All The Goodness of the Day

August 6, 2018

We were welcomed to Florida by hugs . . .

and happy dances.


But more importantly, we were welcomed by the sight of a new-to-this-world human being, Grayson Oliver Smith, presented to me by his fabulous Mom.



Noah and Madi make very good older siblings and love loving their little brother.

Grandpa Smith was trying to determine if this truly was our grand baby . . . or an imposter, maybe?

Side note: Whenever Noah and Madison refer to Grayson it is always as, “Our baby.”  As in, “We have to take our baby to church tomorrow.”  Too cute!

When he wasn’t admiring the baby, Steve was keeping busy with other important stuff, like helping Nathan with various things on his to-do list. 

Madi had tried to get all up in the middle of the process which, as you can imagine, didn’t go extremely well.  Meagan told the guys they should find something for Madi to do so Noah thought for a second and handed her a small screwdriver and told her to go into the playroom and fix the shelves.

You’ll be relieved to know the shelves are all fixed! (And it was so sweet of Noah to think of a job for his sister.)

There were plenty of other projects to work on with grandpa and grandson.

As much as I loved hanging out with the grandchildren, hanging out with this son of mine was just as great.


We are so proud of him and our sweet daughter, Meagan, and their wonderful family.

And speaking of family, it’s time to close this out and get back to them.  We leave at 5 a.m. tomorrow so we need to squeeze out all the goodness this day holds.

28 comments so far.

28 responses to “All The Goodness of the Day”

  1. Kaye Joyce says:

    Wow! I have been so busy that I have not had time to peek in.. I was shocked to find that Oliver had been born already! Where does the time go?? I am so happy for you all. Seems like yesterday that Meagan and Nathan were making wedding plans. I feel… 😀 Enjoy those babies. They grow up to fast!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for peeking in! Yes, it does seems like Nathan and Meagan just got married yesterday and now Grayson Oliver is making them a family of five already!

      Feeling older right along with ya!

  2. Wendy says:

    Oh my goodness….what a bundle of sweetness. He is adorable and that hair!! Congratulations! I can see how much you enjoyed your visit with all of them.

  3. Jenna hoff says:

    Oh my goodness that is one handsome little baby!! I’m so overjoyed for your family!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    precious grandkids, that’s for sure.
    I can visit you via foxfire..not safari. can’t do facebook via foxfire, but can with safari. crazy!!!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Wish I knew what to tell you about your computer challenge but I am somewhat stymied. Sorry about the trouble you’re having!

  5. Michele says:

    Beautiful baby! So happy for all of you,

  6. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Yes, that is one precious, adorable new grandson you have there.

  7. SueEllen Williams says:

    Grayson is as precious as his big brother and sister! Prayers for a safe trip back…can’t wait to see more pictures!

  8. Karen Lee from Shawano says:

    Congratulations on such a sweet little bundle. Enjoy your special time. Loved the photos.

  9. Ann Martin says:

    Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing the memories. Safe travels back.

  10. Phyllis says:

    Darling baby boy. He is so wide eyed in one of the pictures. Hope you have enjoyed your time in Florida.
    How was your time in St. Augustine?

  11. Lesley says:

    Thank you for taking the time to share that delicious new grandson of yours. He is so beautiful.

  12. LeeAnne Lind says:

    Oh Becky, Grayson Oliver is completely, absolutely adorable!!! That hair!!!! Seeing these pictures really brings back such sweet memories of my own grandchildren as newborns and kind of makes me sad that they’re not babies anymore. Kissing their little necks was the best! Keep enjoying and have a safe trip back. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, holding a new grandbaby for the first time is indescribable. To think that a part of me is in that tiny human being–just amazing.

  13. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Such nice photos, very nice baby boy and family to go with it! Ruth

  14. dmantik says:

    Well if Grayson isn’t the most adorable thing! I love his hair. And that face! Too sweet. So happy that you guys can be there to soak in the goodness. ? Love to all! Deb

    • Becky says:


      I love that his hair is darker instead of blonde. It sets him a part in the Smith Lineup. And yes, his face is the most adorable thing ever!

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