Books More Than Boys

April 16, 2014

For the past three days, Sarah’s dear friend, Hope, has been staying with us. 

You may remember Hope from when she was here for Sarah’s 16th birthday along with Victoria (Sarah’s childhood friend, standing to her right) and Taylor. (Sarah’s Manteo bestie.)


Hope also came for a visit just a few days before our beloved Snowy’s passing.


Hope and Sarah always have such a lovely time together. They both love books, reading, writing, and words and they frequently have long discussions about those important subjects.  In fact, the two of them talk about books way more than they talk about boys! 

Another older picture.


Of course, no visit from a friend would be complete without the Mamarazzi showing up with camera in hand. Here are a few shots from this visit.




The previous two photos reminded me of dance pictures from the past.



Back to the present . . .

1-sarah and hope




A few fun edits.









In just a little while, Sarah, Hope and I will hit the road for Clayton, NC  (6 hours, round trip) to take Hope back home. Sarah and I always love a road trip so it should be an enjoyable day–even though spring has decided to vamoose and has left in its wake a blustery, 42 degree day. I do hope it’s warmer where you are!

Today is a good day to be thankful–for the promise of spring, for old friends, for new memories.

17 comments so far.

17 responses to “Books More Than Boys”

  1. Jojy Smith says:

    I wanted to run around the tree with them! How wonderful!!

  2. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Well Bec, I hope you are suddenly zapped by sudden inspiration to bring color and zing to your neglected deck boards; pining away without any hope of supporting solid comfort and good cheer to your forlorn family or gullible guests that wander about such a spacious sanctuary with nary a place to park themselves and ponder awhile. My heart aches to transform a platform of grey to a stunning stage vibrant with glowing life… rugs, plants, flower boxes, flags, shade umbrella, garden art & sculpture, even suspend one of Steve’s old crashed planes from a pole….do something! (Sorry, I am ranting again; porches and I have an affinity that cannot be denied.) Don’t mind me, do what you like and feel good about…I will forgive you, sister. Ruth

    • Becky says:


      You are a hoot! I love how you write long rambly paragraphs just for the joy of stringing interesting words together. You can definitely tell we’re related.

      I agree wholeheartedly that an empty, gray deck is not very welcoming to anyone but I would have no clue even where to begin so I just ignore it and rarely go out there.

      Just consider my deck another reason why you need to come visit us–you can rescue us from our inhospitable space! 🙂

      • Ruth Rehberg says:

        I am sure you have a very inviting home atmosphere everywhere “within”–when “without” –I shall look at the flora and fauna if I ever visit; which may not happen this side of heaven. Amen.

  3. Liz says:

    I hope Sarah and Hope remain lifelong friends. So fun to see how each has matured. Will they possibly end up at the same college?

    • Becky says:


      Hope is going to a Bible College in Greenville, SC and Sarah will be attending the community college here. That’s about 500 miles apart! At least when Hope goes home for holidays and vacations, she will only be three hours from Sarah.

  4. Jenna Hoff says:

    Beautiful girls, beautiful friendship, beautiful memories made. I look forward to reading your blog 10 years from now and seeing the amazing things Sarah and her friends have in their lives in the future. I envision amazing future. Choosing books and friends and family and faith at this time in their lives will serve them well as they move into the adult world.

    Speaking of weather, much of our snow has melted the past few weeks, however the past few days and today it has been snowing again. Booo!! I’m more than ready for green grass, flowers, sunshine, gardening, bbqing, and picnics to make a reappearance! The good news is it is supposed to go up to plus 15 Celsius on Easter Sunday! !!

    • Becky says:


      I am also looking forward to seeing where the two girls’ lives will take them!

      So sorry that snow is still paying you a visit. I can’t imagine how tired of that white stuff you all must be by now. Enjoy your warm-ish Easter!

  5. Linda says:

    Wonderful pictures of the joy of friendship! Two such lovely friends sharing good times and making great memories! Hopefully, the weather will improve for your road trip! Our weather here has been crazy. It was 81 degrees on Sunday and my magnolia tree just started to blossom. It was 28 degrees this morning and the magnolia tree buds and blossoms are beginning to drop 🙁 Enjoy your trip, be safe!

    Linda in Pittsburgh

  6. deb says:

    Beings one sister commented, I figured I should complete the set and comment too! 🙂 There. We three are together again!

    And how about that deck, Bec?! (I thought those two words together were funny) Ruth, you can come decorate my sad little sun porch and then we’ll fly you on out to Manteo (I’m coming too!) to work your magic on the Deck of Beck!

    Loved the pix of the girls–so pretty! Friendship makes life so much better.

    Love deb

    • Becky says:


      Yes, “Beck” and “deck” said in the same sentence really are rather amusing!

      And I’m all for you and Ruth coming down to help work on “Becky’s deck!” We haven’t any good sister time in a long while.

  7. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Is there no deck furniture for lovely ladies to perch upon?? Hit the thrift stores and yard sales and bring some spring time splendor to that deck, Bec! Sitting outside is one of the best gifts in this life, I know you agree and do so too. So, hope to see some pretty porch and deck décor on your southern homestead soon! (Thanks for enduring my porch rant. Can’t live without mine and thank God for it.) Ruth

    • Becky says:


      I am very sorry to admit that the lovely ladies had no lovely places to perch!

      Our deck has two, plastic white tables and one grill and that’s about it. I can never bring myself to spend money on deck furniture; I figure if I want to sit out there for awhile, I’ll drag out a kitchen chair. The only way my deck will ever be spruced up is if you come and do it for me. (As Debbie so helpfully suggested.)

      But seriously, we really should take more advantage of that area; we hardly ever go out there and it’s a shame because it’s rather peaceful and lovely surrounded (mostly) by trees.

      Of course, we could never measure up to that grand view from YOUR deck–all that magnificent rural Wisconsin scenery. Love it!

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