A Dozen And A Half Years.

August 22, 2013

Today Sarah is eighteen!

As a surprise for her, I asked a number her family members and a couple friends to send me 3 (or more) things that tell what they like, love and/or admire about her. In just a few minutes, I will take take her breakfast in bed and have her read this post. I want her to begin her 18th birthday knowing how much she is loved. 


Before I do that though, I’ll start with a few photos I took of her last night; the last time to take a picture of a non-adult daughter. (sniff)








(I added a brief description of each person to let  readers who who is who in the family tree.)

UNCLE TIM  (Becky’s Brother)

Sarah  You are a beautiful young woman. You have captured with perfection the great attributes from the Campbell/Smith union. 

Your love of words is refreshing and encouraging.  Words actually mean things to you. Your love of life refreshes us all. Your life lived before God and your relationship with Him is your greatest accomplishment as we all join with you in life’s celebration.  


AUNT BERIT  (Tim’s Wife)

Sarah, I love your sweet smile, witty sense of humor and the beautiful woman of God you are.  



Sarah, now that you are 18, I praise the Lord that you are strong and well. You were so brave during your illness. But because of all you and your family went through, you were a real encouragement to others going through similar problems. You have been a blessing to thousands!

Much love to a real trooper. 


AUNT DEBBIE (Becky’s Sister)

Sarah, Happy 18th Birthday!

You are:

1. A Miracle   

2. My niece (which makes me very proud!) 

3. Courageous, witty, talented, smart, a hard worker, beautiful inside and out, someone I know I could count on when the chips are down (or up!), an astute student of Life and its continuous circle of Lessons from pain to joy and everything in between.

To sum it up, you are a real Lady.

I love you and I’m proud of you!


UNCLE RANDY  (Debbie’s Husband)

You have a unique ability to stay focused on a task–I admire that.

I truly sense that you honor me as your uncle in a way that makes me feel I am important to you.

I see such a measure of faithfulness in you that is unique for a young woman your age.

I love the fact that you are so creative with your words.  You are truly gifted in that.

You have grown to be a beautiful young woman. I am so proud of you!  


CALEB  (Randy and Debbie’s Son)

Happy Birthday Sarah! It must be pretty exciting to be 18, huh? I sure hope you have a great day! You are a very talented writer, have a great (and wacky!) sense of humor, and always seem to be very kind and caring towards others. Love ya, cuz! 


AUNT RUTH  (Becky’s Sister)

Well, Sarah, I do not get a chance to enjoy your company too often in this life, so I glean things about you from reading your blog and Facebook and whatever else your mother faithfully proclaims about you to the world at large.

You have a sweet spirit that loves to love your Lord Jesus and that is the best thing I could ever say to you. Please keep that as the most important goal of your daily life. I like that you are close in your family relationships, (even though you do have Nathan to deal with. lol) and have remained sweet in heart and soul even after going through hard times in your life. May you continue to walk worthy of the One who has called you and glorify His name. Happy Birthday. 


TAYLOR  (Friend)

You are the most honest and loyal friend I have ever had.

You are always there to give support to anyone who needs it.

It is always a pleasure and a joy to be around you. 


HOPE (Friend)

You have the most beautiful smile! I can’t look at you or think of you without being happy!

You are so encouraging! I know I can go to you when I’ve had a bad day or a big disappointment and you can tell me it’s going to be okay and get me laughing!

You shine Jesus everywhere you go, and are the most authentic example of a Christ follower that I know. You live the way He says and are always quick to make decisions by His standards.



VICTORIA  (Friend)

Sarah, it’s so hard to boil down all the wonderful things you are into three phrases. I’ve known you since I was 4 and its been one wonderful experience after the next every time I’m with you. 

First, I’d like to say that you are thoughtful. Ever since we met, you’ve always been willing to lend a hand or offer the better half to others.

Second, you are unique. Not only do you have awesome writing skills and a funky/cool sense of fashion, but Christ’s light shines through you in the way you carry yourself and interact with others. 

