Big News. Big Milestone. Big Party.

January 16, 2023

Today’s news is big, big, big !

Get ready for it.

Are you sure you’re ready?

Here it is.

Nathan and Meagan and the kids are . . .

wait for it . . .

moving to . . . .

are you ready?

                                                                      C H A R L O T T E!


Yes, you read it right. Around March, the Floridian Smiths are going to become the Charlottean Smiths!  

Here is a screenshot of them telling their home church about it this morning–through many tears.

If you want to watch their announcement, you can go to the link below and forward to minute 47.  If the link doesn’t work for you, go to Facebook and search for Garden Grove Church.  You will see the video for the January 15 service.

Nathan and Meagan

Just a note that if you keep listening to the video, you will get to hear Meagan’s wonderful mom, Sheri, preach.  I have to say my heart was touched when I saw her go to the platform immediately after the announcement wiping a tear from her eye. While Steve and I rejoice at the hellos that are to come, she and Frank and their Florida family are getting ready to say some very difficult goodbyes.  Sheri, I love you friend, and am praying for you.  (Sheri blogs at Embrace the Grace)

Also, more big news.

January 10 was Sarah’s twentieth anniversary of her bone marrow transplant.

What makes this anniversary even more poignant is that almost two years ago, she was at Duke again, just a couple of rooms down from where she had her transplant. This time it was with a desmoid tumor and a severe case of mono.



Her loving and loyal fiance took such good care of her.

And more recently? He’s still right there with her. For better or worse. In sickness and in health.

Here she is with the other man in her life–a picture of life and happiness, a picture of hope.

Here are a few more photos from that earlier season of her life.

I especially love this one because it was taken in the living room of the house where she and Gage are temporarily living with us. Talk about full circle.  (My mom and dad are on either side of Nathan; Steve is next to his parents.)

Sarah walking around the yard of our current house with her big bro and little dog.

More memories.

This one is extra special because that’s Meagan on the left side of the photos with her sister and mom.  We go way back with that family, even before she and Nathan were dating.

The photo was taken at Brenner/Wake Forest University hospital, a few weeks before she went to Duke for the transplant.

Confetti Day!  Each time a child makes it through transplant, the staff gathers to throw confetti and cheer them on their way. Not a very large percentage of those patients ever make it to confetti day so we are extra grateful.

This is later on that same day. Sarah was allowed to see her beloved Snowy, but she couldn’t touch him because her immune system was so weak. (The bag she’s holding carried the pump that managed her 24-hour-a-day medications.)

A month later, she and Snowy were reunited, with a lot of snuggles to make up for. (Notice the medicine pump and the throw-up bowl nearby.)

This dance pretty much sums up how we all feel about the last twenty years.  Happy anniversary, sweet daughter!


And lastly . . .

We’ve been gone all weekend, the main reason for the trip being a surprise 50th birthday party for Gage’s dad.

We also finally had the chance to attend the church that Gage’s parents founded 10 years ago; we absolutely loved it. Gage and his next oldest brothers hadn’t been together on a Sunday in a while so it was special to hear them sing and play. Between the four of them, they covered the keyboard, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, and bass. (Gage was on bass and vocals and did an amazing job.)

Gage and his brothers aren’t just musical, they are also very good at creating crazy costumes! In case you’re wondering who all the wacky people are, the group consists of Sarah, Gage, his brothers, his parents, and his grandma. (If you haven’t guessed, it was a 70’s theme.)

It was really funny.  When Gage’s dad first walked in, he didn’t even recognize his mom, affectionately known as Grandma Deborah.  She surprised him completely–not just with her unexpected trip from out of state but also with her fabulous outfit!  (Here she is with four of the six grandsons who were there.)

If you haven’t noticed, this family loves to celebrate!

Saturday night we went to the Long’s home for dinner and I was struck again by how blessed Sarah is to have married into this family. They love her and affirm her and even though she isn’t usually a fan of loud, large gatherings, she always seems perfectly content to be a part of their exuberance.

