Bravo and Blessings.

April 11, 2016

If you are a long time reader of Smithellaneous you will remember the name, Victoria. She and Sarah met when they were just three years old.



Three years after their first meeting, Sarah was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, ushering in a whole new season of their friendship.

This photo (with Victoria and her mom, Crystal) was taken at Brenner Children’s Hospital shortly after Sarah was diagnosed. Crystal and Victoria were frequent visitors when Sarah was in the hospital.


They were there to celebrate Sarah’s seventh birthday with her in the hospital room where Sarah, as a special treat, got to be unhooked from her medicine pole for the evening.


Sarah’s comment about Victoria and that period of her life was this:

“When I got cancer, Victoria never treated me any differently from when I didn’t have it. She treated me just like a regular kid and I will never forget that.”



7-With Victoria at C-mas

When Sarah was hospitalized at Duke for a month while having her transplant,  Crystal and Victoria drove the two hours to the hospital several times so the girls could hang out. Victoria learned all about the precautions that had to be followed on the transplant floor, especially in the playroom where so many sick children gathered. Hand washing and masks were the order of the day.


Victoria didn’t allow anything to keep her from hanging out with her friend.


When Sarah’s treatment was finally finished, the friendship continued to blossom, finally unencumbered by the ever-looming spectre of cancer that had hung over it for so long.




When the girls were about nine years old, our family moved away and so Sarah and Victoria weren’t able to see each other as much. But we still manage to fit in a couple visits a year.



Victoria came to Manteo for Sarah’s 16th birthday party which we celebrated with two other sweet friends of Sarah’s, Hope and Taylor. 




Four years passed with just one brief inserted between the changing seasons of the girls’ lives.

And then last December, Victoria posted this photo . . .


and these words on Sarah’s FB page.

Dearest Sarah, around this time 17 years ago we met each other for the very first time. You are and always will be my kindred spirit. I know we don’t talk much anymore, but I want you to know that I think you’re the bravest, truest, most beautiful person I know and I’ll always treasure the sweet memories we’ve made together. I hope you have an amazing Christmas and that we can maybe see each other sometime soon!

It wasn’t long after that when Victoria’s mom, Crystal, and I got to talking and decided that  we were all overdue for a get-together. And so last Saturday, with quite a bit of planning and traveling on all sides, we finally made it happen!

Here are the girls at twenty years old–seventeen years after they said their first hello.1-IMG_2618

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Still crazy after all these years!

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An added benefit of the day was that I got to see Crystal again.  She is a dear friend who I don’t get so to see often enough.


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Out of all the pictures I’ve shared today, this one is my favorite.


And just why is it my favorite?

It’s because the lovely little girl who so adroitly flushed the line of her little friend has turned into this lovely young woman who is currently at UNCC studying to enter the field of medicine.  


To give you a little more insight into what all Victoria is doing, I’ll share with you an excerpt from something her mom wrote. It’s an encouragement to other home school moms to let them know that home schooled kids can excel in their fields of study: 

Victoria is wrapping up her junior year of college as a biology major in the Pre-Med program at UNCC. She has been selected for another summer internship program for her field of study this year. Her hard work last year opened doors for speaking and writing opportunities for two major medical conferences. Her medical research last summer, on an obesity related surgery, is being published this year in the American Surgeon journal. Nothing short of amazing to this home school mom.


Remember that comment that Sarah made about Victoria treating her like “a regular kid” even when she was so sick?  Well, that just goes to show that Victoria doesn’t just have the head for medicine, she has the heart for medicine, as well.

A part of me can’t help but hope that Victoria might have developed a small part of that heart by faithfully hanging out with her bald, skinny, frail friend all those years ago–putting on the masks, scrubbing her hands, walking hospital halls, pushing Sarah’s pole, seeing all the doctors and nurses coming in and out of Sarah’s room.

Her eyes and her heart took it all in and I know that the impact of those memories will always be a part of whatever she does in the field of medicine in the years to come.