Finally, you are funny! I love your sense of humor and have so enjoyed all the ‘stomach hurting’ laughs that we’ve had together.

I wish you the happiest of birthdays, Sarah! Love you forever! 


UNCLE DANA (Steve’s Brother)


1. I remember you walking on your tiptoes before you were diagnosed with cancer and thought you were trying to be tall like the adults. 

2.  I admire your courage.  You never acted like you were going to give up during your treatments. 

3.  You like to read books, which is uncommon for most young people in the digital age.   


AUNT LYNNE (Dana’s wife)

Happy birthday, Sarah!  I think you are adorable, charming and amazing. We are very blessed to be a part of your life and hope that we can continue to enjoy you for many, many more years to come! 


UNCLE JEFF (Steve’s Brother)

Sarah, you are:

1. courageous.

2. have eyes with wisdom beyond your years.

3. big-hearted.

4. lover of all things in nature. 



We have had fun thinking of words describing you Sarah; many come to mind.  

Grandpa chose creative, articulate, perceptive. 

My choices: dependable, thoughtful, artistic.  All of them mean: wonderful granddaughter!   


AUNT CAROL  (Becky’s Sister-in-Law)

Sarah…WOW you’re 18!!! I am just so happy to have someone so special for my niece!

I think it is awesome that you are writing a book. I don’t know anyone personally that has taken on a feat like that at your age. I’m sure it will be great.

I also so admire the way you love and honor your parents. You’re a great example for any child/young adult to follow. And you skip with your Dad…can’t beat that! I think it is so cool too that you have friends from your childhood that you are still great friends with! Especially with the traveling and going through all the cancer treatments. Don’t lose those friendships. They are treasures!

I was the first one ever to offer you a grilled cheese sandwich. 🙂 Jessi was babysitting you and we were trying to think of things to feed you, and that’s what we decided and you liked it! Your Mom said you had never had one before, so you had your first one in Aunt Carol’s kitchen. 🙂 Many moons ago!

I wrote this, but we ALL think you are an amazing young lady. We are so proud of you! Happy 18th Birthday Sarah! We all love you!

Phil, Carol, Jessica, Kristen  


NATHAN  (Sarah’s Brother)

Sarah: You are one of the most considerate and thoughtful people I have ever met.

You have a soft heart and are empathetic towards the pain and hurt of others.

You are incredibly intelligent and will be successful in whatever career you choose.


MEAGAN (Sarah’s Sister-in-Law)


You are quietly confident. 
– It takes someone strong to be confident yet quiet.

You are peaceful.
– you draw people of all ages to share that same peace when they are around you. That is something many lack these days.

You are wise. 
– you know your limits but you’re not afraid to push them when needed.

You have a great laugh! 



Dear Bubitz, AKA Sarah,

Making you laugh is one of my very favorite things to do. You catch the most subtle of puns and often return the favor with a pithy zinger. Your blossoming sense of humor is a blessing which will serve you well as you enter adulthood. There is enough to cry about in this world. Those who can find humor in the daily stuff of life are a treasure. You are that kind of person.

As you enter your senior year remember the famous words of Frank Zappa who once sang endearingly: “Watch out where the huskies go and don’t you eat that yellow….” 

Oh! Wait!  This letter is also being read by your mother’s adoring blog fans! 

So.  Ahem.  I must pass along a tome of pastoral and fatherly wisdom. 

(Sounds of throat clearing.)

So,  Alwayseth rememberest to-eth putteth the toileteth lidst downeth. 

(No wait, that was advice for your brother)

Ok, here is a profound nugget: “I before e, except after c or when sounded like a in neighbor and weigh. “ (Man, college pays off every day!)

“Think, think, think….” – Winnie the Pooh. 

(You know better than most how I do love random conversation.) 

But seriously, as you enter adulthood your decisions will have more weight and consequence.  We arrive at places and chapters in life because of decisions, small, medium, large.  When facing decisions, especially large ones i.e. choice of a college, career, spouse, etc.  Look out as far as you can in faith and try to think through the possibilities and consequences, both good and otherwise.  

