen Steve do that very same thing.

A Few More Smith Sib Pix

These were taken at Sarah’s graduation party by my nephew Caleb.  (Good job, Caleb!)

I like how Nathan and Sarah started out all calm and serene . . .09-DSC_3603

and then gradually . . .


started getting a teeny bit more . . .




The following photos are of just Nathan but I’ll include them anyway because I like them.  (And I really, really like him!)



And finally . . .

 A shot of the Non Posed Sibs.


A shot of the Posed Sib and the Photobombing Sib.


And a shot of the Posed Sib and the Photobombing Sib and the Posed Sib’s Nephew.


Good times!

Let me close out by posting what Nathan wrote to Sarah on Facebook the day before she graduated:  “So proud and blessed to be with my sister, Sarah,on her graduation day tomorrow. What challenges she has overcome and what a woman she is becoming. Watch out world!!”



A couple of readers had asked about the results of the Graduation Card Shower. Sarah got cards from about twenty states and three countries–Canada, Australia and Germany. She had so much fun going to the mailbox each day.


 Thanks to ALL of you for making her graduation so special!

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Brother. Sister. Photobomb. (And The Card Report)”

  1. Jodi says:

    Love the pics! I’m so glad the card shower was successful! I hope mine made it among the ones from the US! The mail here is so bad that things are RTS for no reason at least once a week! Also, things that should take just 2 days to get here, take 12-14! Recently, a letter was returned to my MD stamped “address doesn’t exist (or something like that)!” The MD used my exact addy & it was correct! She resent it the exact same way & arrived w/ no problem! She included the envelope that was returned & I took it w/ the one that made it here to my USPS & asked the Post Master to explain? It didn’t go well! That’s why I asked if mine card was received!

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics of your family w/ all of us! Did everyone make it home okay?

    MeagaNate (I’m pretty sure you read the Blog) you have one BEAUTIFUL “Little Man!” Thanks for sharing him w/ all of us!

    Love, Jodi

    • Jodi says:


      I was going through some books today & came across Chicken Soup for the Soul-The Cancer book (pg. 41 specifically)! With Sarah graduating last week, I thought the timing was perfect! Sarah definitely has enough steam for all of us & then some! Take care! <3, Jodi

      • Becky says:


        How fun that you would find that book this week. I was so pleased we were able to share her story with all of the Chicken Soup readers out there!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, your card DID arrive safe and sound! How frustrating to have such poor mail service where you live . . . I’m so glad Sarah’s card made the journey successfully.

      And yes, MegaNate DO read here so they’ll see your comment about their beautiful Little Man. He really is quite the charmer. Can’t wait till he starts talking and recognizing people. That’s when the fun begins. 🙂

  2. Mary H says:

    One more card still to come. I have been searching for an appropriate enclosure but just have not found it yet! Love the photos. What fun to have everyone together. Wish all our kids could always be geographically close to all they love and all who love them. That must be what Heaven is all about!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it would most certainly be heavenly to have all the people we love nearby!

      Don’t worry about the delay in getting your card sent; it’s always fun when a few things trickle in after the occasion–it helps to spread it out a little more.

  3. Kim says:

    Love your family…and I love having a peek into your exciting family time together!!

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