In addition to the original eight Longs at the table, there was Sarah (the newest Long), Grandma Deborah, an unofficially adopted son, and Steve and me. Some of the evening’s “ingredients” included laughter, books, games, a guitar, a piano, singing, movie quotes, theological discussions, and way too many conversational threads to even begin to follow. I glanced over at Sarah in the middle of it all and despite suffering from a bad cold, her face was shining in the reflection of the love shown by her dear husband and his family.

When she was hospitalized before her wedding, the Long family was right there in spirit, praying and supporting her and our family and believing that her future still had many years left to write.

Twenty years ago, we weren’t so sure of how many years remained.

Today, we are thankful for so many things–not just for Sarah’s good health but also that Nathan and Meagan will be joining us in Charlotte soon.

We are simply rejoicing in years given, families extended, smiles shared, and prayers answered.

What about you?

What are the top three things you’re thankful for from the first fourteen days of 2023?

Are you old enough to remember the 70’s?  If so, what are some unique things you remember from that decade?

36 comments so far.

36 responses to “Big News. Big Milestone. Big Party.”

  1. Ellen says:

    Last July my daughter and her family moved back to Wisconsin from Alaska. They will live with us for the next few years, then buy our house when we retire.

    • Becky says:


      What a special season to have the generations living together. And even more special that the house will stay in the family. I love that–so similar to our own story!

  2. Liz says:

    Becky, what a post full of joy! As a grandmother who shares having distant grandchildren I can only imagine your excitement! What a wonderful addition to the miracle of Sarah’s 20 years of surviving and thriving.
    Hoping for good news about Steve’s MRI, your house sale and about a new job.

    • Becky says:


      Sarah has definitely been surviving and thriving these past 20 years. That’s a good way to put it.

      And yes, my grandma heart is very happy about all the good times to come with those grands!

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Oh my goodness… that’s great big news for sure!! I watched the video and it brought tears to my eyes. How awesome that you all will be in Charlotte!

    Congratulations Sarah on your 20th anniversary! You are destined for great things!❤️😊

  4. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    That news would make me jump up an down and probably make myself silly if that was my son – who lives in Oregon. So can understand your excitement. How wonderful for these many years of Sarah’s healing and being alive in Jesus. So glad Gage (and his family) came into her life. Have been praying for Steve and that he wouldn’t have to have surgery, but guess we will find out soon. And a full time job – one that will be excited about and knowing the Lord will continue to use you. And your house – hope it is a BIG bite!!!

    • Becky says:


      After you listed a summary of all the things in my past post I thought, “Whew. That’s a lot!”

      Many things going on for sure but, as you said, the joy of having family nearby will overshadow all the challenges of the changes we are all going through. I hope it’s not too long before you get to see you son in Oregon again!

  5. Suzanne says:

    I’m thrilled with ALL of this wonderful, exciting news! The young Smiths, the older Smiths, the young Longs, the older Longs all with good things happening!!! Just so grateful for these blessings in your lives!

    • Becky says:


      I love the way you listed the blessings for the young and older Smiths and Longs. It really sums up the whole post so well!

  6. Kim says:

    I had tears in my eyes listening to Nathan and Meagan share their heart about moving to NC. When Gods in it….every tiny details aligns. I’m SO excited for you and Steve, to have both kids and their families so close! What a gift!

    And yeah on all the Lord has done in and through Sarah.

    Your family truly BLESSES me!

    Kim ❤️

    • Becky says:


      I know–wasn’t their story so amazing? I truly admire this step they are taking; there will be a lot of adjustments but it will be a good move for them.

      The blessing goes both ways. Hugs to you, dear lady!

