College Guy. Dog. Carrots

February 12, 2014

Need a smile today? I’ve pulled out one of my all time favorite, smile-inducing posts.
Really and truly. I love this one.

(I wrote this back when I still didn’t know what that mysterious shutter speed button thingy did so the pictures are a wee bit blurry.)


 Hi. Snowy here.

My big brother, Nathan, is home from college for a few days. Whenever he’s here, the two of us like to hang out together, especially since we now both have distinguished college backgrounds in common. We’re sort of, kind of (but not really) like fraternity brothers.  (Note: Snowy went to dog training school which he likes to refer to as college.)

A lot of times when Nathan comes home, he watches sports on TV and I sit beside him and help him watch. I’m good like that.

Well, one night when he and I were hanging out on the couch, he got up for a second to go to the kitchen. And you’ll never guess what he did!  (Insert excited voice here.)

He left his bag of baby carrots behind!  On the couch!  Right in front of me!


I watched the carrots with extreme concentration since I did not (of course) want them to escape before Nathan returned.  Nathan had put a lot of trust in me and I intended to do my job well. And with great bravery. And also with élan. (Whatever élan is.)


The only problem?  I love baby carrots. And putting me in charge of baby carrots is like asking Butch Cassidy to babysit the bank.  Not such a splendid idea.

From time to time, I glanced at the kitchen door to determine if Nathan was returning. He wasn’t.IMG_1204

So I stealthily belly crawled a little closer to the carrots—just to be sure that they were still safe and everything.


When, oh when, was he going to come back? The temptation was getting to be too much!  Just. Way. Too. Much. 

I figured I’d better take a few steps back so that I could put some distance between the Evil Carrot Temptation and myself.


But then–oh the trauma of it all– I crept forward again and began to ponder just how long it might take my sharp little teeth to tear into that bag.


Finally it was just too much.

“Nathan!” I hollered.  “Get back in here! I can’t take it anymore!”


Nathan returned post haste. And also fast. And also speedy quick.  

He sat himself back down on the couch and started watching the game again, leaving the carrots right smack dab in front of my very own person!  Right in The Danger Zone!  The Temptation Zone!  The Zone of Carrot Wanting-ness Zone!

What’s a doggie to do faced with that level of temptation?


I did the only thing possible.

I admitted I had a problem. I admitted needed help. I admitted my weakness.  

I sidled over to Nathan and said, “Bro, we need to talk–man to man, brother to brother, heart to heart. I’m asking you to please not leave me alone with the carrots any more. The temptation is just too much for my canine soul to handle.”

Nathan listened intently as I poured out my earnest doggie heart. He put into practice all the psychological insight he’s gained during the last four years of college classes.  He delved deep into my psyche and got to the root of why I was so attracted to carrots.  We had bonding time, man. Real (and also genuine) bonding time.


Well!  I felt sure that after sharing such a profound moment together, he would understand what a swell idea it would be to institute a meaningful Sharing of the Carrots Ceremony, a ceremony that would serve to cement the special ambient aura of the moments we had just experienced together.

(Um. Sometimes when I pass gas there is also a special ambient aura but I don’t think we need to get into that right now.  Oh wait. Maybe we just did. Um. Never mind.)

So anyway. After our man to man talk, Nathan picked up the carrots and set them in his lap so that he could  reach them more easily. I watched with great intensity, waiting anxiously for My Boy to spring into some sort of  Impressive and Exciting Action.


And then? He did! But it wasn’t the kind of action I was anticipating.

Nathan ate a carrot. And I watched.

And that was it. Action over.


Then Nathan looked at me with his Patented Teasing Grin and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, Snowy. Did you want a carrot?”


Um. What do you think?


He looked toward the kitchen and hollered, “Mom? Isn’t this funny?  Snowy thinks he wants a carrot.”

I was not amused.


Then Nathan hid the carrots behind me, opened his mouth and said, “But see?  I don’t have any carrots.”


Very funny guy.

By that point, I’d had it. I’d had enough. I’d had enough of his teasing and tomfoolery and I was ready to have myself a stinkin’ carrot, dagnabbit!  (Dagnabbit is the only bad word a pastor’s dog is allowed to say.)

So what did I do? Well. I just cast aside all traces of my Charming Mr. Nice Guy Persona and got right up in Nathan’s grill. I told him a thing or two (or three) about how rude he was being by not offering me a carrot and that I was not going to take it anymore!

I think I intimidated him. Really, really intimidated him.


I mean, just look at that intimidated face!


I didn’t want to overwhelm him too much with further reproving remonstrations so I finally sat back down. But I kept a close eye on him. I didn’t know what was coming next but I wanted to be ready. This was Big Stuff. This was an Important Moment.


And suddenly? Something exciting happened! 

The next thing I knew, Nathan was offering me a carrot!  In his mouth! 

I stood on my hind legs in great shock and astonishment.  (And also, to get a better look at the precise placement of yon carrot.)


Then I backed off, sat down, and pondered the situation for a moment.

Hmmm.  What to do?  What to do? How was I going to efficiently transport that carrot from his mouth to my mouth?


I tilted my head a little the other way, which always helps me to think more clearly.


And then?

