Blog Is Up and Running . . . Unlike The Blogger.

January 6, 2014

Happily (as you’ve probably already noticed), Smithellaneous is back up and running after almost five days of being largely offline.

Unfortunately, while the blog is feeling spry, I am home sick with lingering, general yuckiness.  (Laryngitis, sore throat, hacking cough, fatigue—all that fun stuff.)

I am scheduled to go to Greenville tomorrow for an infusion and to have the doctor check on my case of Mysteriously Disappearing Platelets but I don’t know yet if I’ll be up to that trip or not—I’ll wait and see. 

In the meantime (and in between my numerous naps) I’ll just put up a quick post with a few more favorite pictures from Nathan and Meagan’s visit.  I’ll try to get back into my regular blogging rhythm again soon.

And oh yeah, please try to stay warm wherever you are! With our windchill factored in, we’re supposed to be down to zero tomorrow morning. And for us thin-blooded North Carolina folks, that is COLD!

What’s the weather like where you are?


Okay—here are the pictures!



Four generations of Smith men.

meg 4 edit  generations

The whole family.

fam outside second edit



And my favorite.  Don’t you just love it!


44 comments so far.

44 responses to “Blog Is Up and Running . . . Unlike The Blogger.”

  1. Karen Cathey says:

    Post all the pictures you want. While I enjoy reading your blogs so much, I’m also enjoying seeing Noah grow up in such a loving family. I know your mama heart (and now grandmama!) heart is so full!

    • Becky says:


      I’m always glad to get Picture Permissions from my readers since I do love posting those grand baby photos. 🙂 I know they’re especially fun for you to see since you know Ken and Vernie!

  2. Wendy says:

    What a cute, cute grandson you have. The pictures are so good of you all. Up here in Northern MN it was -35 with windchills of -55 to -60 below. Not fit for human or animal to be out in that kind of temps. Supposed to warm up to high 20’s on Saturday and Sunday, so looking forward to that, it will seem like a heatwave to bust out my shorts and tank tops. LOL Hope you feel better soon. Keep warm.

    • Becky says:


      When twenty degrees seems warm, THAT’S how you know you live in Northern Minnestoa! (Have you hear of Milaca? That’s where my mom’s family was from.)

  3. Gayle in AL says:

    Wonderful pictures of that cute boy! I sure hope you’re feeling back to normal soon!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hope you feel better soon and your platelets have increased. I’d send you some of the chicken soup I’m making but it would be cold by the time it gets to you.

    Pictures of Noah are always nice, I love all babies.

  5. Mary H says:

    Hope you are better. Finally back at work today after windchills of -35 and about 12″ of snow. This is not fun. The sun is out today (sort of) and we are supposed to be up to 20 degrees today – woo hoo – and, please God, up to almost 50 on Sunday. Of course, we have a little more snow coming tomorrow night – love the STL and the Midwest. Take care everyone. Someday we will be complaining of the heat!

    • Becky says:


      Even though I grew up in WI it’s hard for this Southern girl to imagine all that you guys are facing up in the northern climes. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a foot of snow! Hang in there–spring is just a few weeks away!

  6. TiffanyH says:

    great pictures!! I am sorry to hear you are under the weather… there are so many people that have been sick…this time of year is horrible for that! I hope that your symptoms improve and you are back to your chipper self in no time!! 🙂 As a side note, we are trying to get a trip together to take the girls to the outer banks to show them all the sites… if we do, I will be sure to let you know, so that we can stop and say hi!!
    Feel better soon… just look at the cute pictures of Noah, that will make you feel better in no time! Almost makes me want to have another one… and I say ALMOST, because I think I quite have my hands full with my own 3!

  7. robin says:

    Hope you feel better soon. Love the pics…

  8. Nicole says:

    We spent 2 weeks in So. Cal where it was in the mid 70’s the entire time! Wonderful. We then came back north to Washington and it was chilly when we first got here-low 30’s (I know, nothing like others are dealing with, but cold for us). Then this morning, it was 39! Whoo Hoo! Heat Wave! So, do you see your comments go up after you post your count for the previous year 🙂 Praying you are feeling better soon!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. That’s a good question. I’m not sure if my comments go up or not, after posting the count for the previous year. Maybe they do and I just haven’t noticed!

  9. Linda says:

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well…hope you are better soon. Love the new pictures. What a beautiful family!
    You asked about the weather. Right now here in Pittsburgh it is -8 considering the windchill factor, it feels like -32! All I can say “brrrrrrr!” feel better soon. Hugs…
    Linda in Pittsburgh
    p.s. computer is fine now!

    • Becky says:


      So relieved to know your computer is “liking” Smithellaneous better these days. Hopefully the work the guy did on the site fixed the problems that caused YOU problems.