You have suffered much in life and have mined your pain for wisdom and joy.  Continue in that practice.  Continue to allow God to bring “beauty from ashes.”  Your greatest ministry to others will be birthed in pain.

God has surrounded you with a lot of delightful people who are one or two generations older than you. Pick their brains, harvest their wisdom, learn from their errors, glean from their glories.  They need to tell their stories and you need to hear them.  Be that generational bridge.

Trust in the sovereignty of God.  He directs our steps in such subtle ways that often we are not aware of them except in hindsight.  As you pray, as you dream, as you explore, keep His Kingdom in focus.  

I love the sage advice of Fredrick Beuchner, who said (I paraphrase) “The will of God is where your greatest joy intersects with the world’s greatest need.” Someone else said that if you discover that, you’ll never work a day in your life.

You are entering into a time of greater freedom with its attendant responsibility.  You’ll find your sea legs with both, I’m confident.  Walking with God involves risks in faith.  It involves doing things which you have never done before.  It involves going where you have never been. In short in involves getting out of your comfort zone. 

Just as the character Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit was told that he would have to someday leave his books in order to have an Unexpected Adventure, you too will have to leave the “safe” and familiar to experience the wonderful, beautiful and yes, sometimes dangerous adult world.  I will continue to pray over you as you pursue your God given dreams. 

I’ll pass along a few quotes which have served me well in life. 

“Failure is not fatal; it is the price you pay to succeed.” – John Maxwell

“Money is hard come, easy go.” – unknown

“Don’t spit in the wind” – Jim Croche

“Never give up, never give up, never give up.” – Winston Churchill

“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” – Elinor Roosevelt

“Everybody’s normal, until you get to know them.” – John Ortberg

“The grass is always greener over the septic tank.” – Erma Bombeck

“The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.” – Jamie Buckingham

“Be slow to speak, quick to listen, slow to anger.” – St. James

“God has not give you a spirit of timidity, but of power, of love and of self discipline.” – St. Paul

“I am with you always…” – Jesus Christ

I am very proud to be called your father.  It is a delight to see you mature into a woman.  You will be a blessing to many, an encouragement to the disheartened, a cheerleader for the underdog and a joy to all who know you.   

Thanks for just being Sarah.

All my love, Dad



Sarah, as I sit and write this the day before your 18th birthday, I have to wonder how I ever got so blessed as to be your mom. I see a lot of myself in you (which is a pretty good thing) and I see a lot of your dad in you, too. (Which is a very good thing.)  

But mostly, I see a lot of YOU in you. I see a young lady who is comfortable in her own skin, someone who notices things that other people don’t, someone who points out the most amazing subtle observations to me, and someone whose heart is tender toward God and other people–specially those who are hurting. 

I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, sweet girl.  You paved the way for me on the cancer journey as you demonstrated how to suffer with dignity, and strength and a never failing sense of humor.  We are mother. Daughter. Cancer sisters.

The older you get, the more I am amazed by your wit, your compassion, your insight, and your listening ability. I remember one night after dinner when I was tired and discouraged, and you sat so sweetly and quietly and listened to me unload, asking the kinds of questions that only a woman with a sensitive heart would know to ask. And you listened so very well.  I remember thinking when we were done, “That’s not a little girl across the table from me any more; that’s a young woman.” 

And I was happy and proud and just a little sad too, because I knew that it was a foreshadowing of the adult Sarah, the woman who will soon leave this home and go out and make her own life.

As you begin the rest of your life, fly straight and fly true. Let daddy’s and my love be your wings.

I love you, precious baby girl.

36 comments so far.

36 responses to “A Dozen And A Half Years.”

  1. Fran says:

    Hi there Sarah,

    So, you are all grown up now…

    My prayer for you is that you always walk with God.

