A Birthday, A Milestone, and a Kiss-Hider

May 16, 2022

Here a few things going on around here:  

Let’s get started with a few birthday photos.

The church made a special presentation to him on Sunday morning which meant so much to us.

They also made a special presentation of flowers in memory of Vernie.

But back to birthdays . . . . Steve and Gage are book buds and especially love books about science and theology. Metaxas is one of their favorite authors. Steve got Gage this book for his birthday and Gage decided they needed a matching set.  (This was a small pizza birthday party with just the four of us.)

On Saturday night, we had his bigger party, as is evidenced by the famous Birthday Hat.

We found a new use for the hat this year: a kiss hider.

A birthday party isn’t complete without a delectable menu which is always the choice of the birthday person.  Steve chose one of his favorite things: a hotdog bar with all beef, bun-length, nitrate-free hotdogs.  (Only the best for his birthday bar.)

Of course, being the alert and attentive photographer that I am, I did not get even one photo. So in the absence of a real snapshot, here is a verbal snapshot of the items:

Sweet relish, chili, onions, sauerkraut, Claussen dills, ketchup, cukes, tomatoes, dill chips, coleslaw, and several kinds of mustard.

Steve was in hotdog heaven, holding forth and spouting off all manner of descriptions concerning Chicago-style hot dogs and New York-style hotdogs, etc.

As he talked, he was loading each of his two ‘dogs with a variety of multitudinous toppings. He managed to make it work but what he actually needed was a hotdog roughly the size of a glacier.

I am also very exotic in my tastes which I showed by piling my hotdog high with . . .  ketchup.   Yep. Now that I’m sixty,  I love to live on the wild side.

As wonderful as the food was, the biggest joy was sitting at a table with friends and family and celebrating another year with a wonderful man.


It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been two decades since we first heard the heart-stopping words, “Your daughter has Stage IV Neuroblastoma.”

That same doctor went on to say, “Without treatment, she will live for four months. With treatment, she has a 20% chance of surviving five years.”

Sarah made it through the chemo, the surgeries the radiation, and the bone marrow transplant, and then three years later, she relapsed. The number of children who survive relapsed neuroblastoma is infinitesimal.  And yet, twenty years later, she’s still here.

And then of course last year, just before her wedding, she was diagnosed with severe mono and a large, abdominal desmoid tumor. Definitely one of the most stressful times of our lives. But twelve months later, she is doing great!

So we continue to walk in thankfulness for these bonus years we have been given with this precious daughter of ours.

She has always been such a thoughtful person and she showed that trait again on Vernie’s first birthday in heaven. She commemorated it by bringing over a strawberry pie for us–her first pie from scratch.  The four of us enjoyed it (and the memories of Vernie) together.

She and Gage had picked the strawberries the day before.  The guy in the foreground is Nathan Lawrenson; I have written about his wife, Trish, before. She has had three double lung transplants at Duke and just celebrated her 40th birthday.   (Her initial prognosis was that she wouldn’t live past twenty.)  She and Sarah have a lot in common.

Words can’t express how much I love this daughter of mine, and how grateful I am for the extra years I have been given with her.

I have gathered up a few pictures to show the journey of her life so far. We are excited to see what is ahead for our sweet girl who has overcome so much and has so much to look forward to with that wonderful husband of hers.


The book is out! I’ve read every story and gotten many a chuckle. It’s especially good for reading right before you go to sleep; you can read a chapter or two and drift off with a smile on your face.  The book is available at Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc.

If you would like an autographed copy, you can email me at smithellaneous@yahoo.com.  The cost is $15 which includes shipping.
(Edited to add: someone just told me $15 is not very much to charge when an autograph is included so you can add a couple of extra dollars if you’d like; however, the going price is still $15.)    Payment by check or Paypal.

I have twelve copies left so this is a limited-time offer.  I will add a line to the top of this post when all books are gone.

I just remembered I also have about five of the Chicken Soup: The Cancer Book on hand. Let me know if you’d like Sarah to sign one of those books for you. Details/pricing is the same as above. Thanks!

