Blue Skies and Golden Hours

November 4, 2013

I had to travel out-of-town for a doctor appointment recently.

I have to say that traveling on a day sprinkled with blue skies and golden hours is no sort of hardship.

And having to stop on a bridge to let a boat go through is no hardship either . . . 


 especially when the scenery is so delightful.


On the way home later that day, the golden hour was making its appearance so I made a quick stop at the riverfront in Plymouth, NC. I have a hard time driving through any given golden hour without stopping.
















 Here’s hoping that amidst the stresses and busyness of this week, somewhere along the way you will experience the peaceful joys of blue skies and golden hours.

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Blue Skies and Golden Hours”

  1. Beautiful post and beautiful photos…looking for some of that peace 🙂

  2. Mary H says:

    I enjoyed the “golden hour” of the day yesterday. Strangely, it was on my commute home from downtown St. Louis. The sky was brilliant with streaks of grey clouds, along with bright yellow, pink and orange clouds and there was a golden glow that you could not miss. The grey clouds seemed to outline or shadow the others. It was stunning. Then I remembered. Yesterday was my dad’s birthday. He obviously had gotten out his oil paints and brushes that evening and had painted me the most beautiful birthday hello from Heaven. That was definitely my Dad’s style of painting the sky! Thanks, Dad. Miss you. Love you.

    • Becky says:


      So happy you were able to experience nature, grandeur, beauty, and sweet memories of your dad–all in one drive home. So lovely to read about.

  3. Renee says:

    Thanks. I needed that.

  4. Melanie says:

    Love “traveling” with you! Beautiful pictures Becky!

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