Brain Stretchiness

January 16, 2012

 In about seven weeks, I will turn fifty.  

Which is fine.  Iā€™m good with that.  (Especially when I consider the alternative.)

However, Iā€™m not wholly convinced that almost-fifty-year-old brains are designed to deal with the sort of brain stretchiness that mine has been subjected to over the past eight days while living through The Great Blog Transplant of 2012.

Trust me when I say that  I have used more brain cells in the past eight days than I utilized during my entire year of ninth grade Algebra.   

Case in point:

I just got off the phone with tech support at my Smithellaneous Classic blog host.  I spoke with a young guy who used terms and words and abbreviations that made my eyes cross and my cranium emit clouds of steam.  I struggled frantically in my efforts to process the Great Meaning that was hidden behind his mysterious vernacular.

Thankfully, his mama had raised him right because not once did he let even one teeny bit of impatience creep into his voice as I warbled tentatively through my questions, trying to clarify what he was saying while attempting not to sound too frightfully ignorant of all things technical.  He was so patient in fact, that when we hung up, I immediately wrote an email to his supervisor to tell him just how courteous his tech guy had been.  (Because I am a firm believer in speaking up when things go right in customer service, not just when they go wrong.)

So.  Here are the things my stretchy brain and I are working on today.    

At present,  no one is able to access the old blog which I have dubbed Smithellaneous Classic.  Happily, though, the guy on the phone said he thinks he found the problem and he fixed it on his end; however, he said it would take up to 24-hours for the change to take effect and for the old blog to become accessible once more.

The other brain-stretching issue I’m working on is The Case Of The Mysteriously Disappearing Posts. Yesterday when I logged into Smithellaneous, I was startled, surprised and somewhat dismayed to see that most of the posts I had written last week were no longer showing up.  They are still visible in the “inner workings” part of the blog but it seems that they have mutinied among themselves and are refusing to show up in their assigned spots.  (Maybe they’re wanting a pay raise?  Better benefits?  Who knows?)

So that is the issue on the table right now.  I’ve contacted a couple different people for answers and I hope to have some wise, already-stretched brains coming up with an answer soon.

And speaking of wise and brainy people, I just want to say that this whole blog transfer would never have been possible without the amazingly patient and vastly knowledgeable Stephen Uchacz, a guy who is part of the same blogging community as I am.  He has answered countless emails from me and spent over two hours Skyping with me and showing me all the ins and outs of my new blogging platform.  

Stephen has been the very picture of patience as I have gone through long lists of semi-ignorant questions and asked him to re-explain certain things over and over (and over) again until my overloaded brain halfway understood what he was saying.  I am so grateful for people like him who not only have a lot of knowledge but are willing to generously share it.  If you would, help me say thanks to Stephen by stopping by his blog today.

Christine, another member of the same blogging community, has also generously shared her time and knowledge with me on some other technical issues.   I am blessed to have these people in my life!

Thanks again for your patience as I make this move.  I got to thinking that whenever I have moved from one house to another, things always got a bit messy and the same thing is true for blogs. Eventually, though, everything gets put away and squared away and the house becomes a home. I know that this new blog home will be the same way.

Edited to add:  Just as I was finishing this post bewailing all of my unsolved, brain-stretching issues, I got an email from Stephen saying he had restored the missing posts AND I went to (which is the permanent address for the old site) and it showed up perfectly.  Two problems solved in 10 seconds. I just love days like this!

However, rather than erase the whole (suddenly irrelevant) post above, I’m going to leave it there so that you can stop whatever you’re doing and observe 30 seconds of silence in honor of my ever increasingly, stretchy brain.   

And finally,  just because I have a hard time writing a post without a picture, here is an interesting image for you to contemplate which I’ll be writing about soon.   (I know you can’t wait.)

microwave 034

29 comments so far.

29 responses to “Brain Stretchiness”

  1. nancy irving says:

    I meant to ask you, how is the convection part of the microwave, I’ve never used one before but have heard good things about them.

    • Becky says:

      Nancy, I haven’t used the convection part of it much yet since I haven’t had time to sit down and read the instructions; Steve reheated some pizza yesterday with the convection though, and said it did great. I’m excited about learning to use it, especially being able to do stuff like bake potatoes in a hurry.

  2. Cindy says:

    Dear Becky,

    Not sure if anyone else has commented but I find the new Blog hard to read, the gray background is washed out and the Black Print is not dark? Anyone else have this problem? I will agree the new blog is getting better and better everyday.

    another Cindy!

