(Almost) Taking to the Skies

May 13, 2016

We drove out to the airport this morning for Steve’s Birthday Gift Flying Lesson but unfortunately, the weather had a few plans of its own. Clouds and rain made an appearance and put a kabosh on Steve’s plans to take to the sky.

However, he did get to do a pre-flight walk around and talk planes with the instructor for a while so he was one happy guy.


 His instructor got a big kick out of Steve posing for a picture while wearing the Birthday Hat. She said, “What a great tradition!”

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We will go back at some point tomorrow for the actual flight; Steve is pumped to get to do something that’s been on his Bucket List for many decades.

Okay.  That’s it for today. Lots more to come soon!

16 comments so far.

16 responses to “(Almost) Taking to the Skies”

  1. Jodi says:

    Did you have a female pilot??? How cool! Can’t wait to see pics once Steve is flying the friendly skies!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the company is owned by a woman (who is a pilot) and her instructor pilot is also a woman. (Who Steve has.) I think she is about 25 years old but has been flying ten years.

  2. What a wonderful birthday gift for such a great guy! I can almost feel his excitement just reading this post!

  3. mrs pam says:

    the wild blue yonder is waiting for you, Steve. enjoy your flight!

  4. Jenna Hoff says:

    Happy birthday Steve

  5. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Happiest of Birthdays Steve. That was a bummer with the weather. Like going on vacation, bags all packed, on your way to the airport and find your flight has been canceled because of weather. But, you will get your flying lesson in eventually. Hold that thought!

    • Becky says:


      Well, now Steve still has something to look forward to. Plus, he gets to do a pre-flight check twice since they went and did that before making the decision to call it off. So he feels like he got a bonus.

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    Happy birthday, Steve! You may set a new style for flying head gear!

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Happy birthday Steve! Enjoy the flight!! (over-the-top-jealous!!)

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Happy Birthday to Steve. Great picture with the hat.

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