  7. Cindy says:

    Fantastic news for all of you! I know you will especially enjoy having your grandkids so close to you. I am praying that the job comes through for you. Life here in MN is a little confining of late. So much snow fell last week and my friend plowed my car out, so at least I can get to the grocery store. I am still not very comfortable driving down the alley, but have put on my big girl panties and got to the regular road twice now. The regular roads are all good and I don’t have a problem with them. I have been purchasing too many deserts, but feel I deserve them for being housebound for so long. This is the worst winter since I moved here! I can’t wait until spring arrives!

    • Becky says:


      I am also looking forward to spring, counting down the days.

      Good for you for getting yourself out to the regular road, even in the midst of all the snow. You’re becoming a true Minnesotan!

  8. Lori says:

    I’ve never commented before but have been reading your various blogs since before Sarah’s transplant. 20 years is awesome!!! I lived in Florida at the time and my boss’s daughter also had a transplant at Duke a few years before Sarah. I fell down the CaringBridge rabbit hole when her mom started posting links and it eventually got to you. Funny enough, I’ve now lived in the Charlotte area for 12 years, so I guess welcome to the area entire Smith family! I’m on the other side of the border though. Great schools and lower taxes on the SC side.

    • Becky says:


      A long-time reader, first-time commenter. Hooray!

      I remember falling down many CB rabbit holes. So many stories being told of so many kids. Glad your rabbit hole led you to us.

      I’ve heard it is cheaper to live over the border but they are wanting to be up near Kannapolis so that wouldn’t work for them, unfortunately.

  9. SueEllen says:

    WOW – What a happy post!! I’m so excited for you as you await the Florida Smiths becoming Charlotte Smiths. I pray that the Lord guides you in your interview and that you know if this is THE job for you; I pray for clear answers from Steve’s MRI Tuesday and I pray you are able to “hook” the nibble on your OBX house. I always think of Sarah as a living miracle – but wow – 20 years post marrow transplant – so incredible! And thanks for sharing all the 70’s pictures – they did an excellent job capturing that era. And what a testimony from Meghan and Nathan. Three things I’m thankful for so far in 2023 1) an unexpected small (2%) raise mid school year 2) my father-in-law had a small health scare Friday, but is doing MUCH better 3) while I tested positive for Covid this past Wednesday it was very mild and I get to go back to work tomorrow (Tuesday). Prayers for a wonderful week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      An unexpected raise, a recovering father-in-law and a mild case of Covid. Definitely thanksgiving reasons!

      Thanks for the encouraging words and prayers concerning all that’s going on in our lives right now. There will be some updates on Monday.

  10. Robin says:

    What wonderful news about Nathan’s family! I can’t imagine how over the moon you are. 20 years ago, you probably never would have even dared hope that you would have a healthy young adult daughter and 4 grandchildren who are about to be your neighbors.

    So far this year, I’m grateful for my family all having recovered from COVID, for being able to replace our car (it had 250,000 miles on it and would occasionally lose power steering), and for the ability to video chat with loved ones who are far away.

    • Becky says:


      Losing power steering is no fun. We had a car that did that and it’s amazing just what a difference power steering makes! Kudos to you for driving a car “till its wheels fall off” as Steve and I are fond of saying. You definitely got your money’s worth out of it; 250,000 miles is amazing!

      Thanks for rejoicing with us over all the happenings in our lives.

  11. Phyllis says:

    Congratulations on many things – Sarah’s 20-year transplant anniversary, Gage’s Dad’s birthday, a job interview, serious bite on your Manteo House and last but certainly not least, the Florida Smiths joining you in Charlotte! I know you have to be beside yourself to have them close to you after many years of them being several hundred miles away..
    Yes, I am old enough to remember the 70s, I graduated high school in 1973 and college in 1977. Bell bottoms, smock tops and tie dye! Gage and his brothers did a great job dressing for the party.
    My 2023 has been relatively quiet so far. My new dryer that was supposed to come on the 14th didn’t arrive so I have been either hanging clothes to dry or carting them to my next-door neighbor to use her dryer. The worst part is I had to call Lowe’s Friday night to find out that it wouldn’t be delivered on Saturday. When I asked when they had planned to tell me that, she said I would have gotten an automated call that night. Not impressed with that customer service. I’m crossing my fingers that it will get delivered this Saturday although she said it might be delayed later than that.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I was very impressed by the outfits Gage and his brothers chose. They all have a flair for the dramatic!

