An Actual Real Post.

January 9, 2012

I have no earthly idea what I’m doing but I thought I would type a few lines here just to see what happens! (I know this is very exciting for everyone–try to keep your enthusiasm down to a dull roar.)

I have come close numerous times over the weekend to a blogging nervous breakdown because so far, nothing is really making sense. I spent almost an hour trying to figure out something as simple as changing the font size and color and would you like to see the results I found on a “help site?”

Okay. I’ll show you.

The function will print out the additional CSS on the pages where you write posts only (so it’s not loading on every admin page), and applies a font size increase … adjust as required.
you can put the font-size in ATO->Style POSTS & PAGES->BODY Box this will override the info in ATO->Body, Text & Links->Body Style for the post/page’s body

Wasn’t that great? And so enlightening?   Of course, I understood every word of it and immediately started changing font sizes everywhere!  Ha.

I am fervently hoping that there is a simpler way to accomplish that task. If not, you may be seeing this font size forever. And ever.

And now I am going to try and insert a picture. Wish me luck!

Oops.  That line of code above is supposed to be a picture.  So that didn’t go well.

Oh well.  At least I was successful in writing a post (that even includes a quote) so I feel quite proud of myself.

Now I’m off to study the mysterious science of inserting pictures into a post.  Along with a lot of other baffling subjects that are awaiting my discovery.

Thanks for your patience with this process; it will take a couple weeks till everything is the way it should be but in the meantime the comments are set up, so we can entertain each other with commenting on each other’s comments.  Which makes me happy–even in the midst of the mental (not so) merry-go-round that is accompanying this switch to a new blog.

(Note:  I have also done a regular post at the old site (  today simply because I can get the posts up a little easier there–pictures and all–without suffering too much brain drain.)

20 comments so far.

20 responses to “An Actual Real Post.”

  1. Dianna in Louisiana says:

    I’m totally “digging” the new site Becky!!!!

  2. Becky says:

    Hi Becky. I love the new blog layout. If you don’t mind me asking, what platform are you using for it? I *may* be able to help as i deal with various blogging platforms as part of my job in internet marketing.

    • Becky says:

      Hi! For the moment I”m using the Feather theme from Elegant Themes. AS things progress, I may switch around to some different looks but this one is working well for me right now. Any advice or input you have on ANYTHING technical would be great; I’m like a great big sponge!

      • Becky says:

        From that i guess this is a WordPress platform? To my knowledge the best way to change the overall font size of all posts is to edit the actual CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) in your theme. When you go into the style.css file you should see a block of code that look like this:
        body {
        font-size: 62.5%; /* Resets 1em to 10px */
        font-family: ‘Lucida Grande’, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
        background: #d5d6d7 url(‘images/kubrickbgcolor.jpg’);
        color: #333;
        text-align: center;

        You need to reset the line that says
        font-size: 62.5%; /* Resets 1em to 10px */ (it may not be that exact percentage on your theme)

        Change the % to something bigger, i.e. 75% (in this case)

        If you don’t have that code, you may have something instead like:
        body {
        margin:0 auto;
        padding:10px 0px 0px 0px;
        background:#0d0d0d url(images/body.png) repeat-x;
        font-family:Tahoma,Century gothic, Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;

        in this case, it’s the


        line you’ll need to change – again, to a higher value (play around until you’re happy with it).

        Basically, in any CSS stylesheet the font value will be defined in the heading code somewhere with a font-size: somewhere – it changes per theme though as i recall.

        If neither of the above options work, or you need anything else, feel free to email me at

        • Becky says:

          Yes, it is a WP platform, self hosted. Sorry I forgot to mention that pretty important fact! 🙂

          I will just say that you sound like a very smart, technical savvy person; I’m amazed at your grasp of all the coding stuff. From my limited background of studying some code, I did actually understand much of what you were saying but I also learned some new stuff concerning the two different ways font sizes can be referred to in code. (I just LOVE learning new things which is a good thing because I have plenty to learn!)

          I’m actually going to copy your message into a technical file I keep of information that I want to refer back to. Very, very helpful stuff!

          • Becky says:

            No problem 🙂 coding is easy when it stops being jargon and you can ‘read’ it – I use ” there because I think that unless you’re a hardcore developer, reading code will never be as easy as reading a book *smile*

            You actually inspired me to go back and update my woefully neglected blog, plus learn how to add tabs on a Blogger platform – madness that I can use CMS systems and analyse data from stat packages but not use the somewhat simple Blogger platform!

            Once again, no worries, if you need anything else then just drop me a line!

  3. LInda says:

    Oh my!! I like the new blog, but us old folks need a larger font so that we can read it! My eyes just aren’t what they used to be!!!!

    • Becky says:

      Hi Linda, glad you like it!

      Changing the font size is one of the mysteries I am still exploring. As soon as I figure it out, I will definitely increase the font size since my eyes need it, too!

  4. lesley says:

    Well, I think I am number 3! I’m surprised that wordpress is not more user friendly. but I am interested in seeing how much better it is for presenting pictures that you eventually are able to import. Ha! Oh, i love the picture of you in the header, in fact, i love the header….very pretty.

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Lesley! I think it probably IS user friendly–I just haven’t found that “side” of it yet. I’ll keep working!
      Thanks for signing in on my first real day.

  5. Wyatt says:

    Hey B .. thought I’d pop in to see what all the hoopla is about and I must say that I’m impressed! Sometimes small samplings are so much more rewarding than dropping the big curtain. I’m excited for you!

    • Becky says:

      Coming from Sir Guru himself, that means a lot. (Although I’m still trying to figure out why, when I change the background to brown, it keeps reverting back to the blue/green. It’s sort of like a recalcitrant toddler!)

  6. Becky,

    You are much braver than I am, I am nervous about getting an Ipad and learning to use it.


  7. Kristina says:

    Ooooh, does this make me among the first comment-leavers (apparently, ‘commenters’ is not a word. nor is ‘commentors.’) on the new Smithellaneous? If I remember correctly, the platform you’re switching to is WordPress, yes? And here I thought it was popular because it was user-friendly! Obviously such is not the case . . . yikes!

    Good luck with the picture-posting, font-fussing, layout-lamenting craziness!

    • Becky says:

      Hurray! An actual comment! And yes, you are the very first one to comment here. You will go down in the Smithellaneous history books. 🙂

      • Kristina says:

        Woo-hoo, the long-awaited goal of in-line comment replies has finally been realized. Congrats, Becky!!

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