What about you?

If you had the option to put anything on your hot dog, what would it be?

Is there a miracle story in your family or among your friends where someone survived against all odds?

Do you still make pie crusts from scratch or do you get the pre-made crusts?

In your opinion, what The Best kind of pie?

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “A Birthday, A Milestone, and a Kiss-Hider”

  1. Kristina says:

    A hot dog bar is a great way to celebrate a birthday!! In general my favorite hot dog toppings are ketchup, mustard, and chopped onion, but I have a friend who recently introduced me to his family’s favorite way to consume a hot dog… they are Guatemalan, and they put a hot dog on a small corn tortilla with avocado, salt, and pepper. I’ve had a couple of them now and as weird as it sounds to my white American upbringing, they are absolutely DELICIOUS.

    I’m not much of a cook or baker and have only made a handful of pies in my life, but my favorite kind is a sort…. raspberry creme pie, I guess? I don’t know what it’s actually called, it’s something my mother has made all of my life. It involves sweetened condensed milk, it tastes amazing, and it’s what my brother always asks for on his birthday instead of a cake!

    • Becky says:


      A Guatemalan hot dog sounds fascinating! My hot dog-loving husband would be curious to give that a try. As would I!

      Sounds like your mom’s pie is famous. You really need to get the recipe and try it yourself sometime. (And send ME a piece! 🙂

  2. Lisa L. from GA says:

    Do you have the Chicken Soup books available? I’d love one of each.

  3. SueEllen says:

    I’m not much of a pie person. And I don’t recall ever making one. I think I first started following you when I found your CaringBridge site when you were going through Sarah’s relapse. I think you asked for birthday cards for her. (But at 60 my memory is not what it used to be.) But 20 years – WOW! She has always been an inspiration to me. (And so is Tricia Lawrenson, who I’ve followed since before she found out she was pregnant with Gwen – two more miracles, really). If you still have copies of either/both of the books, I would LOVE signed copies – please email me your PayPal information. Again, continued prayers for you and your loved ones.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, Tricia and her story never fails to amaze me. I love seeing walking miracles.

      I will be emailing about books. 🙂

  4. Gloria A Smith says:

    Becky, if it turns out that you have any autographed ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ books left, I would like to have one. You could leave it @ the church office and I will pick it up when I visit in June or July. I’ll leave a check with Cindy (believe that’s the secretary’s name). Two stories in this publication is awesome!! Congrats Becky Smith!!!

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Happy birthday to Steve!! Becky, I hope you have a really great trip to see your mom. Blessings to all!
    Congratulations Sarah!! 20 years down an such a wonderful future ahead!
    My hot dog would have cheese, mustard and pickle relish.
    Sour cream raisin pie is so delicious!!!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Hmmm. Cheese is a topping we didn’t have available. We’ll have to remember that next time. I’ve never had a sour cream raisin pie. It doesn’t sound good to me but I’ll take your word for it and try it when I have the chance.

  6. dmantik says:

    There’s so much to celebrate in this post: Steve’s milestone birthday, your stories being published, you coming to WI, and Hallelujah! Sarah’s 20th anniversary of a life knitted together with miracles!

    Sarah’s picture collage was so meaningful. Pictures say so much, preserve so much.

    I love that your church celebrated Steve’s birthday and commemorated his mom.

    Can’t wait to see you in a few days! 🙂

  7. Ellen Grod says:

    Happy Birthday to Steve. 65 is a big one. I hit that last year.
    Being originally from Chicago we eat our hot dogs dragged through the garden. Mustard, Pickle Relish, onion, tomato, sport peppers, pickle and celery salt. Many Chicago hot dog places don’t even stock ketchup since that is no-no. Also has to be on a poppy seed bun.
    Wisconsin weather has been nice. Record setting 90s last week. But we are cooling down later this week. Possible some frost.

    • Becky says:


      “Dragged through the garden.” That’s funny!

      I think you and Steve would get along just fine with that list of toppings you mentioned.