So in closing, here is to two girls and to the seventeen years of friendship they have shared.

Bravo and blessings to them both.




50 comments so far.

50 responses to “Bravo and Blessings.”

  1. Lizz says:

    This has now become one of my very favorite posts of yours ever! I’ve been a round for a long while and I feel blessed to have been able to watch not only Sarah’s journey but also the journey of this beautifully wonderful friendship. If everyone had this type of friendship I truly believe this world would be a much more awesome place! God is so good! Now I’m in tears. 😀

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah and Victoria truly have a special friendship. It is been a joy to them to have it and a joy for me to watch it! So glad reading about it brought joy to you, too. 🙂

  2. Jennifer says:

    What a beautiful friendship. Becky, in some of the pictures, your eyes are so sad and, understandably so. What a blessing to be years down the road with happiness, health and friendship.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I remember that sadness so well, that terrible feeling of not knowing if my daughter would still be alive in 6 months.

      As you said, it is an incredible blessing to be years down the road now, and celebrating Sarah’s good health every single day.

  3. Mary H says:

    I remember all the stories about Victoria. They are so blessed to have each other and both are stunningly beautiful women, inside and out. I can’t help but believe that Victoria’s path in life was “chosen” for her when she was only three years old. God knew they would need each other, in such different ways, and made sure this friendship was formed and solid and will last forever. Congratulations to both of these young women. The world is already better for what you have done but I can’t imagine the wonders in your futures. I think Victoria’s description of Sarah in her post was the most perfect I have ever read. Only a true, devoted, loving and appreciative friend could have phrased it that way.

    I always told my daughters that the best things in life are a loving family, a very special good friend and a pet. With those three, you will have all the unconditional, true love you will ever need to see you through.

  4. Mel says:

    What a couple of amazing girls. I don’t doubt for a moment that being around Sarah when she was so sick has helped shape Victoria into the incredible girl she has become.

    • Becky says:


      Sickness has a way of not just changing the person who is sick but all the people who love him or her. That was certainly true of all of us who have loved Sarah over the years.

  5. Jan Reuther says:

    I have always thought that Victoria was a truly beautiful child. Well, no wonder, since that beauty goes all the way through her to the other side! I’ve also marveled at her loyalty to Sarah through the years, and at her ability to visit a friend in the hospital, regardless of that friend’s condition. (And I’ve also marveled at Crystal and all the miles she’s driven to help continue the girls’ friendship.)

    My best wishes to Victoria as she continues on her way to her goal.

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right. A lot of young children would have been very hesitant about going to a scary place like a hospital and seeing so many seriously sick children. Victoria never blinked. Just showed up over and over again.

      And I agree wholeheartedly about Crystal’s commitment as well; Victoria wouldn’t have been able to do all she did for Sarah without Crystal’s dedication to the cause. Some truly special folks.

  6. ;’-) Happy Tears

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    How beautiful this friendship is.

  8. SueEllen W. says:

    Such a sweet, sweet post!

  9. Verna Smith says:

    A tear filled post! Thankful for these young women and their beautiful friendship! I remember seeing them together many times and feeling they were one heart in whatever Sarah was going through. Especially during Sarah’s treatments and therapies, Victoria put a smile on Sarah’s face which made it all bearable. Blessings to both!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, you definitely had a front row seat on their friendship, didn’t you? 🙂 Victoria certainly did help Sarah smile many, many times.

  10. Phyllis says:

    Bravo for Victoria indeed! I remember seeing the pictures of her and Sarah through the years. So glad that they were able to get together again. Sounds like she truly has the heart and the head to be a doctor. I wish her luck in whatever specialty she decides to pursue.

    • Becky says:


      I knew it would be fun for some of my long term readers like you to see where Victoria has ended up after all those years of seeing the growing up pictures.

  11. Margie says:

    I thought about Victiria not too long ago. So glad the girls have kept up their friendship & got to spend some time together.

