Baths and Dads

December 12, 2014

Just wanted to check in briefly to say hello and to apologize for the dearth of posts this week.  

Everything is okay here–we just had some unexpected events and scheduling complexities to work around this week in addition to the three of us all dealing with a variety of ailments and illnesses.

Although we three are fine, Summer did want me to mention that she had a bit of a traumatic week, since her ol’ bad dad gave her a bath.

Look at that pitiful face!



Fortunately, Sarah was there to comfort her when it was all over and life is good once again.


What about you?  Summer wants to know if your fur child loves its bath or hates it?  If your pet loves it, what do you do to make the bath more lovable?

21 comments so far.

21 responses to “Baths and Dads”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Prince just stands still in the bathtub and lets me bathe him. He is so good and does not seem to be bothered by washing the soap off either. I guess it comes from taking him to the groomer when he was just a few weeks old. I wash him in between grooming appts. Luci is good, too, but don’t try to cut her toenails! No way will she let me do that.

  2. Denise says:

    I have, believe it or not, a cat who loves water and doesn’t mind being bathed. I’ve only had to do it once – he had a flea infestation even though he’s an indoor cat. I put him under the shower and he thought it was a new game. He was absolutely mesmerized by the magical falling water and tried to bat at it, and he didn’t seem to mind that he was getting soaked. He’s never needed a bath since then, but if a human in the house is taking a shower, he will actually wait for them to get out…and then jump into the tub and play with the leftover water.

    We used to have a small poodle in our family who was about as enthused about baths as Summer seems to be…or perhaps even less. We had a few embarrassments when she bit the groomer and put up a huge fuss about being washed.

  3. Vicki says:

    Two things helped my bath hating pooch – installing a sprayer in the shower so that she didn’t have to stand in water, and putting down a rubber bath mat so that her feet didn’t slip as much. The sprayer made the bath go faster and I got less wet, so it was win win.

  4. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Summer looks a lot like I did yesterday when I walked out to check my rain gauge. Haven’t floated away yet, am actually thankful for all this wet stuff! Looks like we get a days break tomorrow and I really hope to see the sun!

  5. Kristina says:

    Hahaha… my dog HATES getting baths. The first time I tried to bathe her, Kira spent the whole time doing her absolute best to stay OUT of the water. Paws clinging to the ledge of the tub, back shoved against the wall… there were some pretty impressive canine acrobatics going on.

    As for what I do now to make bathtime better? Welllll… I drop her off at a local business called the Dawg Wash. When I go to pick her up a few hours later, she’s clean, smells nice, and is indescribably THRILLED to see me. 😉

    • Becky says:


      I have to say, it is the next thing to impossible to give a dog a bath who does not want to be bathed. They have many ways of making their non-cooperativeness known! We also get Summer groomed but it’s so expensive we try to stretch out the times in between by giving her baths ourselves. She really stays pretty still for the bath so it’s not a huge ordeal; just a bit of a happy challenge.

  6. dmantik says:

    oops–“anonymous” was me…hit the button too fast and alarmed myself! deb

  7. Anonymous says:

    If we tried to give our cat, Rosie, a bath, there would be no survivors…..:-}

  8. Tammy Wright says:

    I miss you so much it hurts!! 🙂 So what is a dearth? At first I thought I saw death so whatever it is I’m relieved! 🙂 LOL So much for being a word girl! Ha (I looked it up by the
    Brooke has been home all week except for Thursday so I’m a little stir C-R-A-Z-Y!!
    Love you!

    • Becky says:


      The “missing feeling” is mutual!! I’m glad you looked up dearth and wasn’t alarmed by it saying “death!” 🙂

  9. Jenna Hoff says:

    Poor sweet Summer! We have feathered (not furry) friends in our home and our quaker parrot abhors his showers. When he gets out of the shower his feathers point up all over his head, in every which direction and he looks terribly funny and cute all at once.

  10. I have two Labradors – one loves water, the other hates it (he could rival Summer’s pitiful expression!)

    For my Water Loving Labrador, otherwise known as Ollie, I like to actually get in with him and have a real play with the water. Luckily we have a wet room so it’s no big deal if water goes everywhere and plenty of space for him to leap around in!

    For my Water Hating Labrador (Sparky), i try to get the experience over as soon as possible and provide him with many, many soft towels to lie on and a warm fire in the Winter to lay in front of – Eau de Wet Dog soon follows but we don’t care because we love him 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you have the dog-bathing routine down pat! It’s funny that you have one dog who loves it and one dog who hates it. I guess our dogs are like kids–each one is so totally different.

      I think Sparky is getting a pretty good deal: soft towels and a warm fire. Ahh.

  11. beckylp says:

    glad you all are just busy ~ however, I know it’s because a certain little smith boy will be here soon taking up every minute of grandma’s time – as he should

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