A (Slightly) Revised Monday Post

October 9, 2017

Good morning, lovely Smithellaneous-ites! 

I had great plans to do a long post full of stories and pictures but sadly, the Malfunctioning Technology Bug has infested my life on several fronts and if there is any hope of me keeping my sanity today, I am going to have to back.  away.  slowly.  from all things technical taking numerous deep, cleansing breaths as I do.

I usually love all things technology-related but between my church computer (just had hard drive replaced with all the accompanying headaches), my home computer (an ancient, second-hand laptop which is the last stages of rigor mortis), and a new software program that I don’t understand, used to manage 60,000 of my photos, I have reached the end of my rope.

But because I try to be nice blogger, I was going to share a quick recipe with you, just to make it worth your while coming to the page today.  However, the Computer Technology Bug is also keeping me from cropping and rotating a photo to upload to the blog so that was basically the last piece of the last straw.

I am off to the computer repair shop and hopefully when we talk again, I will have worked through my myriad difficulties and be ready to launch back into the joy of blogging!

The picture I included  today doesn’t have anything to do with anything but I had to delete the “bear” picture that I had put up  Monday because it was bothering me due to its woeful lack of artistic quality.   This is one I took a couple years ago on the Manteo waterfront.  Love that Carolina blue sky.

My computer is still in the shop and I’m waiting on news as to whether or not it is “terminal.”

Thanks for stopping by!  I am blessed to be part of this community.



14 comments so far.

14 responses to “A (Slightly) Revised Monday Post”

  1. Mel says:

    Love the new picture. We are looking at 7 days of rain in our forecast with a possible break for Sat. only. Don’t think I will be seeing skies like that for a while.

  2. jenna Hoff says:

    Sounds frustrating! Hope it all works itself out soon!

  3. Mel says:

    Oh my. I work on computers all day long and as long as my program is working I am okay but the minute something doesn’t work it just sets me off. I say I am computer illiterate. I am an accountant, not a computer guru. Hope everything gets fixed quickly and cheaply. Have a great week.

    • Becky says:


      If you work on computers all day, you can understand my frustration better than most. Love computers when they work. When they don’t? Not so much. 🙂

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Isn’t technology wonderful!! Knowing you, you will “bear” up to these technical problems and will give a “hug” to your computer when it is fixed.

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Prayers for you as you try to get things back together. I know it is frustrating for you and am sure things will be brighter soon. Just enjoy the fresh air!

  6. LeeAnne says:

    Oh the joys. Not. I feel for you Becky. Everything we do anymore is to tech-heavy that when it goes awry, it really throws a big ‘ol wrench into the works. *Ugh* Hope you’re up and going again soon.

  7. Phyllis says:

    Computer problems are never any fun! Hope you are back up and running soon!

    • Becky says:


      It takes a lot for a computer to get my goat but my goat is officially gotten! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer till everything is worked out.

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