Ann Martin, LeeAnne, Phyllis, Sue Ellen Williams, D Mantik, Kari, Sharyn

January 7, 2019

This year’s Top Five Commenters List has turned into a Top Seven List due to an unprecedented TWO two-way ties.

January 2019
First place           Ann Martin  67
First place           Lee Anne  67
Second place      Phyllis 64
Third place          Sue Ellen Williams 57
Third place          D Mantik 47  (my sister!)
Fourth place        Kari 47 
Fifth place           Sharyn McDonald 45

I love that many of you are so active in commenting. This blog wouldn’t be half as interesting without you chiming in and telling your stories, asking your questions, and giving your opinions. I am grateful for you all.

Here’s a little trip down memory lane featuring the past top commenters.  What’s really great is that several names that showed up years ago are still showing up now.

January 2018   Ann, Lee Anne, Mrs. Pam, Lesley, Jan

January 2017   Ann, Kari, Lee Anne, Lesley, Phyllis

January 2016   Ann, Lee Anne, Mrs. Pam, Lesley, Jan

January 2015   Mary H, Ann, Nancy, Guerrina, Mrs. Pam

January 2014   Mrs. Pam, Lesley, Lee Anne, Jenna Hoff, Mary H.

January 2013   Mary H., Mrs. Pam, Jenna Hoff, Lesley, Kristina

January 2012   Mary H,  Ann, Nancy, Guerrina, Mrs. Pam


In another end-of-the-year wrap up . . .

this is our Smith family Christmas card.  I have about a dozen left so if you would like one, just send your address to me at smithellaneous(AT)

And now on to our Charlotte/Florida trip.

So as not to overload you with everything in one post, I’ll divide the trip up into two posts, starting with Charlotte. (I actually did a pre-post last Monday which you can find here.)

As I mentioned in that post, Nathan flew to Charlotte for a day before driving back to Florida with the three of us. A fun present we were able to give him this year was a guitar.  

Steve had been given the Ibanez guitar a couple of years ago for doing a funeral and it had just been sitting in his office.  He had heard Nathan mention a couple of times that he would like to learn guitar and so it was the perfect gift to give.

A few minutes after the guitar presentation, Nathan did a video call with Meagan and the kids so that they could say hello to Great Grandma Smith and Great Grandpa Smith. 

(next three pictures are by Sarah)

It made me smile to see Steve pointing at this dad. You can just hear him saying, “This is your Great Grandpa Smith!”

I loved it when Ken waved to everyone on the screen. 

Ken was feeling much stronger than even a week earlier and was in such good spirits, enjoying all the family and the food and the festivities. There are few things he loves more than a house full of people.

I got my traditional Christmas shot of the Smith Siblings setting the Smith table. 

The floral plates in the foreground are from a set that Ken’s parents were given for their wedding almost a hundred years ago. It was so cool to eat dinner on china that has seen so many generations of Smiths come and go.

As usual, Sarah and I carved out some time for a Goodwill trip.  She often gets done before I do when we go shopping and I usually find her sitting somewhere happily entertaining herself.


While we were out thrifting and buying groceries, we stopped at this convenience store where my attention was caught by these oddly shaped parking spaces.  Sarah and I stared at them for a while and we even asked Steve and his brothers about them but no one had a clue.

I figured someone in Smithellaneous land might have some insight about why they are in such an unusual shape. They almost look like they are shaped for petite spaceships!

One of the highlights of the Charlotte visit was when we gathered all twelve of us in the den after Christmas lunch and watched this video.  I spent about 15 hours (over a couple of months) creating it for an early birthday present for Ken; he didn’t know it was coming and was very touched.  He wanted to watch it several more times that night which made me happy.

I have included it here if you’d like to take a minute to see the story behind one of our favorite men.

And now on to the Florida trip.

Or at least a little bit of the Florida trip.  I’ll  just give you a few sneak peeks and finish up with it in the next post.


My favorite picture of the whole trip.

Lots more to come; we’ll see you back here soon!

In the meantime, does anyone have any New Year’s resolutions to share with us? 

Mine is to be more aware, to live more in the moment, to not miss what is in front of because I’m staring too hard at what’s coming down the road.





