An Official Manteo-er

January 25, 2021

Well, it’s official.  Gage is now a Manteo-er!

He arrived in town Saturday afternoon, ready to start this new adventure.

If you can’t tell, he and Sarah are just a little excited about the thought of living four minutes away from each other instead of four hours.

Sarah has been busy helping him get unpacked and settled in. Our church is having an ongoing grocery shower for him throughout the next week and he has already gotten a whole collection of wonderful things–food as well as kitchen stuff.  He is finding out quickly that he is coming to a loving and welcoming church.

Even though there is a lot of excitement at the arriving end, there wasn’t quite as much excitement at the leaving end. Gage’s 10-year old dog, Mocha, was not terribly impressed with the proceedings.  There was no way her guy was going to pack up all his stuff and take off–not on her watch!

So she just plopped herself down in his car and dared him to leave.

Does that face not just grab a hold of your heart?  It’s amazing how loving and loyal dogs are and how they know when something out of the ordinary is going on.

One thing the Smiths and Longs have in common–we love our dogs!

We also love our pictures.  Last night, I nabbed these shots of Gage and Sarah looking for photos on their phones to send to me for the blog. Nice to have my roaming photographers collecting blog fodder for me.

One thing that will stop happening since Gage’s move is their frequent video calls.  Some of the calls were just to talk and some of them were to play video games long-distance with a Messenger video call directed at their faces and a Google Hangouts video call directed at a video game console. That allowed the other person to see what was going on.

They especially enjoyed the Professor Layton games, which involved a lot of character dialogue, all of which they voice-acted.  The two of them create fun wherever they go.  They took these pictures during their last long-distance video call last week, to commemorate their unique bonding activity so you can get an idea of their complicated setups!  This final video call just happened to take place on the day they celebrate eight months of friendship, which they thought was so special.

They even managed to have fun during moving.

Gage has never lived alone before so he is pumped about having his own space, and especially having his own bathroom after sharing with five brothers so many years.

Gage, being the king of his home, thought it would be a good idea to create a cardboard throne for his kingship.

A small portion of a large collection of things given by our church folks.

A work in progress.

Sarah found the table and chairs at a thrift store which matched perfectly the furniture that was already there. She also got a flat-screen tv at a thrift store.  She wants to be sure her fella has all the necessities. She is especially looking forward to teaching him to cook which should be quite the adventure for them both.

This coming Sunday we will have Gage’s installation service as we pass the baton from the former Kid’s Church leader to him. His parents and his two youngest brothers will come to town for the occasion and will stay at our home.  So lots of exciting things ahead.

In closing, this is an older photo of Gage and his brothers. Gage recently told us that his mom has cut his hair (and his brothers’ hair) their entire lives.  Can you imagine how many haircuts that’s been? I am so impressed with anyone who knows how to cut hair.  That is definitely not my skill.

She also homeschooled them all while living as missionaries in various countries. An amazing lady!

Looking at this photo makes me realize anew what this transition means for Gage, leaving behind his friends, his church, and especially his close-knit family.  It’s exciting in one way but difficult in another. I texted his mom recently to tell her we would take really good care of him because I know how a mama’s heart feels when a child leaves home for the first time.

Children move out. Time moves on. New seasons start.

And the start of this season involves a brand new Manteo-er.

Welcome, Gage Long. We’re so glad you’re here!


What about you?

Did you come from a family where the mom (or dad) cut your hair?  Was that a good experience or a bad one?

Do you remember your first apartment/house?  What was your favorite thing?  And least favorite thing?

How old were you when you left home for the first time? Where did you go?

27 comments so far.

27 responses to “An Official Manteo-er”

  1. Meredith says:

    Oh, my goodness! This post brought back such a flood of memories of first being on my own. How exciting for Gage and Sarah. I think Mocha might be the only one who isn’t super thrilled with this development.

    My first apartment without roommates was in a quiet old building and the landlord lived upstairs. He was well into his 90s but had repainted all of the rooms himself. My bedroom was a lovely sky blue and the bathroom was sunshine yellow. It was pretty hard to be grumpy in the morning with that combination! I’m a true introvert and adored having my own place to retreat to, with just me, my books, and my kitty. The street had many old growth trees and the bedroom felt like a treehouse. Many happy memories there!