I made my decision. I made my move. Stealthy as a cat. Fast as a cougar. Quiet as a, um, quiet animal, I sprang! I lunged! I got to within snatching range of the Desired Carrot-esque Object!


And in one blindingly speedy quick movement, I yanked that carrot right out of Nathan’s mouth!  That carrot never even saw me coming.  I was the Master of that carrot!  


I quickly raced away with my prize in hand–er, mouth–before giving into the delightsome joys of my brother-bestowed carrot stick.


 I love it when my brother comes home from college.

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “College Guy. Dog. Carrots”

  1. Hilarious! My dog would never have that kind of self control. He does love veggies though…

  2. Becki from Coping with the Big C – The Sits Comment Love Challenge

  3. Your dog reminds me of my dog Coco who absolutely loves carrots & does that thing like your dog did crawling slowly near to try & get food thinking I don’t realise what she is doing lol. Coco even tries & takes the rabbit’s carrots & sometimes does lol. My dog loves my brother’s visiting, lovely blog post btw such a beautiful dog you have. 😉

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it funny the way crawl to get near the food? As if crawling is less noticeable than just walking over. Love how dogs think! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  4. Ann says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I am having a day in which smiling does not come easy. Your sweet puppy put a big smile on my face.

  5. Ann says:

    I absolutely love this.

    • Becky says:


      i went to your blog and read why smiles are hard for you right now. You don’t know how happy it makes to know that my post about Snowy and his carrots put a smile on your face, especially on a day when you really needed it.

      Grace to you and your family . . .

  6. Aysh says:

    Aww.. oh this is so cute! I was laughing so loudly. Lol. I want a dog too… I’ll name him anowy too. Aww… beautiful post. Your writing made it more fun, by thw way.

  7. Caitlin says:

    Oh my gosh this post had me laughing out loud! How sweet!

    {Visiting from SITS! We’re in the same comment love tribe!!}


  8. Mrs. Pam says:

    Oh, Snowy did indeed put a smile on my face seeing his adorable face again, and “hearing” his thoughts on the trials and tribulations of acquiring a carrot for the tummy.

  9. What a fun post! It truly brightened my day!

    My husband’s dog had a thing for carrots too, though I don’t think my husband would have shared a carrot with him THAT way, ha ha.

  10. Erica says:

    Adorable!! Such a fun post! #SITSBlogging

  11. Becky, Thanks so much for commenting on my post about George. Now I know your Snowy and your gorgeous son. Your words meant a lot Becky and your post on Snowy was so touching.

  12. Brandi says:

    What a CUTE dog!! <3 #SITSblogging

  13. Kim S says:

    So cute! I don’t remember reading this story before (and I have been a reader for many years!) 🙂 Thanks for putting a smile on face today…love seeing Snowy again! I miss that little guy.

    • Becky says:


      Well, I’m glad I reposted it then because I just read Steve’s comment that HE had never read it, either! 🙂

      I miss Snowy, too. What a character!

  14. Steve says:

    I’ve never read this one. Great fun!

  15. Mary H says:

    Oh, my that was fun! To see those two guys in their younger years, teasing each other, loving each other and showing their great personalities was just what I needed! Thank you. I miss that Snowy Stud Muffin guy so much.

    Becky, I too hope you are feeling better. I ended up with pneumonia. Just had a recheck x-ray and all is well again, I hope, I think. Take care. This winter is a doozy.

    • Becky says:


      Pneumonia? Yikes! NOT a good thing to have and I know all the cold and snow probably made you feel all the more miserable. Glad xray is clear and you’re back on the mend. We’ve missed you around here!

  16. jenna hoff says:

    Cute look back post Becky! How are you feeling this week? I hope your platelet levels are coming up, that your arthritis and copd are not too bad, and that overall you are feeling well. What a great idea to post a look back post. They are fun to read. You have a lot of excellently written prior posts stored up and I imagine it is also a way to pace yourself a bit. That is something I’ve learned in my own journey (which has included health issues) : I need to be really careful to pace myself and listen to the messages my body sends me about whether l am overdoing it. In the long run I am able to do far more when I don’t over push myself in the first place. This would be my advice for anyone with health issues. My other encouragement for you is that you have done so much for so many people, often behind the scenes and have made sacrifices to help others. Where people may not always know everything you have done, God has definitely seen it all. And when your body needs you to take a break, that is absolutely okay. Because it is God working within and through us that changes others (and our) lives. And he is not dependent on our efforts either, but it is an incredible privilege that he chooses to work through us. You have given so much to so many for so long, don’t be afraid to take time like Mary in the Bible, who put her work aside for a while so she could sit at Jesus’ feet for a while. All that said, I hope you are on the mend and feeling well!!

    • Becky says:


      What wonderful (and wise) words of encouragement. Thank you! And how true it is. Taking time “off” is hard for a lot us to do when there are so many people in need.

      I’ll have my platelets checked again next week to see where they’re at and we’ll go from there. This last infusion didn’t seem to help me at all, so not sure what the next plan will be.

      As far as re-using old posts; it’s funny because I always think it will save me some time to “recycle” a post but then I end up editing it and re-writing it and I spend an hour or more on it anyway! Which I guess is a good thing because it means my writing skills have improved since the last time I looked at it, if I see to many changes/improvements that need to be made!

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