All The Things

December 6, 2021

Last Thursday, I drove Steve to Greenville for an endoscopy to address the gastritis he’s developed in recent months. I was called back when he was in recovery.

True to form, he was chatting everyone up, telling one nurse the meaning of her name and discussing with the doctor the background of her name and where she was from.  Since he was still a little loopy, the conversations didn’t always stay on track but the medical people seemed to appreciate him brightening their day with a bit of non-endoscopic conversation.

A recap of my visit to the esophageal specialist last week.

The biggest takeaway from the visit is that the doctor wants to repeat the nose tube test. (Oh happy day.) 

The reasons are that he wants to: 1) confirm the results of the first test because occasionally the test results can be a little “wacky”  2) have the test repeated with me staying on my reflux meds instead of going off them 3) add another element to the test which I don’t entirely understand.

He also said there is still a chance I could be a candidate for the surgery although I would have a higher than average risk because of the esophagus problems. We will know more once the second test is compared with the first one. (I’m going to wait on that test till January so I can  have a few doctor-free weeks.)

On the way to Chapel Hill . . .

I did some contented meandering down miscellaneous country roads, as always looking for things camera-worthy. I was not disappointed.

My favorite thing was this antique store.  I was amazed that all of this stuff stays outside all the time.

Isn’t this sign the greatest?

While in Chapel Hill for the appointment, I stayed at a hotel that had this inspiring view outside the elevator.

I got this room for $61. Love me some Priceline!

Miscellaneous Christmas Stuff

Saturday night we had a Christmas party for the women of our church.  (This week we have three more parties: a party for our denomination’s ministers in the area, a church staff and board party, and Steve’s RC Club party.)

This glamorous young woman showed up at Saturday’s party.

And speaking of Sarah, she and Gage decorated their first Christmas tree last night, replete with their own ornaments garnered from family Christmases gone by.

Sarah and Gage’s new marriage. Christmas celebrations. Inexpensive hotels. Small towns. Back roads. Blue skies. Doctor-free weeks.

All the things I am thankful for today.


What about you?

What are some things that are making you smile today?

Is your tree up yet or are you late decorators like Steve and me?

What kinds of Christmas parties are you attending this year?

23 comments so far.

23 responses to “All The Things”

  1. Suzanne says:

    Love hearing about the Smith/Long adventures! The pictures are stunning as always! Thank you so much for continuing to post pictures that tell stories!

    Tonight my mother and I are going to see a light display in our local botanical gardens. She is just starting to enjoy Christmas again after my dad passing away and it’s soothing to this only child’s heart to see her Mama finding joy more.

    We put up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving pretty much without fail. I’d put it beforehand if my family would let me 🙂 I also leave it up longer than most people. I won’t take it down until after the new year.

    We will be hosting about 30+ people for a “big” family gathering the weekend before Christmas and then we have a New Year’s Eve party. Christmas Day is pretty chill although I’m hoping to see some of our family.

    So thankful that you have a few doctor free weeks! I hope you have a wonderful December!!

    • Becky says:


      So glad you and your mom are going to spend some time “Christmas-ing” together. I can only imagine how much it warms your heart to see her rediscovering the things that bring her joy. Many blessings on you both going into this season and beyond.

      Our tree still isn’t up; hoping for Monday! 🙂

      Hosting thirty people is a LOT. Sounds lots of fun headed your way. Enjoy every moment.

      And thanks for your words about my photos: I appreciate that!

  2. Phyllis says:

    I have not done any Christmas decorating this year. I doubt that I will bother putting a Christmas tree up. I might put some other Christmasy things out, haven’t decided.
    Saturday evening, I went to the house of a friend from Sunday School. There were five of us there, three from Sunday School and two others from the church. She fixed soup and we played Up and Down the River. This Saturday afternoon my Sunday School teacher is having a cookie exchange at her house. Next Thursday my brothers and I are going to the nursing home for two hours. They are letting families use the activities room for two hours to have a meal or just dessert for Christmas. The room is decorated for Christmas, and they will have Christmas music to listen to. Next Friday my next-door neighbors are having a little get together for some of the neighbors. I think that’s it.
    What am I smiling about today? The sun is shining and it’s supposed to be low 50s today. Not bad for December in Kansas.