  8. Gloria A Smith says:

    Wishing Pastor Steve a very Happy Birthday!!!

    Love the photo of Sarah and Gage @ the strawberry patch. The strawberry pie looks scrumptious. I have had Tricia Lawrenson on my prayer list since her last transplant. Happy to hear that she is 40 and going strong.

    The photo of you and Sarah on the sofa is so sweet, lots of love there.

    I’ll have one hot dog please with chili, mustard, extra onion and Texas Pete.

    Miracle story – When I was 19 years old boy friend Eddie and I took a drive on a beautiful September evening. The sun was going down and we were meeting friends in Weldon, NC @ the Roanoke River to watch the Rock Fish spawn. It really was a sight to see, a very large number of big fish jumping continuously up out of the water following their instincts, splash splash. As we were driving thru Weldon, a sixteen year old young man fired a gun into our car, entering on the driver’s side and ending up in my upper thigh. We both heard a noise but thought something had happened to the car. We soon realized that I had been shot. Eddie drove me to the hospital, breaking all speed limits along the way. This situation could have turned out many different ways. Fortunately, the bullet penetrated muscle and did not hit bone or any major arteries. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.

    I’m very impressed with Sarah’s baking skills. During my teenage years I loved to bake. Lemon Chess pie was my absolute favorite pie to bake and my favorite pie to this day. I always purchased the crusts, no scratch crusts. I also loved making cheese cakes with graham cracker crusts using the springform cake pans.

    Congratulations on your two stories appearing in the latest ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ !!!

    • Becky says:


      Texas Pete. Another ingredient we hadn’t thought of. Thanks for mentioning that!

      That is quite a story! As you said, it could have all turned out very differently with a few inches higher or lower. I can’t imagine the trauma you and Eddie went through with that. Thankful you’re still alive to tell the story.

      Lemon chess pie sounds amazing! And my family knows me well–I love ANY dessert that includes graham crackers.

  9. Lesley says:

    Happy Birthday to Steve! Love the new function of the birthday hat 🙂 Congratulations to Sarah, she is one tough cookie, her pie looks delicious. I’ve never baked a pie, my favorite is pumpkin with whipped cream. I like mustard on hotdogs, so yummy! Have a wonderful trip to see your mom.

    • Becky says:


      That tough cookie bakes a mean pie!

      I’d have to say pumpkin is pretty far down my list of fave pies but I have had a few pieces over the years that I’ve enjoyed.

  10. Phyllis says:

    Happy birthday to Steve. Welcome to Medicare eligibility. Make sure you sign up for Medicare Part A.
    I don’t like catsup on a hot dog – or on any meat for that matter. Mustard, cheese and chili would be my toppings of choice but I have to say hot dogs are not one of my favorite foods.
    As to pie, cherry is probably my favorite although strawberry pie is in season in the Midwest and that’s pretty good also. I don’t make a lot of pies but I usually use the premade pie crusts when I do.
    Miracle story has to be the granddaughter of the admin assistant in our church finance office. She was born on December 4 at 25 weeks. Her due date wasn’t until March 15 and she only weighed 1 pound 7 ounces. With lots of prayers from many people, this little angel went home on March 1 and is thriving.
    Congratulations on 20 years Sarah!

    • Becky says:


      One pound and 7 ounces? That is hard to even grasp. I know there was a whole lot of rejoicing on the day they took her home.

      Yes, Steve is smack dab in the middle of the signing up for Medicare complexities. I think he’s nearing the end of the process but it was a lot to pile on, in addition to all of the stuff he is doing with being the executor of the estate. His brain’s been busy!

  11. Ruth rehberg says:

    Don’t make crust- –
    Ketchup- onion- mustard–
    Any pie with cream cheese in it.
    Hap- Ann to sage

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I love cream cheese stuff too. I thought for sure you would make homemade crusts! It’s just so much easier to buy them pre-made and they usually taste pretty good.

      See ya soon!

  12. Suzanne says:

    Happy 65th birthday to Steve!! I’m a “naked dog” girl – nothing on my VERY occasional hot dog. I know…boring.

