Apples. Romance. Shower Cleaning. And Niceness.

February 20, 2014

I like chocolate. And nuts. And apples.

So to say that this was a perfect gift is an understatement of gargantuan proportions.


Oh. My.  


To make the chocolate and nut encased apple even more wonderful, it was accompanied by flowers and a Valentine card from my romantic and thoughtful husband.



As much as chocolate and flowers traditionally (and very capably) represent love and romance, I am about to show you some pictures of something even more romantic.  (Men. Take careful note.)




 Yep.  He cleaned the shower for me.

Be still my heart. 

What about you?  

Has someone (either a friend or a significant other) done something nice for you lately?  

It seems to me that we hear so much about the bad stuff people do; niceness deserves its own spotlight!

12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Apples. Romance. Shower Cleaning. And Niceness.”

  1. Lesley says:

    Go Steve! He should write a book. Seriously, I think it would be interesting because he has had quite a journey in this life.
    As for me, well, one of my ‘nurse friends’ from work called me when I first got home from the hospital and said that she would like to bring me and Sarah dinner every night for a while and when would I like it to start? Every night for about 2 weeks either she or her husband dropped off a warm dinner (and dessert) for us. Really, how very thoughtful was that? The thing was, she did not give me a choice, she did not ask, she just announced it, which was good, because otherwise, my independent spirit would have said ‘no, thats fine, but thanks anyway’, even though it really was a good idea. I am stubborn like that. LOL

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Steve has definitely got some stories to tell!

      And as for your friend who provided a meal every night for TWO weeks? Don’t ever let her out your sight! 🙂 Friends like those are rare, precious jewels–you are blessed. (And you deserved that extra spoiling while you recuperated.)

  2. Dale Tousley says:

    Becky, I LOVE the look on Steve’s face as he is about to enter that shower, waiting for the soap scum monster to leap out at him (not implying that you have soap scum) I HATE vacuuming, our upstairs is so big and there is SO much carpet so last Saturday I hear the vacuum cleaner going and my husband said this is your Valentine’s Present, I was thrilled!!! We did also end up going out to dinner but I loved the vacuum cleaning present!

    • Becky says:


      Let me assure you, there WAS a soap scum monster ready to leap out at Steve! (Don’t ask me know how I know!) 🙂

      Glad you got a vacuumed upstairs AND a dinner out for Valentines. Both are equally lovely, aren’t they?

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Since I am spending most of the day and part of the evening with Mama Jim has taken out the trash and cares for the cat and pups. I am so thankful for his help and support.

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    Your candied apple made me smile. I don’t like apples (except cooked ones like in apple pie with ice cream), but I always asked my mother to buy me a candied apple so I could eat the caramel. don’t know why I didn’t just ask for a bag of caramels .. or chocolate covered caramels, which would have been even better.

    hooray for Steve!

    My friend, Mrs. G., takes care of all the chores that I can no longer do… vacuuming, laundry, feeding the birds, picking up and returning my library books, and bringing me lots of “meals on wheels”.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      That is so funny that you never asked your mom for a bag of caramels. Crazy how our “logic” works (or doesn’t work) sometimes, isn’t it? I have apples almost every day; love them!

      Mrs. G sounds like a real treasure in your life. You are a blessed with a good, good friend!

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Whoa!! Now *that’s* true love!! 🙂 I get little surprises like that now and then as well, and they are the best!!! (Especially when I didn’t ask!)

  6. Rachel K says:

    My husband is not a romantic man. He doesn’t do flowers or cards. However, every Wednesday night I have an online lecture class for three hours for my MBA program. So I sit in my office with the door closed. He keeps the kids entertained and brings me in dinner every night. Then later comes back to take the dirty dishes away. That is the sweetest thing to me. Oh and the other day he said our marriage was bulletproof. Leave it to a military man to put it that way! But it means a lot that he feels like we really could survive anything and that we have such a strong marriage.

    Steve is awesome by the way. Many men could learn from him!!

    • Becky says:


      I loved your comment on so many levels. I loved that you can see past the “unromantic trappings” of your husband and understand by his generous and thoughtful ways that he loves you in ways that go far beyond a storybook romance. To entertain kids, bring you a meal, AND pick up the dirty dishes while you can study? Amazing guy.

      And his comment about your marriage being bullet proof–well, that almost made me cry. (And as you said, it’s the perfect words for a military man to use.) You are blessed!

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