34 comments so far.

34 responses to “Ann Martin, LeeAnne, Phyllis, Sue Ellen Williams, D Mantik, Kari, Sharyn”

  1. SueEllen says:

    I’m way late, but if you happen to have any more Christmas cards, I’d love one. As always, thank you for sharing your family with us.This week I especially loved the pictures of Ken enjoying his family.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Nope, not too late! πŸ™‚

      Glad you enjoyed the pictures of Ken enjoying his family. There’s nothing that brings a smile to his face any faster than family.

  2. Sally Reed says:

    Enjoyed the pictures of Ken and Vernie..Thanks for including the picture of George and Hazel. I remember them like yesterday and still miss them!

    • Becky says:


      So lovely to get a comment from someone who actually knew Steve’s grandparents! πŸ™‚ Thank you for taking the time to write. I only knew them a few years but enjoyed their company so much.

  3. Katrina says:

    I just wanted to say Happy Transplant Anniversay to Sarah. Those pictures of her and her grandfather Ken made me think of it. Beautiful video . And really lovely pictures. I am glad you had a great time together πŸ™‚

    Can I ask something? If it is too insenstive do not answer but I am curious if you ever have thought about moving to Floridia to be closer to the Smiths there ? πŸ™‚ I know you love it in Manteo I am just curious if it had ever been a thought in your mind at some point?

    • Becky says:


      It would definitely seem like a logical thing for us to move closer to Florida but unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in our futur. We’ll just have to keep making long drives and appreciating the rare-ish times we get to be with our sweet family.

      Thanks for remembering Sarah’s transplant annniversary. Hard to believe it’s been 17 years!

  4. Wendy says:

    Loved your post. That video was so amazing for Ken. Lots of love and work went into it. The music for it was awesome. So nice you could have time together with them and then head down to Florida too. No New Year Resolutions for me. I break them the first day it seems, ha! Happy New Year to you and your family

    • Becky says:


      I know. I love that style of music. You can’t help but smile when you listen to it! I knew it would definitely put a smile on HIS face!

      Hoping your new year holds many reasons to smile.

  5. Mel says:

    I love how your family uses the good dishes. I have my Grandmother’s (from my mom’s side of the family) which are Royal Dalton and around 70 years old and I am petrified to put them out. It makes me sad that they do not get used but being a discontinued pattern, I would hate to see something happen to them. Funny story about the dishes though is that my father’s side of the family had much more money than my mom’s and one day I had finished cutting the grass at my Aunt’s house and she invited me in for a drink. As I was only around 10 and did not like tea, I took a glass of water and she poured herself a tea. I noticed that her “everyday” dishes were our “good” dishes. There were the exact same pattern. Who uses Royal Dalton china as everyday dishes?!!! As a side note, just because they had more money did NOT make them better people and my father would be one of the first ones to say that. πŸ™‚

    • Becky says:


      That is SUCH a great story about your aunt using the Royal Dalton for everyday dishes. I would love to have seen what she used for her good china!

      And yes, using the good dishes from time to time is a great joy. Not every day a person gets to eat off a plate a century old! πŸ™‚

  6. LeeAnne says:

    I just want to say that I really, really enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing your life and family with us and for being an inspiration to me. πŸ™‚

    You did a super job on the video! I bet those pictures conjured up so many great memories for Ken. And he looks great by the way. πŸ™‚

    I don’t really make new year’s resolutions. However, after being sidelined from my usual level of activity due to a hamstring injury and then plantar fasciitis for a year, I am finally back on my feet so have set a goal to lose 5 pounds and get back into the shape I was at a year ago and to be there by my birthday which is March 1st. It’s so do-able. I also would like to spend more time learning to use my good Nikon camera. My cell phone camera is usually my go to because it’s easy and right there, so I want to be more diligent about getting Mr. Nikon out.

    Your Christmas with family in Florida looks like fun! Those kiddos are just the sweetest!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Two goals I can relate to: losing weight and putting Mr. Nikon to work more than last year.

      I expect you to report back to us on March 1 saying that you have lost those pounds. That way we can ALL have an excuse to celebrate. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for being such a faithful reader and commenter. I really appreciate you.

