Birds in Yard. Cars in Lot. Moon on Time.

April 27, 2020

Carolina blue sky. Temps in the 60’s. Low humidity.  A perfect spring day.

The weather has been like this for a few days now so I went out to the ocean with my Nikon and tried to capture a little of the magic.

And speaking of spring, here are a few photos taken in the past that I hadn’t had a chance to post yet. Some of them have descriptions underneath.

It’s always a comfort to me that when things are stressful and chaotic in the world, nature continues on with no worries. 

The sun rises. The birds sing. The flowers bloom. The trees bud. The moon shows up on time. 

I am looking out the window right now at nature showing off in all its glory and I am reassured by the peace and serenity it offers. I am not a camping type gal who likes to get really up close and personal with nature, but I still love to see it beyond my car windows or house windows, or on a walk or bike ride. 

Speaking of nature, I was leaving the house the other day and saw these birds walking across the lawn.  I’d never seen them in our neighborhood before so that was a little exciting. (And no, I TRULY don’t get out much.)

On a non-nature subject, we recorded our service in our living room again last week so my (usually) fairly tidy spot turned into a collection of clutter for a while.

But I love making music with friends . . . for friends.

The other day, I glanced out the church doors while walking through the lobby and saw Steve’s, Sarah’s, and my cars all lined up.  And the meaning behind that sight stopped me in my tracks as I was reminded of the blessing of getting to do work I love with people I love.

It was good to think about the fact that even in this crisis, there are still so many, many blessings to be found–whether it’s birds on the lawn, cars in a row, or the moon making its always on-time sojourn across the sky,

What about you? What blessings or good things have you been reminded of recently?

Also, what are some of the first things you are planning to do when the quarantine is lifted in your area?

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “Birds in Yard. Cars in Lot. Moon on Time.”

  1. Cheryl Denton says:

    Love birds! Love you! As always, your writing blesses me. One day would love another walk on that beautiful beach.
    Love and prayers,
    Cheryl ❤️

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for leaving a comment; always good to see your name pop here.

      Birds and beaches . . . lovely words to contemplate.

  2. Katrina says:

    Hey Becky.
    It has been a while since I wrote but I want you know that I am still reading every Monday and looking forward to it. My country is slowly opening up. I am mostly looking forward to the day I can sit in my favourite book store looking at books and enjoying their home made chai.

    As for blessings I want to say it has and is a blessing to know you and your family and been reading and following you since 2006 when Sarah just had relapsed. I have always enjoyed your writing. These days I have been re reading old entries. Today I read about Sarah being a teenager and Nathan choosing to go to college and the bladder clock story. Yesterday I think it was I was reading about your trip to Cancun! Thanks for sharing and still sharing.


    • Becky says:


      How delightful to know that you are taking the time to read old posts; I love doing that when I get a little extra time.

      You inspired me to go back and read the Bladder Clock and I just loved reading that story all over again.

      Thanks so much for following along with us for FOURTEEN years!

      Here’s hoping you can get back to your favorite book store very soon.

  3. Jenna hoff says:

    Becky, these photos really brightened my morning! I went to bed an hour late, was awake in the middle of the night at 3 am, and woke up two hours early and couldn’t go back to sleep. I was in such a mood and then I read your blog and saw the beautiful photos! You really have a gift for photography and an eye for beauty.

    One of the things I look forward to when the quarantines lift is being able to go to is an English conversation group I volunteer at for newcomers to Canada where I teach them aspects of English, lead conversation etc. It was one of the highlights of my week and I really mourned when it suddenly stopped. So, I played detective and was able to figure out how to contact about half the group members.

    Then, I worked with the agency that oversees these groups all over the city, spent the past few weeks learning how to do it online, and then lead my first online group yesterday. It was not quite the same as the in person groups, but was still a lot of fun.

    • Becky says:


      It always makes my day to know that something I post makes a difference for a reader. Thank you so much for letting me know.

      Kudos to you for turning your mourning into action and taking the initiative to search out some of the group members to continue the class. I am impressed by your tenacity but then again, I shouldn’t be surprised as I’ve learned over the years that Tenacity if your middle name.