    Keep Him near to direct your path…and listen for His advice…for He will advise you in every step you take, if you listen for His Words and seek His Counsel. Sweet, sweet girl have a happy fun life…YOU ARE BLESSED! LOVE YA LOTS,

    Fran in TEXAS!

  2. Nancy says:

    Wishing you a very happy 18th birthday, Sarah! I’m sorry I’m a few days late.
    What a lovely young lady you are, and how lucky to have such a supportive, caring set of family and friends surrounding you. It is clear they all adore you and with good reason! I know I’m not alone in telling you that there are so many people “out here” in the world who read this blog who have read about you over the years and who are so excited to see where your life takes you. I can’t wait to find out what happens next – I am confident you will have a long, happy and exciting life! Happy birthday!

  3. Suzanne says:

    As always, I’m late to the party 🙂 Sarah, happy belated birthday! What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady – inside and out! May God continue to bless you and yours!

  4. Wendy says:

    Happy 18th Birthday Sarah! What wonderful words were said about you! You are one loved gal 🙂 God Bless you!

  5. Joleen says:

    Beautiful! Happy Birthday Sarah!

  6. Kristi says:

    Happy belated Birthday, Sarah! 🙂 I hope that your day was special! Welcome to adulthood! 🙂 I loved the messages that your family and friends wrote to describe you. 🙂

  7. Olivia says:

    Aaargh, I’m late but… Happy Birthday Sarah!

  8. Cheryl says:

    “Your greatest ministry to others will be birthed in pain.” I needed that today. Happy belated birthday, Sarah! Your ministry continues!

  9. Brooke R. says:

    Oh, and I hope your husband doesn’t mind if I quote him. He has given Sarah words that my dear ones who are Christian *and* Muslim will appreciate.

  10. Brooke R. says:

    That was beautiful. It made me cry and I’m not sure why. I’m not one who is quick to cry either. Maybe it was Sarah’s father’s words.. They are beyond blessed to have each other. I hope they hold on tight to each other until the day that the holding has to wait until they are both with God.

    Having lost my dear father and my very best friend to cancer within 2 years of each other I know in the depths of my soul what a miracle Sarah is. I also know that Sarah is so much more than being a Survivor. Surviving is only the beginning of her story. Now a new chapter begins. Blessed. Thanks be to God. Yes, thank you Go

  11. Lesley says:

    Well… That. Was. Beautiful. Thank you Becky, for sharing with us.

  12. Vicky Elder says:

    Happy Birthday Sarah! What a tribute to a beautiful young lady! I have followed this blog since your relapse. I so enjoy feeling like I “know” you and you are a part of my life! Have a blessed day and a wonderful future!

  13. Chase says:

    Happy Birthday Sarah, hope you’re having a great day.

  14. Kristina says:

    Happy Birthday, Sarah! What a sweet way to begin your 18th… hope you have a very happy day, and an amazing year!

  15. Marilyn Simmons says:

    I have followed your Mom’s blog since you were 6 yrs old and came to FBC/Orlando. Back in the choir room. You have persevered and now have turned into a beautiful young woman. Happy Birthday and may God continue to bless you and your family.

  16. Dale Tousley says:

    What a beautiful, heartfelt,unique tribute…..I have tears running down my face from reading. How incredible that at the tender, young age of 18 Sarah has touched and inspired so many people. I know this is an incredible cliche and my kids finally said “Mom please stop saying it” but there are 2 things we give our kids, roots and wings and you certainly have done that…..Sarah is grounded and knows she is loved and is now perched, ready to fly and find her wonderful future…….from your former Kansas cyber-friend, now a resident of the great state of North Carolina as well!! (Wake Forest).

  17. Renee says:

    Happy birthday dear Sarah!

  18. Marjie says:

    WOW Sarah, what wonderful words written by those who know you best. May you have a very happy birthday and may God shower your year with many many blessings. Happy 18th birthday!!!
    Hugs from Iowa,

  19. Mrs. Pam says:

    Happy 18th, Sarah!
    You are definitely one greatly loved and admired birthday girl! (and rightly so!!!!)