  10. Emma says:

    It is -50 here in Hokah Mn. You can throw a pail of hot water out the door and it disintegrate’s. Crazy Cold!

  11. Anonymous says:

    hope you feel better soon! Also hope you got the flu shot!
    Noah….I believe all babies are miracles! He’s precious. Lucky you!
    Have 4 kids in their 20’s. Waiting for a grandkid! Lost my youngest at 21 this summer. Don’t think I will ever get over it.

    • Becky says:


      There could be no experience more heart rending than losing a child. I am so, so sorry.

      I agree that every single baby is a miracle and so very precious . . . looking forward with you to that day down the road when you have your own precious grand baby to hold!

  12. Barbara says:

    Pleeeeease, get better Becky – sooooooooooooooooon!

  13. Melissa says:

    Sure hope you feel better. Here in central Florida it was almost 80 degrees today, but is supposed to drop to the 30’s tonight and only hit a high of 60’s tomorrow. Quite a drop. I’m sure I’ll lose a couple of plants, seems to happen every time we have unusually cold weather!

    • Becky says:


      A drop of almost 50 degrees? That’s amazing! I imagine that in Florida it’s kind of a fun change of pace to have to actually pull out gloves and hats for a day or two!

  14. Renee says:

    Glad the blog is up and running again! Noah is such a cutie 🙂
    Hope you feel better soon. I’ve been sick with the same as you for over a week now. I even called in sick this morning, which is something I do very rarely!

    It’s been pretty cold here as well; -20C (=4F) with a “feels like” of -31C (-24F). A few days ago at my parents’ place, the termomether was showing -41C/-42F. Crazy, isn’t it? Sure it’s Canada, but in my 27 years of life, I have never seen a winter this cold!

    • Becky says:


      I can’t quite comprehend looking at a thermometer and seeing -42 degrees. I’m sure I probably experienced that a few times while I was growing up but thankfully, it’s been a long, long time. Thinking warm thoughts for you today!

  15. Kristi says:

    Hope that you feel better soon, Becky! Gentle HUGS!

    It has been very cold here since late Saturday night. We had three inches of snow followed by below zero weather.

  16. Lesley says:

    Oh i hope you are feeling better soon!

  17. krista says:

    I’m sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you’re up and at ’em very soon! And those pictures of Noah are great!! His cheeks are so squishable! We are up here in Bismarck, ND and the “high” today was “-19, feels like -32” brrr

  18. Mrs. Pam says:

    hope you get to feeling better asap. I imagine Summer enjoys having a napping partner.
    love the 4 generations photo.
    I think we’re 0 to minus around here, too. We got about 10 inches of snow yesterday, and both of “my” churches cancelled services. All the school were closed today.
    Fortunately, I signed up with my lawn service for snow removal. in the “old” days, i would go out about every hour to shovel the driveway so that I wouldn’t have to deal with more than an inch or 2 at a time. My walker doesn’t do too well with extra activities, although I do try to sometimes vacuum… actually Mrs. G. does most of my vacuuming, but I always have threads and bits of fabric that cling to my socks and then sorta somehow manage to scatter throughout the house.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam

      I’m very thankful to hear that you are not the one out in the snowy cold weather shoveling the walk. Hooray for snow removal services!!

  19. Liz W says:

    Wonderful photos, Becky! Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Keeping you in my prayers for renewed good health. As to the weather, no sympathy here as school has been cancelled for the second day here in MN with wind chills as low as -50. Zero sounds pretty darn good!

  20. jenna hoff says:

    Oh my goodness, Noah is such a super cute baby!! I Love seeing photos of him!! I hope you are feeling better Becky. Take good care of yourself and try to stay warm. It is bitterly freezing cold here, with long nights and short days, and lots of snow. But only 3-4 months till spring arrives, melting the snow and bringing flowers and sunshine. I already can’t wait!!

    • Becky says:


      I can only imagine how much you Canadians look forward to spring each year. Such a beautiful event to anticipate in the coldest days of the year. Looking forward with you . . . 🙂

  21. LeeAnne says:

    We are in South-Central Nebraska and it is COLD here. This morning it was -12 to -15 with a windchill of -25 to -35. The schools all closed for the day due to the cold. Right now, it is a balmy 14 degrees with a windchill of only -3. The sun is shining though and the days are getting longer, so I’m doing the happy dance! Love the pictures….Noah is absolutely precious! Those eyes!! 🙂
    Sorry to read that you’re so sick, Becky. I hope you start feeling better very soon!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      It always makes it seem a little less cold when the sun is shining. I think -3 on a cloudy day would feel twice as bad! And yes, Noah is a precious little fella, isn’t he? 🙂

  22. Tammy says:

    I hope you get to feelinf better ! Let mebknow if I do antthing for ya!!

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