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Becky, you really DO find the neatest things to take photos of! Your pictures always make me smile. Thanks for sharing!
    Loving Sarah and Gage’s tree. It looks just perfect!
    Smiling today over pictures from my daughter who, with her family, just spent a few days in Denver with my dad. The joy on his face as he holds his great grandchildren in his lap is just priceless.
    We usually have our tree and decorations up right after Thanksgiving. Not this year. We have just been so busy. I told hubs that tonight is the night or else we might as well not do it since it’s a lot of work and no one will be home for Christmas this year anyway. He jumped on that so we will see how it goes. Lol
    Our Christmas parties usually consist of various get-togethers with different sets of friends. Very intimate and always lot of fun!

    • Becky says:


      I hope you got your tree up! Nothing like putting down a timeline for your tree-decorating partner. 🙂

      I love the mental picture of your dad holding his great-grandchildren in his lap. “Priceless” is exactly the right word.

      Enjoy all the gatherings and fun of the holidays!

  4. SueEllen says:

    I hope Steve receives good news from his endoscopy and I’m so sorry you have to do the tube through the nose for a day thing again. Your hotel room looks VERY nice – looks like I need to give Priceline a try. How precious is Sarah & Gage’s tree. I haven’t decorated yet, I always hope to decorate early, but it’s usually the 2nd week of December before I get things done. I hope you all have a wonderful week.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      We’re right there with you on thinking we’re going to decorate early and then not doing it. As long as it gets up eventually, that’s what counts, right? 🙂

      Yes, Priceline is definitely worth it. I score a lot of good deals there.

  5. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Dear Steve – yep, that’s what pastor’s do – chat up a storm whether you know them or not (I am a PK). Pray things are going well. So sorry you have to do the tube test again, but at least this time you know how it is done, and you WILL do great again. Great pictures again, and you did good on that Priceline Hotel – lovely! No offense to Gage and Sarah’s tree and realize they are short on space, but it kind of reminded me of Charlie Brown’s tree. But know it was decorated with love! Won’t be attending any parties this year, we are going to be traveling and will not be around any family members because they don’t live where we are going, but I did have a brunch on Sat. and have a couple former pastors and wives (that have remained dear friends) and some friends. We did have a spattering of snow, but as of today, it is all gone. To the winter people this is sad, but to those of us that don’t to ski and just enjoy being warm, this is wonderful. Today with the wind chill it was 8 degrees below. I am sure down the road that white stuff will be showing up because it is December! An early Merry Christmas!

    • Becky says:


      Eight below is NOT a happy number. Brrr! I think it’s cold today here because it’s 48!

      Enjoy your travels and all the good things this season holds.

  6. Gloria A Smith says:

    So glad to hear that you and Steve are staying on top of your medical appointments. I’m with you on waiting until January for the follow up tests. Praying for divine healing from our precious Lord and Savior.

    The photos are awesome! Loving the blue sky & clouds, the oyster shells & leaves, and the antique store. I especially appreciate the sign posted on the antique store’s door! We can rest assured that the antique store did not provide his primary income!

    The antique store photo brought back a wonderful memory of a story that my Dad told many many years ago. It’s hard to tell what the overhead items are in the photo but I believe one item might be an old snow sled. My Dad who was born in 1931, had a favorite story about his childhood winter adventures on a snow sled. Dad spoke about sliding thru the snow on the streets of Roanoke Rapids NC pulled by the local ice truck! He shared the winter thrill with my Brother & I in the 60’s by attaching our sleds to the back of his old Willis Jeep and pulling us thru the neighborhood streets! In the 60’s the three of us spent many summer mornings in Nags Head riding the hills of Jockey’s Ridge in the old Willis Jeep. This was before the days of seat belts! A few years later laws changed and vehicles were no longer allowed on the Jockey’s Ridge dunes. Happy childhood memories. Thank you for allowing me to ramble, I really miss Dad around the holidays. He was truly one in a million.