    • Becky says:

      Cindy, thanks for your encouragement about the blog getting better and better; I really appreciate it!

      As for the font color issue, I spent some time this morning (after reading your comment) working on some settings and I tried to make the post font color as black as it would go. Have you noticed any difference or is it still hard to read?

  3. Becky, your brain is far, far stretchier than you give it credit! And the zest for life and honesty and joy that you share with so many here is worth more than any questions I could answer…I’m honored to have been able to help you move, and I will continue to help with unpacking boxes as long as you need it. Thanks for the shout-out!

    Now, installing a new microwave….that’s a whole different level of love!

    • Becky says:

      Christine, thanks for your encouragement; it means a lot coming from a cool gal like you! I may just call for help with a few more unpacking questions if my “stretchy” brain gets overwhelmed. (Oh, and you’re more than welcome for the shout-out. I love spreading the love.)

    • Becky says:

      Christine, thanks for your encouragement; it means a lot coming from a cool gal like you! I may just call for help with a few more unpacking questions if my “stretchy” brain gets overwhelmed. (Oh, and you’re more than welcome for the shout-out. I love spreading the love.)

  4. Sueg says:

    Is it a mere coincidence that there is an ad for mental health counseling on your blog? Does the great Santini the Blog Genie read your blog and determine which types of ads to place here? Just kidding, of course, although you declare the loss of your sanity during this process, those of us readers who know you and love you know that you are not only up to this task, but that you are also a master at mastering anything you are determined to learn.

    So, have fun with it all. I think the style is great here and the feedback is positive…so that tells me it is and was worth all the hassle. Now just settle in and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

  5. Lesley says:

    The Great Blog Transplant of 2012. I love that phrase. Made me laugh right out loud!

  6. sheri says:

    Hi There, Just wanted to leave a comment on the new comment portion of the new and improved “Smithellaneous”! Enjoying it much. AND if Steve doesn’t already have a copy of your new picture on his desk he should obtain one, post haste. LOL

    • Becky says:

      Sheri, always good to hear from my bloggin’ buddy, sorta relative! šŸ™‚ Glad you’re enjoying the new permutation of Smithellaneous!

  7. Cath Young says:

    I really admire you in making the change. I’m having trouble just transitioning to reading the new blog! My first impression of that photo was that it was you blog tech working on the transitions of your blog!

  8. nancy irving says:

    looks to me like steve is deinstalling/installing a new range hood.

    • Becky says:

      Nancy, you’re definitely in the right ballpark.

      • Nancy Irving says:

        Just remembered, a convection oven!!!!!!!!

        • nancy irving says:

          By the way, i love that we can comment and actually have a conversation, as you have probably noticed i comment all the time now šŸ™‚ (which could be good or bad). After all the years that I have read your blog and felt a part of your lives, I really feel that there is a connection now, not just a me reading your blog connection šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

          • Becky says:

            Nancy, I’m delighted that you love the new commenting system; I do, too! For all the years I’ve been blogging I’ve always thought, I would love to have conversations with my readers and provide a place for them to have conversations with each other. And now we can! So comment all you like. šŸ™‚

        • Becky says:

          Nancy, you’re on it!

  9. Maranatha says:

    Glad to see you solved the problem of the font size. It is much easier to read. Thanks, Becky.

  10. Trine says:

    I can already say one thing and that is I prefer the way it was before the ‘no read more’ version. Wonderful to hear you had your problems solved šŸ™‚ And that you have good people to help you šŸ™‚

    • Becky says:

      Trine, yes, I am definitely blessed with good help from good people. And I am very, very grateful!

      • Gayle says:

        I sort of like the “read more” option because if you’re looking for a specific entry (like a recipe…I’ve tried quite a few of yours) you don’t have to scroll through the entire posts looking for the specific entry. Did that make any sense? šŸ™‚

        • Becky says:

          Gayle, I think I have a plan that will make finding recipes very easy, completely apart from the whole “Read More” issue.

          At the top of the page in the navigation bar there is a tab called Categories. I am either going to include a drop down recipe tab under Categories where all the recipes will be in one place or else make a tab specifically for recipes. Either way, it will make getting to the recipes very quick and easy. (Now I just need to get some recipes included, right?) I might actually even bring some of my favorite ones over here from Smithellanous Classic–something to think about!)

  11. Becky, Sorry for all the issues with both blogs. I bet that is Steve installing a new microwave. I think if it is you won’t have to cook on popcorn like Chlorita and I do at the beach house.


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