      Hugs to you.

  4. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Oh, and I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed your photo. I always look forward to them and still think you could find a local establishment to feature them and sell enlarged prints (and perhaps consider selling some ?matted).

    • Becky says:


      Thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m not sure if I could ever get them to businesses but I have thought many times of making cards with them which seems a bit more doable. At any rate, so very glad you enjoy them!

  5. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Hi Becky,
    I was just looking through the latest edition of “Angels on Earth” magazine, saw the writer’s workshop mentioned and wanted to tell you about it. Then I saw that Patti had already noted it in her comment. I remember mentioning it to you in the past, but it too late for you to enter that year. You are such a terrific writer that I highly urge you to enter. I think you & your style of writing would appeal to their publications and you would have a good chance at being chosen to attend. To me, you are the perfect person to attend. I am sure you would enjoy it immensely.
    As for me, I hope and nature’s beauty in many things. The birds as they come to the feeders, the sun when it rises and sets, buds opening into glorious flowers, butterflies flitting from flower to flower, and I could go on and on. What do I want to do when this is all over? After I get my haircut and eat in a restaurant, I am looking forward to (in no particular order) going back to church services in church, going to the library, getting back to water aerobics class and being able to be out with family and friends.
    God bless, safe and healthy.
    Hugs to you all,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      I know that when the time comes when we are able to go back to the things we love we will appreciate them and enjoy them more than we ever have. I enjoyed reading your list and finding out the things you love! 🙂

  6. Catherine says:

    I have missed going to church and spending time with my brothers and sisters in the Lord, although I have enjoyed listening to the many different church offering their services online. Our nephew is a pastor, but does not live in our area. With the pandemic we have be able to listen to him a few times a week. We just love this opportunity we now have in hearing him present the Word. As far as the pandemics being over, I can’t wait to see my grandchildren and give them a big hug, although I heard we aren’t to do that in the future.

    • Becky says:


      How great to get to hear your nephew’s ministry long distance! I know you are proud of him.

      And yes, seeing grandchildren is at the top of my list, too.

  7. SueEllen says:

    Thank you for my “beach fix” tonight!! As always your photos are stunning. Prayers for continued health & safety for you and your family, along with your lovely island.

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Love to watch the birds come to our feeder and our bird bath. First thing – GET MY HAIR CUT!!!!! I’m done now.

  9. Phyllis says:

    Early in our Stay at Home Order, my church’s staff implemented calling each member in the church each week. My Sunday School class had 42 ladies to be called. Last fall, we created two Care Teams – one for those of us over the age of 50 and one for those under 50. I agreed to be the leader for the over group. Two ladies had agreed to co-lead the under group. The first three weeks, we along with our teacher called 10-11 ladies and sent out the usual weekly prayer request list. In the third week, one of the under 50 leaders had a flood from her dishwasher and felt with that, home schooling 4 kids of her own plus a preschooler to entertain and virtual teaching herself was just too much so she dropped off. We recruited other ladies to make the calls. Eleven ladies stepped up and agreed to make calls. Now each person only has 5-6 calls to make and they don’t have to call every week.
    One of the first things I want is a hair cut, followed by going to a restaurant and actually eating there. Meeting my good friend for lunch is high on the list and of course, actually going to the physical church for church and Sunday School is high on my priority list. They have already made the decision to have virtual VBS this year which is sad.
    Pictures are great. I went for walk this morning and took a few on my phone – some wild purple flowers, fountain in the middle of a lake and azaleas blooming at one of the office buildings near the lake.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like your church is amazingly organized when it comes to reaching out and staying in touch. And so glad to hear about people stepping up to volunteer–wonderful people like YOU!

      I love that you have such a beautiful place to walk with flowers, a fountain, and a lake. Enjoy!

  10. LeeAnne says:

    I love the picture of the old house with the vines growing over it. Your pictures are always so fun to look at. 🙂

    I am reminded daily that we live in a really wonderful part of the country…..small town Nebraska. We also feel extremely blessed that we have remained healthy as well as all of our family and friends.