    Excellent work on securing the hotel in Chapel Hill. Very nice find!

    What’s making me smile today? Yesterday I served in the Children’s Ministry @ church with the four year old class. I was walking around the table where the children were seated collecting their finished art work when one precious little boy pointed to my hand and said “what are those”? It took me a few seconds to realize that he was pointing to the ‘veins’ on my hands! He then questioned the blueish color! I explained that as we get older sometimes the veins on our hands become more visible. Compared to his small baby soft hands, mine did look noticeably different!! Four year old children are very observant and inquisitive!!

    Peace, Love, Hugs,


    • Becky says:


      You have a good idea. That was a sled up in the rafters.

      I didn’t know that vehicles were allowed on Jockey’s Ridge in years past. You just taught me something. Sounds like snow, ice, and sand sledding are a wonderful part of your memories.

      Yes, four-year-olds are a treasure aren’t they? So innocent and honest and funny. Loved your story.

  7. Patti says:

    Love your meandering photos. The hotel looks awesome. I only used priceline once and it worked out well. Have you ever had any bad hotels on priceline?
    Today I am smiling because it is snowing and I love the snow covered trees.
    Our decorations are not up like they usually are. I love to decorate and usually do it the first week of Dec. However, we may not have many over for the holidays so I wonder if I will even get the tree out. I do have the outside lights on as they have stayed on the house for several years. I did put out garland on our front porch. I do have a Christmas banner up. Not sure what else I will do.
    We are attending our churches childrens program and lunch. We will be attending our stepkids party. That is about it. I miss having all the family here, but we are still being careful as my husband has low immunity issues.

    • Becky says:


      No, I’ve never gotten a bad hotel on Priceline. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen but I haven’t experienced it.

      I agree about snow-covered trees; they are gorgeous. Today in Manteo, we just have rain-covered trees which is a good thing because we were starting to get near-drought conditions.

      That’s a good idea to keep the lights on the house throughout the year; makes it a whole lot easier when December comes!

      Children’s programs are always so much fun; enoy!

  8. Ruth rehberg says:

    Backroads are the best… Slow and leisurely..
    Anytime of year. Always Soothing.

  9. Cindy says:

    I love looking at all the Xmas decorations through out the upstairs of my house. I have many new decorations thanks to good friends who have taken me shopping all over the place in MN. I think it’s time for me to stop shopping! We’ve had quite a bit of snow so it looks festive both inside and out. I am not a fan of this cold weather, it was -20 when I got up this morning. At least the sun is out and I don’t need to leave the house! Hurrah for Doctor free days. I’ve had quite a few appointments myself trying to get my blood pressure under control, hopefully this latest med change does the trick. They are aware I have white coat syndrome.

    • Lesley says:

      Cindy, I have white coat syndrome and have for 30 years. I take mine at home when I am relaxed and bring those numbers in for visits. We basically ignore the numbers any doctor gets in an office because they are way off. Maybe you already do this too 🙂

    • Lesley says:

      Nice meandering photos! Glad you are able to have a few appointment-free weeks 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I hadn’t heard of white coat syndrome till you and Lesley talked about it here. Interesting!

      With snow all around and Christmas decorations up, I can only imagine how much you are enjoying staying indoors and looking at all the loveliness. Enjoy!

      • Cindy says:

        Yes I am enjoying my decorated house, the extreme cold weather not so much! It has warmed up to 20 today, but not much melting of snow. Tomorrow I am venturing to Costco with a friend, my last trip there for a couple of months I hope. At least I am warm and comfortable inside!

  10. Lisa MacKay says:

    I always love looking at your photos and today’s selection really spoke to me. Thanks for sharing!

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