Blogging With(Out) Stress

June 5, 2020


Ok. I feel better now.

This has been a bit of a frustrating week on the technical side of blogging.

It started with Monday’s post where I absentmindedly hit “Publish” before adding a title or a featured photo. (The featured photo is the one that appears at the top of each post.) 

That meant that when all my email subscribers got their regular notification, it didn’t look like the blog email they were accustomed to so it was either overlooked or deleted. 

So . . . if you didn’t see your regular Monday post this week, you can find it here.

And the NEXT unhappy bit of blogging news is that last week, I hired someone to do a very simple fix to enable readers to reply to each others’ comments. In the process of doing that fix, he said a couple of things needed to be upgraded and when that happened, several OTHER things went wrong.

During the three hours I worked online with him (he was VERY rude and impatient)  I got just a tad overwhelmed by the knowledge that we seemed to be losing ground instead of gaining.

And so I hired the developer of the blog theme I am using so they could fix what the first guy messed up.  In the process, even more problems have been uncovered; I think my running list is up to about a dozen right now.

I’m already about $150 into this little blog fix-it challenge and who knows how much more will need to be done?

ACCCCCCKKK!   (Again.)

I’m hoping that my brain eventually recovers from many hours of wading through the half a million inscrutable technical difficulties I’ve dealt with this week and I will at some point in my life be back to Blogging without Stress!  (The photo featured today is one that I took which I’m hoping will help to lower my blood pressure.)

Okay. I’m done now. (In more ways than one.)  Thanks for reading, for following along, and for being part of a great Smithellaneous family.  See you Monday!


P.S.  My friend, Sheri Hawley has written a thought-provoking post about the situation in Minneapolis. Be sure to check it out.

10 comments so far.

10 responses to “Blogging With(Out) Stress”

  1. SueEllen says:

    I’m so sorry your experienced such a rude encounter with someone your hired for help. I know I can get so upset when I hit a computer road-block. Here’s to stress free blogging and I’m about to go check out Sheri’s blog. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Phyllis says:

    Don’t you just love it when they fix one problem and it creates multiple more. I had been having issues with my AOL app after one of their last updates. I was told when my job in Tampa was eliminated over 6 years ago that having an AOL address told people you were old. Oh well! Every time I would try to delete multiple emails, my app would close. It was very frustrating. Finally after at least 3 if not 4 weeks, an update came out that fixed the problem.

  3. Mrs. Pam says:

    a few months ago the tech guy at brookdale was doing something (I don’t remember what) for my computer, and he said he upgraded it. BIG UGH! I lost all my Hoyle board games and card games… and was never able to get them back. NO MORE UPGRADING for me.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yeah, upgrades can definitely be a mixed blessing. I’ve spent at least 12 hours over the past week wrestling with a bunch of issues. I think I am about to get them figured out. Hooray for an upcoming brain vacation!

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Hmmmm…I still am not getting the notifications. Anyway, kudos to you for getting through the stress of all that technical stuff. I don’t mind the tech-y stuff but several HOURS of it would stress me out too. Hang in there!

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