  20. Dr. Robyn says:

    Happy Birthday

    S – solicitous
    A – admirable
    R – regardful
    A – audacious
    H – humorous

    I hope you enjoy today with friends and family.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Happy, happy birthday Sarah!!! Wishing you and your family many blessings this wonderful day 🙂 As your Dad said, you have mined your pain for wisdom and joy… yes, indeed! In spades! Enjoy a wonderful celebration today, Smith family. Love from Canada,
    – Anne

  22. sharyn McDonald says:

    In reading all the comments, I can only say a double Amen. Know The Lord will continue to go before you as you trust Him. Prov. 3: 5&6. A very Happy Birthday Sarah.

  23. Linda Wellendorf says:

    What an amazing post! I, too, echo the sentiments of all your family and friends (even though we have never met!). Through the magic of cyberspace I have enjoyed traveling your journey and watching you mature into a wonderful young woman. Your inner beauty, kindness and caring heart are evident even to those who have never laid eyes on you. You are a unique and very special young lady, Sarah. It will be an honor to continue along your path through adulthood. Have the happiest of birthdays and enjoy your new “legal” status!

    Much love from Ohio,


  24. Mary H says:

    There is nothing more that can be said to you, Sarah, then has been written by your family and friends. It embodies it all. Your mom and dad’s messages are a treasure. I am so very proud to “know” you. We have never met but your conduct in life has changed mine. Have the most wonderful 18th birthday, Sarah. Have many, many, many more wonderful days. And just keep turning the pages of those books because there is nothing to compare to a book in hand and words swirling in your head. It makes the most interesting and accomplished woman. Much love and respect, Mary H.

  25. Gayle in AL says:

    What beautiful sentiments for beautiful Sarah on her 18th birthday. Sarah has so many people who love and admire her…what a wonderful gift. Happy Birthday, Sarah!

  26. Shawn says:

    Happy Birthday Sarah! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  27. Curtis "Scooter" Lewis says:

    Beautiful thoughts for a sweet and beautiful Young Woman!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Have a wonderful birthday sweet Sarah! I feel blesssed to have been allowed to watch you (albeit through the computer) grow and mature from that cute, gutsy, amazing little girl you were, into the wonderful young woman you are! It would be a pleasure to someday meet you in person. The day that you were born, God gave a wonderful gift to the world. . . and today we thank Him and celebrate you! Happy Birthday!

    Linda in Pittsburgh

  29. Liz W says:

    Happy 18th Birthday, Sarah! A beautiful future is yours for the making. Best wishes!

  30. Angela says:

    Wishing a beautiful young lady a beautiful day!

  31. Margie M says:

    Happy, happy birthday Sarah. What a nice tribute from your family & friends.
    I’m so fortunate to have “known” you for so many years. My three favorite qualities about you are your strong faith, your long friendship with Victoria & your peacefulness. Have a fabulous day.

  32. Paige says:

    These family/friend notes are priceless. Sarah you are a gift. I am so sorry you had cancer but I am so thankful I’ve found your mom and you as a result. Reading the blog makes me a better person for “knowing” the Smith family. And reading these tributes shows I’m not alone. Happy Birthday Sarah. You are blessed and are a blessing to those around you, near and far.

  33. beckylp says:

    Happy 18th Birthday Sarah. Having been with you in cyberland for many of your birthday’s it has blessed me to watch the wonderful young lady that you have become. I believe this is one of the nicest birthday messages I have ever seen and it truly belongs to an awesome young lady. May today be full of joy! And you even look great in that silly birthday hat that is your family tradition. Becky in Wendell, NC

  34. Nadine says:

    Dear Sarah,

    I want to wish you a very happy birthday today! For this new year of your life and your new life as an adult I wish you joy, happiness and health! And from one bookworm to the other: always enough good books to devour!

    Have a wonderful day!

    best wishes, Nadine from Germany

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