    20 years! Wow!!! So very thankful for the miracle that is Sarah! I loved seeing all the pictures.

    My miracle…My younger son was not supposed to be born – he graduated last week Summa Cum Laude with Honors (from the honors program) with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He truly is a gift from God.

    I don’t make pies but I’m getting ready to attempt this one: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/lemon-meringue-ice-cream-pie-in-toasted-pecan-crust. One of my friends makes this and it’s Heaven on a plate 🙂 and gluten-free crust to boot!

    Have a great visit with your Mama and family!

    • Becky says:


      Wow. You have ME beat! I never thought I’d find someone who liked less than ketchup! 🙂

      I know that graduation was a billion times as joyful as noraml with your son’s miraculous history in the mix. He sounds like a smart, accomplished young man and I know you are so grateful for him. Hooraying from Manteo!

      I love any pie with pecans; that one sounds marvelous.

  13. Guerrina says:

    20 years, HALLELUJAH! I remember the day Gordon Goertz contacted me at work to notify me and start me praying! Happy Birthday, Steve! Hot dogs? YES! I’ll have to look for the nitrate all beef ones. Butter grilled bun, yellow mustard, onions, sweet relish all day long 🙂 Sometimes I make pie crust from scratch – sometimes not!- Depends on time and recipe, lol! Favorite pie is apple!

    No miracles, but would appreciate prayer for my brother, John who just turned 75. He retired about 5-6 years ago and was almost immediately diagnosed with MDS (blood cancer) which they say was brought on by Agent Orange in Vietnam. One son was able to provide a bone marrow transplant and he was almost done with new innoculations and relapsed. He then received another transplant 100% match from a woman in England. Again, close to being done with being reinnoculated and he has now relapsed again. His body hasn’t been physically able to regain enough stamina/healing after first two transplants to endure another transplant at this point. The doctors are surprised he’s still alive and are trying to figure out the next course of action. Greatly appreciate prayers for the “but for God” miracle! Selfishly, little sis here is not ready to be the last one standing from our original family of 4!

    • Becky says:


      After being through one BMT with Sarah I cannot even begin to imagine what it’s like to go through two and relapse each time. My heart goes out to ALL of you. Brothers are so special; you want them in your life always.


  14. Katrina says:


    It was very special to see all the pictures of Sarah through the years? Does Sarah has very clearly memories of the day she was diagnosed and do you have any pictures from the diagnosis day ?

    Can I consider myself a miracle?😅I was born almost 3 months to early (almost 32 years ago) and I have battled several depressions and addiction (self harm but that is still an addiction) and I am 3 years sober.

    I am thankful that I have been able to follow you and your family since 2006.


    • Becky says:


      Sarah doesn’t have any memories of that day. I do have a photo I will to post when I find it.

      And yes, YOU are a miracle! I am so proud of how far you have come and the progress you have made. So glad you’ve been an important part of the Smithellaneous family so long.

      Many, many hugs.

  15. Patti says:

    Happy 65th to Steve. I am just 7 months ahead of you. First thing about hot dogs is I want them very well done on the outside. I usually put on lots of mustard and a little ketchup. If offered I may put on a little chili or sauerkraut.
    Survival against the odds would be 2 of my cousins kids (different families) who had premie kids under 2 lbs. One just graduated from high school. One is 6. She spent 195 days in the NICU, had 2 bouts with necrosis with 2 ostomy bags. She is non verbal and autistic, but she is so cute and loving.
    I have never perfected the pie crust and don’t make a lot of pies, but I use the premade rolls of pie dough. I did find one fool proof pie crust recipie, but it is just easier to buy them.
    Hands down my favorite pie is pumpkin, followed by rhubarb and boysenberry.

    • Becky says:


      A preemie kid under 2 pounds who survives is such an incredible thing to hear about. Wow!! And to think one has gone on to graduate high school–that is amazing since many times there are learning issues. And the other one has gone on to bring joy to everyone who looks at her. Two great gals.

      I’ve never had a boysenberry pie; will have to give it a try!

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