Birthday. Dog. Scarves.

May 14, 2015

Wednesday marked an important anniversary of something that happened in Alexandria, LA fifty-eight years ago.

Steve was born!


Since he was in Charlotte with his family on his actual birthday, we celebrated early.


He had asked for no presents because he was wanting to put all birthday finances toward an engine for his RC plane. However, I couldn’t stand the thought of him not having anything to open so . . .


I went to Goodwill and bought him three shirts for $3.39 each. Love me some Goodwill!


Sarah has been gone since Sunday afternoon at her college retreat.

For someone like her who is introverted and loves nothing more than a quiet night with a favorite book, she is doing amazingly well hanging out with 175 strangers.  She texted and said she had all sorts of stories to tell. I can’t WAIT to hear them!


With Steve and Sarah gone most of the week, Summer was just a wee bit disconsolate, wondering where they were. I lay down on the couch with her Tuesday morning for a few minutes and she spent the whole time staring steadfastly at the front door, waiting for her people to arrive. (I actually took this picture a few months ago but this was her exact pose this week, too.)

FullSizeRender (4)

She finally gave up and put herself down for a nap—literally, upside down for a nap. Silly girl.


I took her upstairs with me so that she could hang out on the bed while I cleaned a few things in my closet. Whenever she lies on the bed, she likes to have an article of clothing to lie next to so  I put a t-shirt of Steve’s out for her and then grabbed all my scarves and put them on the bed so I could sort through them.  


I left the room for two minutes and when I returned this is what I found.

She had abandoned the boring navy shirt and had cast her lot with the feminine, colorful scarves. She is ALL girl.


And speaking of girls . .

Meagan went back to the doctor on Tuesday to see if she would be required to stay on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy or if she would be able to go back to work. (Financially, work is a very helpful thing!)

Unfortunately, the doctor noted some changes in her cervix and told her that she would not be able to teach any more this year; he wants her to try and hold out for another 3-4 weeks and since the last week of (modified) bed rest helped with the contractions, that’s what she has to continue to do.

So . . . it wasn’t exactly what she and Nathan wanted to hear but obviously they are willing to do whatever is necessary in order to ensure wee Miss Madison has a safe and healthy arrival.


Photo by Maria Rose Baransky

I’ll keep you in touch as the date gets nearer. 

In the meantime, Meagan’s mom, Sheri, was in Concord, NC this past weekend, preaching at Concord First Assembly.  She preached an outstanding sermon on holding on and being strong in difficult times.  Even if you can’t listen to it all (although is well worth your time to do so), listen just a little bit so that you can see how amazing Madison and Noah’s other grandma is! (Sermon starts at around 40 minutes into the video.)

Sheri Hawley


And now I’m going to get busy counting down the hours until Sarah walks back in through our door tomorrow morning . . .

14 comments so far.

14 responses to “Birthday. Dog. Scarves.”

  1. Marylea says:

    You sure get “good” bargains at Goodwill! I love shopping at thrift stores!

  2. Dale Tousley says:

    Is Meagan eligible for disability through her employer, I know a friend of mine had to leave work early due to pregnancy concerns and she was on disability for a few months.

  3. Ann Martin says:

    When I am gone my pups sit on the arm of Jim’s recliner and watch the door for me. They are so special. Praying for the two “girls” that all will be safe and healthy. Sarah looks so happy and it is good to see Steve with the birthday hat another year. Have a great week end.

  4. Guerrina says:

    What beautiful pics of joy, expectancy, new journeys and new years! Happy Birthday, Steve! Summer is way too cute in the scarves! And I love that scarf collection! Looking forward to Sarah ‘ s stories! I am sure she spent plenty of time actively involved as well as being an astute observer and listener! We quiet ones do that!

    Looking forward to hearing Sheri’s message … been a rough few months of sick grandson then I finally succumbed to exhaustion/pneumonia /sinus infection /viral eye infection all told 2 weeks unpaid out of work. God knew I wouldn’t willingly slow down and take care of myself (cause caretakers just don’t think they need to lol) and allowed nature to enforce what I needed. Grateful He did ☺!

    • Becky says:


      I hope that after your two weeks of enforced rest you are feeling refreshed. That line up of ailments you had does NOT sound like much fun but at least they made you lie down. 🙂

      You will love Sheri’s sermon!

  5. Mrs. Pam says:

    Hope M&M get plenty of rest resulting in a safe delivery, that’s for sure!

    so, did you need to delay sorting those scarves?
    I got an e-mail today saying that my granddog had to stay in an NYC kennel for a couple of days… apparently it is a one room kennel with all the dogs, and one human who spends the night with them. BOY, would I love a job like that!!! What a miss most by not being able to walk is having a dog! (I actually used to be a Doggy Nanny, and I loved it!!!)

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I’ll bet that one human doesn’t get a whole lot of sleep if the gathered dogs get into a barking mood! I didn’t know you used to be a Doggy Nanny! Love that title.

  6. Mary H says:

    Happy Birthday to Steve! Summer is just too cute. I love the photo of her keeping watch at the door. Praying for a safe and happy delivery of Madison (in about 3-4 weeks)! What a great time for Sarah at this conference. She sounds a lot like my daughter – completely happy cuddled up with a book and a quiet evening at home. Sometimes our homes are just a little too empty for too long! I can just imagine Sarah’s chatter and stories when she arrives. You will have a great time.

    • Becky says:


      I am truly looking forward to all that Sarah Chatter and Summer will be greatly relieved to see her girl again. I think she’s been a tad worried!

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    Happy birthday Steve!! What a beautiful photo of Meghan, she is gorgeous. How exciting to have another grand baby on the way!! My little niece Maddison is turning 1 in 2 weeks!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Meagan truly is gorgeous and being a mom-to-be makes her even more so. Happiest birthday to your own sweet Maddison!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    A very happy, belated birthday to Steve! What kind of cake did you make?

    Summer looks way to comfy to disturb (and oh, SO cute!) and Sarah looks like she is having a great time too. Don’t those clocks tick really, really LOUD when the house is empty like that?? 😉 I’ve gotten into the habit of turning on the television in the kitchen as soon as I get home just for that very reason. I don’t really watch it. I just like the noise in the background.

    • Becky says:


      I have to confess I didn’t make a cake. I was sick the week before his birthday and I knew he would be with his family on his actual birthday so I just had him choose whichever store-bought dessert he wanted. He chose tiramisu, one of his favorites..

      I actually love silence in a house and NEVER (or at least, rarely) turn on any music or any other sound when I’m alone. Silence to me is not just golden, it’s diamond-encrusted! 🙂

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