  7. Va says:

    Your daughter has a beautiful smile

  8. Guerrina says:

    I loved the video and the choice of music ….ahhhh, Boogie Woogie Bugler Boy is a fave of mine! I rarely follow through on New Year’s resolutions. I just want to draw closer to God and take care of this body!

    • Becky says:


      I also LOVE Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy! However, the second song in the video was actually In the Mood. The two songs are so similar in mood and style that they could easily substitute for each other. Glad you enjoyed the video!

      Your resolutions are perfect . . . simple and to the point.

  9. Nicole Marshall Doyal says:

    I have absolutely no resolutions at all…seems when I do, I either forget them soon or just fail at them so I don’t do them. I am going to get my family to do a thankful jar though. It will be on the kitchen counter with slips of paper by it. Every time you are happy about something or thankful about something, write it down and put it in the jar. then at the end of the year, we will read through all of the slips of paper.

    • Becky says:


      I love the thankful jar idea. Nathan and Meagan do something similar where they have a bulletin board listing things they are praying for along with answers to prayer and good things that have happened along the way. It’s so easy to forget the good things if we don’t write them down and intentionally make a point of remembering.

      I’m glad to know your family is doing the thankful jar; maybe it will inspire others to do the same. πŸ™‚

  10. Phyllis says:

    Great video! I’m sure Ken loved it.
    No New Year’s resolutions for me. My pastor actually asked who had made them for this year and it was surprising how few people raised their hands.
    When I first read your comment about the dishes, I read they were a wedding gift for Steve’s parents. When you said they were nearly 100 years old, I went back and reread it as I knew his parents hadn’t been married that long.

    • Becky says:


      I bet you WERE surprised at the thought that Ken and Vernie had been married a hundred years. Glad you went back and checked. πŸ™‚

  11. Lesley says:

    How wonderful for Ken to have his family near for the holiday. I watched the slide show, so well done Becky! No wonder he wanted to rewatch it a few times. So, the parking spaces…..I wish they were handicapped spaces because often times HC spaces are too small to fit a wheelchair with an adult lifting a person out the car door.
    The picture of you and Maddie is precious. As far as resolutions, I am determined to find a couple of sitters for Sarah so I can leave the house without her, ha!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, those would make great HC spaces, wouldn’t they? Plenty of movin’ around room!

      I LOVE your resolution and I am in your corner with you cheering that you will actually follow through on it. Even one or two outings a month, completely on your own, would be such a great chance to savor some solitude and get a few things done that are harder to do when sweet Sarah is along. Let me know how that goes!

  12. Jim Martin says:

    Great video pictures but to me the big band music is one of my favorite group of music really complimented the pictures!

    • Becky says:


      I agree!

      I tried to choose songs I knew Ken would like. The first one was especially appropriate since he grew up in Pennsylvania. πŸ™‚

  13. krista121799 says:

    My New Year’s resolution is to be on the top commenter list next year!
    I enjoy your posts so much. I can’t wait for Monday’s to see a new Smithellaneous post.
    I’m so glad that you were able to be with all the Smith’s for Christmas. Special memories made!
    Happy New Year to you !

    • Becky says:


      Would love to see your resolution come true. I love my commenters! πŸ™‚

      I makes me happy that you enjoy the blog. Thanks so much for letting me know.

  14. Patti says:

    That video is the greatest. Family and holidays are made for each other.

  15. Ann Martin says:

    Wonderful memories. Video was awesome. You did a great job. No resolutions just want to remain joyful and a witness for Christ in all things.

  16. dmantik says:

    Wow! I made the top commenters list! How cool is that! ☺️

    I absolutely adored the video you made for Ken! That must have taken many hours both in sorting through pictures and computer time. You’re pretty much a genius! Great presentation. It was really fun to see, especially some of the earlier pictures I had never seen.

    Made my heart happy to see all of you together. Those times are so precious.

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      You’re in pretty high cotton, making THAT venerable list! πŸ™‚

      Thanks for your compliment on the video. It DID take a whole lot of time but it was such a joy to make and even more of a joy to see Ken’s face as he watched it.

Thanks for making Smithellaneous so much better through your comments.

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