    • Becky says:


      How lovely to know you thought about Victoria recently. And even more lovely for you that she popped up on a blog post!

  12. Guerrina says:

    How precious are lifetime friendships! God’s blessings on both of these young women!

    • Becky says:


      Lifetime friendships are truly rare and precious. Three years old is really, really young to start a friendship but what a blessing it is as the years go by.

  13. Thank you so much Becky! This post made me tear up. Sarah’s experience definitely sparked something inside of me that led me to chose the career path I did. I’m so very thankful for your family and for my friendship with Sarah that has blossomed over the years! Here’s the 17+ more years of friendship! <3

    • Becky says:


      So happy that you enjoyed the post and that it was so meaningful to you. Can’t wait to see the future paths God has for you both.

  14. Angela says:

    May God bless both those beautiful (inside and out) young ladies with a lifetime of friendship and wonderful memories!

    • Becky says:


      They truly are lovely inside and out, aren’t they? And your phrase, “lifetime of friendship” is truly beautiful.

  15. AnnO. says:

    Two beautiful girls!!! And two beautiful moms!!! Bravo to the moms for making sure visits continued, even with more miles between y’all!!! I have loved reading about this friendship over the years. So good to get an update on Victoria!!! And to see these great friends together again!!!

    • Becky says:


      I know. It’s fun to get to “catch up” with someone who you’ve known about for years and years. I knew my readers would enjoy this chance to get reacquainted with Victoria.

  16. Wendy says:

    What a great post about the girls friendship! Amazing love is there! Gave me tears reading it.

  17. angela says:

    PRECIOUS post! Sarah’s story and her very LIFE gives so much encouragement to all of us. What a sweet sweet friendship!

  18. Ann Martin says:

    Beautiful story. Both are beautiful young ladies. God’s blessings and guidance on both lives. Thank you for sharing.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that is my prayer as they both get into this next decade of their lives–for God’s blessing and guidance in every step.

  19. Lesley says:

    So wonderful about Victoria. So glad they have been able to keep in touch. With some very precious few people in our lives, it is possible to pick up right where we left off, no matter how long it’s been. Hoping this will remain so for Sarah and Victoria throughout their lives.

    • Becky says:


      That is the best kind to have–the “picking up where you left off” kind of friendship. It’s so funny how you can do that with some people but not others. As you said, it’s the “precious few” that are like that.

  20. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Thank you Victoria for being a REAL friend. No matter what, you were there for Sarah – that’s what friendship is. Sarah, you are blessed to have such a friend. Not many can say that!

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right. True friends are the ones who stick around in the worst of times and Victoria has certainly earned that distinction.

  21. mrs pam says:

    BFF… that’s for sure!
    or maybe it should be BBFF: Beautiful Best Friends Forever!

  22. Nicole says:

    Wonderful story of two girls…and wonderful how Victoria treated Sarah as a “normal” girl during that time…so many people would not do that. I love it when parents teach their children that illness or disability should be treated as normal and not as scary….hope that makes sense! It helps these kids deal with life when they get older.

    • Becky says:


      Hear, hear! I completely agree that parents need to be very intentional about teaching their children to treat EVERYONE equally, regardless of illness or disability. That’s one of the things that makes kids into fantastic adults.

  23. LeeAnne says:

    Bravo indeed, Victoria! You are a perfect example of what a true friend is and I pray that you continue to excel and that you go far in your chosen career someday. Sarah is so blessed to be able to call you ‘friend’. Even though you are both on different paths, I know that your friendship will last a lifetime, no matter where you are or how long it is between visits. 🙂

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      That’s a great thing about friendship isn’t it? Career and life paths may diverge wildly but that doesn’t mean the friendship has to suffer because of it. Many times, those things can make a friendship stronger!

  24. beckylp says:

    such a blessing that God put into Sarah & Victoria’s life- their friendship. And I think they still look like baby dolls. Both are smart and beautiful – inside and out

  25. Steve says:

    Great post about wonderful friends.

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