    When it is safe, we will definitely get together with the kids and grand kids and give them all great big hugs!! I really have missed going to church, singing in the choir and seeing that family as well. Finally, we will have a great big get-together with the friends and catch up in person. I can’t wait!!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      You are blessed to have blood family and church family to look forward to being with. Hugs and singing and get-togethers are great things to anticipate.

      Glad you liked the old house with the vines. Old buildings always fascinate me–I love their decrepit beauty.

  11. Verna says:

    My first time to drive since the social distancing started, I drove to the bank this morning. On the way back, I made a drive around our church which raised my spirits but I had mixed feelings also. It looks the same, beautiful and inviting but I realized how much I miss worshiping and seeing my church family.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for leaving a comment. (For my readers, this is Steve’s mom.) 🙂

      I can only imagine how driving around your church brought mixed feelings–so many happy memories and yet the sadness of not getting to be there right now.

      I’m glad you got out a little bit. Love you!

  12. Ronna Perry says:

    I’ve missed being able to pick up my parents and taking them anywhere we wanted to go. The kids and I have done their shopping so we see them a few times a week. With 2&1/2 acre and my dad going in his 12th year of Alzheimer’s, my mom stays busy (too busy) with the yard and house.
    Ill be heading back to both my dental offices the second week in May. I don’t believe my profession (hygienist) will ever be the same, but I’m adaptable so change for the good is good with me.
    Love your pictures. I love nature photography as well. Took some pretty cool bird shots right in my own backyard during our isolation.
    In need of a new (used) camera due to me dropping mine on my kitchen tile. 🙁 I’m using a Nikon 5200 and would like to get another Nikon that I can use adaptable lens to the ones I have. Going to look at a few tomorrow, a 5100 and D 7000. I have to be careful with weight after 30 years of Dental Hygiene. What camera are you using?
    Take care and give my love to your family.

    • Becky says:


      Ouch. Dropping your camera on til was sad for you AND the camera! 🙂

      I use a pretty old Nikon D5000. Would love to upgrade at some point in my life but it’s done a good job for me. I finally got a used 50 mm lens and that made a big difference, using a prime lens instead of a zoom.

      I loved your line, “I’m adaptable so change for the good is good with me.” What a great attitude to have!

  13. krista121799 says:

    GO OUT TO EAT! I have missed this more than I should admit! I still order to go from time to time but it’s just not he same.
    Your pictures are so peaceful and serene- you’d never know there was a pandemic going on.
    Lord’s Blessings on a great week!

    • Becky says:


      Even though I don’t go to restaurants a lot I AM looking forward to the chance to sit down and eat, rather than do carry out. It’s the simple things, isn’t it?

      I’m glad I was able to share some pictorial peace and serenity with you!

  14. Patti says:

    While I miss going to church, I have felt blessed to be able to watch it online from both our home church and our summer church 1800 miles away. First things I want to do when the quarantine is lifted is go to Lake Michigan and hunt for beach glass and fossils. First place I want to eat out at is Buddy’s Pizza. We only went once before to try it and it was so good that I keep thinking about it. On a different note-are you familiar with Guideposts magazine? They have a writers workshop each year that I think you would do well at. It is a contest to enter for a weeks stay. Check it out.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it funny how just one meal at one restaurant can stick in our minds? I’m assuming they don’t do carry out? Sounds like if they did, they would stay busy!

      Thanks for the Guideposts info. A week of learning like that would be a dream come true!

  15. Ann Martin says:

    I have enjoyed the sunny warm days. Today is windy again and very chilly. Staying in and trying to keep warm. I just want to ride around in the car when this is over. Have to go to Duke for labs, PET scan and doctor appointment May 5. Prayers for safe travels, negative and clear PET, and good lab reports.

    • Becky says:


      Even though going to a doctor’s appointment isn’t exactly fun, it IS sort of fun to think about having a reason to get in the car! Will be praying for good results and peace for you and Jim during the process. Love you guys!

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