    Finally, bless Gage for sharing a bathroom with FIVE brothers for that many years! I bet he’s going to be shocked at how clean a one boy bathroom stays! 😉

    • Becky says:


      Ahhh. I can just picture your happy apartment–blue, yellow, cheery, cat-inhabited, surrounded by green. Made me want to go live there!

      I grew up in a family of 8 and we often just had one bathroom. So I can truly understand Gage’s joy in a one fella/one bathroom house!

    • Ellen says:

      On the other hand, have you ever been shocked at how dirty ONE boy can get a bathroom? 😆😆

  2. krista121799 says:

    Yay! Looks like he’s getting settled nicely. His place is too cute! But, his poor pup! He’ll have to visit frequently!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Gage is having such a great time unpacking, settling in. He got so many great items from our church family so that has been an extra blessing for him.

  3. Ellen W says:

    Congratulations, Gage! Many new adventures await you and Sarah!

    My 3 year old has beautiful curls. I took him to a salon for his first cut and asked for just a trim. But they cropped his curls right down to his head. I was so sad. Ever since then I’ve trimmed it myself! But curly hair is very forgiving. If I make a little mistake it blends right in. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Oh I remember Nathan’s first cut when he lost all his curls. Sad, sad, sad! Glad his curly hair allows you to cut it yourself without too many mistakes showing. You’re brave than I am, that’s for sure. 🙂

  4. SueEllen says:

    How exciting that Gage is getting settled in Maneo!! His place looks very nice – I’m looking forward to all the new Sarah & Gage adventures. But precious Mocha tugged at my heartstrings….dogs can be so intuitive. Hope you have a wonderful week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I know, right? It’s amazing what dogs can pick up, just by “reading” the atmosphere. Fortunately, she has seven people left at home to continue to love her. But I know she will be extra, EXTRA glad when Gage goes home for a visit.

  5. Phyllis says:

    My mom used to cut my dad’s hair but gave that up years ago. She tried to cut my bangs when I was a kid. I have a horrible cowlick on the right side of my forehead – If that side is cut while it’s wet, my bangs won’t be even. Let’s just say I had uneven bangs a lot.
    My first apartment was my junior year of college. It was a studio apartment with a Murphy bed that folded up into the wall. The next semester I shared a basement apartment with a high school friend.
    I first left home for college at just a little over 18. I went to MU in Columbia, MO for one year then transferred to what was then SMSU in Springfield.
    I can appreciate Gage loving having a bathroom to himself. Since my mom fell when I’ve been at their house, I’ve had to share one bathroom with both of them. To think there were 5 of us sharing that very small bathroom growing up is just crazy!
    I’m sure both Sarah and Gage are loving being in the same town!

    • Becky says:


      Like you (and like Gage), I know what it’s like to truly appreciate not having to share a bathroom. But I guess it’s from all the years of sharing that makes us appreciate it so much!

      I haven’t heard of a Murphy bed in a long time. Sort of a fun thing to have when you’re first starting out in life. They are certainly an ingenious invention.

      Thanks for your comment!

  6. Gayle in AL says:

    I started cutting my brothers’ hair when I was a teenager. I also cut several of their friends’ hair. I have always cut my husband’s, son’s and grandson’s hair. Over the years I’ve cut the hair of quite a few friends and their kids. Not sure how it started, but I’ve always enjoyed doing it.

    I moved to college right after high school. I lived in the dorm for a year and then an apartment with my best friend and then I got married and lived in married student housing with my husband. Our first apartment was condemned WWII housing that my parents lived in as married students and where I lived as a newborn. It was run down, tiny and kind of yucky, but we loved it and fixed it up as well as we could. It was all torn down soon after we left school. I have great memories of that tiny apartment!

    I’m glad Gage and Sarah can finally be in the same town! Happy days ahead! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Kudos to you and your haircutting skills. I am in awe!

      I admire your spirit of adventure and your penchant for contentment, living so happily in condemned WWII housing. Wow! Not every newlywed couple can say they lived in a place like that. I also love that you have good memories of that period of life. Thanks for sharing your story.

  7. Heather Eland says:

    So glad that Gage is in Manteo now- I’m sure Sarah will love having him near and so will he. I first left home for college, then came home for two years to go to Graduate school Then i moved back to Columbus Ohio for a job (about 2 hours from my parents) and I’ve lived her for 22 years now.