      Here’s hoping your dryer arrives soon and you can dry your clothes in your very own house.

  12. Gayle in AL says:

    What wonderful news that the Florida Smiths are moving to Charlotte! Did Nathan get a job transfer? I know you’re over the moon that those grands will be so close! We only have one grand (he’ll be 13 this month!) and we’re so thankful he lives a few minutes away.

    I hope the job interview goes well. I know they’ll love you! And praying you get some good answers from the MRI.

    • Becky says:


      Having the grandkids close will definitely be wonderful. Being a closer part of their lives as they continue to grow up will be a huge blessing. I know you’ve enjoyed having yours so close!

  13. Katrina says:

    This post made slightly tear-eyed (In a good way!😇) because there is so much celebration in this post. I love the 70s theme pictures.

    Happy 20th BMT anniversay ! Glad that Sarah Long is doing well

    And big news for the Florida Smiths that soon will be Charlotte Smiths. I hope they find a lovely home etc .

    2023 has been ok so far. However I look forward to better weather so I can go out has been one of the most rainy January in Denmark and we kinda had a storm yesterday as well !

    • Becky says:


      I’m right there with you on looking forward to pretty weather. Spring is just around the corner.

      Glad the post made you teary-eyed in a GOOD way! As you said, there was a lot to celebrate in it.

  14. Dale Tousley says:

    Wow! Good news all around…..what brings the younger Smiths to Charlotte? My cousin’s daughter lives in the Charlotte area, they are about the same age as Nathan and Meagan and have two girls 10 and 8, I could ask her school systems and good young family areas if it would be helpful?

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that would be great to get some family info from your cousin’s daughter. Thanks!

      Still can’t believe they’ll be living in our same city, along with Sarah and Gage. We couldn’t have planned that in a hundred years!

  15. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    Oh, I am SO excited that you’ll have your whole passel of grandkids nearby, and soon!

    And the offer on the house! HOORAY!

    Awww – Snowy! <3

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for mentioning Snowy. He is such a famous little doggie around here and seeing his little face made me miss him so much. He was quite the professional nurse for Sarah.

  16. Patti says:

    How wonderful that the grands and their parents will be moving closer soon. Prayers for your job interview and Steves MRI.
    Thankful that my low immunity husband didn’t catch the covid I had. Thankful I am able to sew again after a small finger surgery.
    I remember the 70’s and the wild clothes. Didn’t get much into the culture of the 70’s. The costumes everyone had on at the party were great.

    • Becky says:


      Thankful right along with you that your husband stayed healthy during your bout with Covid. I know that was a concern. And I’ve always wished I could sew so I definitely rejoice with you (and am slightly envious) that you are sewing again!

  17. Jim Martin says:

    Becky do feel like the mother hen of finally getting all your chicks under your wings. Boy what a family get together that God has made for you and Steve. You don’t know why all this has come about but just wait the Lord has a reason for all this. Just enjoy the story as all plays out for you and Steve.

    • Becky says:


      That’s a good way to put it–being a mother hen with my chicks (and their chicks) gathering. Can’t wait for our first meal together in the grandparent’s house.

      Blessings to you today.

  18. Kaye Joyce says:

    I LOVE YOUR POST!!!!! All of it…every bit of it blessed my heart. I am thrilled that your Floridian family is going to be closer so you can spoil the grands! Maybe you can babysit for them full time and not get a public job. Been there, done that and it was so great. Praying for all good things for you all. I am blessed coming and going so this morning I am just grateful.

    • Becky says:


      I loved your line “I am blessed coming and going this morning.” What a great way to look at the day.

      Thanks for rejoicing with us over the kids coming; we’re stoked!

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