Babies and Bed Rest and Simple Fun

May 7, 2015

Meagan was put on bed rest this week since she is still eight weeks out from her due date and having contractions.

Here is her recent FB post:

So as of yesterday afternoon, Madison and I have been put on bed rest . . . thankfully we are only on a trial run for a week. The Dr will reevaluate the situation on the 12th and decide if it will be a permanent decision until the due date. Our family would appreciate prayers for a healthy finish to the pregnancy for myself and Madison. Also, for Nathan as he takes on the task of caring for both of us girls as well as Noah

The three of us are planning to make the Baby Run to Florida once Madi makes her appearance but we are praying with Meagan and Nathan that the event will be later rather than sooner.

Here’s a picture of their entire family taken at their church. Even though I am sad that the three of us can’t be more of an active part of our grandchildren’s lives, I am grateful they are surrounded by such a fabulous family. Love them all!

By the way, Meagan’s sister, Joy (in the orange sweater) is due to have her third child shortly after Madison is born.


Noah and Grandpa Hawley.  So sweet!


Three of my favorite people.  (And I just saw on my Facebook app that Nathan graduated from college four years ago today. Time has wings!)


On another subject, Steve and I gave blood last week at the blood drive our church hosted. Since we wound up in opposite chairs from each other, I couldn’t resist getting a picture of him with my feet in it.


In other medical news, I had my monthly RA infusion on Tuesday as well as an annual x-ray of my hands and feet. I have to say it’s really quite depressing to sit beside a doctor and look at hand x-rays while he points out all the areas that have taken a turn for the worse over the past year.


And I’m not sure if I’ve had a reaction to the infusion or what, but I’ve been in bed for the past two days, feeling woefully weak and wobbly, short of breath (more than usual) and exceedingly under-the-weather-ish.

It’s actually been a tough week for me, overall–one of those weeks when I’ve been teary for no reason, and the added physical malaise sure hasn’t helped anything. Steve and Sarah have, as always, been so loving and supportive during this low time. 

And just because I don’t want to end this post on a downer, here is a video of Noah having fun with his cousins.  He had just had some ice cream which he’d gotten on his shirt which is the reason for his (very cute) shirtless condition.   

You can tell he is carrying on the Smith tradition of having a great deal of fun with the simplest stuff in life.

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Babies and Bed Rest and Simple Fun”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Pray you are feeling better, Becky, and praying for Meagan and Madison as well as Nathan. So much happening in your life. Tomorrow will be brighter. Love you.

  2. Liz says:

    Hoping you are feeling better soon! Feeling teary is a very natural reaction to being so far away from a grandson you love very much. No matter how much you rationalize that he is surrounded by a loving family (which he is), you aren’t physically part of that and it is very painful. We have three beloved grandsons and a beloved granddaughter that are far away from us, and I miss them so much. I do understand!

    • Becky says:


      Those grandbabies are something special, aren’t they? Thanks for your compassionate, understanding words.

  3. Steve says:

    Love you.

  4. Phyllis says:

    Sending prayers for Meagan and Baby Madison and Nathan also.

  5. Mrs. Pam says:

    actually, I can think of quite a few reasons for your being teary….

  6. Catherine says:

    Hope all feel better soon! Video is so cute! They do grow up fast ! Can’t wait in due time to meet Madison ! No rush !! Here’s to feeling better!! Hugs!!

  7. Lucy says:

    Prayers to Meagan and her family through this tricky time.

    I wanted to comment to tell you that everytime I access your site, it sends me off to the App Store or to some very dodgy looking sites. I’m not sure if you have a bad ad or something blocking traffic.


  8. Lesley says:

    So the ladies are down and out 🙁 I hope this low period lifts soon, I’m feeling one myself and trying to focus on the good things. Meagan is on bed rest? Whatever it takes to keep Madison incubating longer! Maybe you are also having ‘sympathy surges’. Well, Nathan and Steve are on duty and we all know how good they are at it. You gals are quite lucky. Hang in there mama/grandma. You feel better soon! That’s an order 🙂

  9. LeeAnne says:

    I’m so sorry that you are under the weather and that Meagan and Madison are on bed rest. Those moms-to-be tend to over do it (even if they don’t think that they are!) when there is already one little one in the house. Hopefully this is just what she needs so that she can make it to full term. I pray that you feel much better very soon, that Meagan’s contractions go away and that she and Madison remain healthy.
    It sure is fun to watch small children play and run! Noah is adorable as he tries to keep up with the bigger kids. If I went around and around in circles like that, I’d be sick! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, overdoing it is an easy thing to do for a mom of a busy toddler and working full time. Sounds like the bed rest has been paying off and her contractions are lessening, so that’s good!

      And yes, I loved watching Noah keep up with the big kids. His laugh is so delightful!

  10. Shawn says:

    Sending lots of prayers for you and Meagan! Hope both of you are on the mend soon. As I have said before i really enjoy all of your pictures and videos. Take care!

    • Becky says:


      Glad you enjoy the photos and videos. It is a joy to have the chance to share them. Thank you for the prayers!

  11. beckylp says:

    Prayers for all of you. Love your pix of yours and Steve’s giving of the gift of life. Hope your “blues” go away soon- our hormones do that sometimes

    • Becky says:


      Steve and I are always glad for the chance to give blood. Sarah would love to, as well, but she doesn’t weigh enough.

  12. Mel says:

    Here’s hoping that Megan only needs 1 week rest. Prayers to your entire family as they endure these current stressers.

  13. Mary H says:

    Prayers for everyone! Oh how life can just pile up on you sometimes and it takes a little bit to crawl back out into the sunshine. But, there is sunshine. Love the video of Noah. Cousins and running and ice cream and giggles are the best of times.

  14. Jan Reuther says:

    As always, prayers for Meagan and Madison as well as for the rest of her family as you wait out this trial with her.

    Love the family photos and the video is just too precious! I thing the grown ups get more tired watching little ones run than the little ones get actually do it!

    • Becky says:


      I never cease to be amazed at the stamina kids have. They just go and go and go and we adults stand there and count down the minutes to our next nap. Gotta love ’em. 🙂

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