    I owned my own condo for 17 years before I met and married my husband and we bought a house together. I loved having my own space, in the condo. The one thing I didn’t like was no garage.

    I wish Gage all the best as he adjusts to life away from his family and i will be praying for he and Sarah as they grow their relationship. It’s hard for me to believe that the little girl I followed through her BMT and beyond is a grown up lady now with a boyfriend. Seeing her living life and thriving makes me so, so happy!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your oh-so-sweet note. I’m right there with you, thinking about Sarah as a little girl back in transplant and now grown up with a serious boyfriend. The seasons pass quickly; always so grateful for people like you who have been with our family through so many of those seasons.

      I bet marriage was an adjustment for you after having lived on your own for such a long time! And I agree–garages are wonderful.

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Oh my….Mocha. How cute! Right in the car and on the floor.

    I was 21 when I moved from Colorado to Nebraska. At the time, I thought if I don’t like it, I can always go home. Well, then I met HIM. So now I have been a Nebraska girl for a bit over 40 years. It’s the best move I ever made. I do so miss my family in Colorado though. I hope we can get back to being able to go see them soon!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, when you meet HIM, all plans fly out the window, don’t they? And in the best possible way. 🙂

      So glad you and Nebraska have gotten along so well these past forty years.

  9. AnnO. says:

    Congrats to Gage, on the move!! Oh, poor Mocha. Those photos are heartbreaking. That face….. I’m glad there are plenty of brothers behind to keep Mocha company!

    Gage and his brothers have very nice hair, nicely styled!! Is his mama a stylist, or have training? My mom cut my hair often. My hair was very thick and curly. I remember her saying, if I mess up, it doesn’t show! As a teenager, I often cut my own. If there was something sticking up, or out of place, snip! I often cut my 4 kids’ hair. Bowl cuts all around, and there are photos to prove it. I mostly homeschooled my 4. It was all about comfort, and frugality in those days. My grown kids now look at those photos, and are horrified!

    When my oldest went off to college, it was the first time in her life she had her own room! She had a triple room, where 3 girls shared a space, but each had a small bedroom, where each could close her door, and be by herself. My daughter was thrilled! The other girls were not, as it was a step down for them, apparently!

    The first time I left home was when I got married, and my husband was a college student. We were high school sweethearts, from rural Ohio. I lived at home, worked, went to a local college. He went off to Chicago to school, and we married his junior year. From farmland to the big city! It was a fun adventure, because we were together! I was sad to leave my grandparents behind. We had been very close. Upon his graduation, we moved back, and were near my grandparents, and made them great-grandparents!

    Wait. I just realized, I went from sharing a room with 2 sisters, to being married. I’ve NEVER had my own room! Oh well! I hope that continues for a loooooong time!

    • Becky says:


      I LOVED your closing line about hoping you never have your own room for a very long time. So sweet and poignant–made me smile.

      Bowl cuts all around? I’m sure the family pictures are really something to behold, aren’t they? 🙂

      Funny that the little rooms in the dorm were a step up for your daughter and a step down for the other girls. How wonderful that she was so appreciative of such a simple thing.

      Yes, I can imagine the transition from rural Ohio to the lights of Chicago was a huge adjustment, especially since you were relatively young. Love your perspective that it was fun because you were together. Great stories!

  10. rdmantik says:

    Thanks for the wonderful post, Becky. It brought freshly to mind thoughts of moving from home, new roommates in Bible college, my first visit to the laundry area and just generally stuff of being on my own. It also brought to mind bringing Debbie to live in Janesville after we were engaged to stay by some sweet friends of ours. Lots of fun! Welcome to Manteo, Sir Gage! Love, Uncle Randy

    • Becky says:


      I had forgotten about Debbie moving to Janesville before the wedding. That must have been an exciting time for her and you both. Can you believe we were all ever that young? 🙂

      And it’s funny that one of your memories of being at college was your first visit to the laundry room. It’s amazing the miscellaneous things that stick out in our minds, isn’t it?

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. Stay warm!

  11. dmantik says:

    So happy that Gage has arrived in Manteo! I know he will be a huge blessing to the church and to a certain young lady. 😁 Can’t wait to meet him!

    It made me sad to think of his family–and doggie–missing him but with the leaving comes sweet reunions and the growth of another branch of the family tree!

    Love to you all,


  12. Mrs. Pam says:

    I didn’t see Mocha in the apartment… did he come to Manteo?

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