Aggressively UnPinterested. And a Song.

December 11, 2017

Note: We are headed out Thursday morning for an 8-day trip to Charlotte and Florida.  I can’t wait to post about our journeys!

I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest.

On the love side, I often feel inspired when I see all the creativity, beauty and amazing ideas that can be found there.

On the hate side, I often feel inadequate when I see all the creativity, beauty, and amazing ideas that can be found there.

So this past Wednesday, I decided to be aggressively unPinterested. I organized a party with the goal of making it as uninspiring as possible.  

And the “good” news?  I think I succeeded!

Just to set the stage, our church has several small groups (called Connections group) that meet on a regular basis. There is usually a short teaching, discussion questions and lots of opportunity for people to talk and get to know each other. I facilitate one of these groups on Wednesday night.  I had announced we were going to be having an informal Christmas party and since a couple of my attenders are really into Pinterest, I figured they would be especially amused by the party’s theme.

Here are a few pictures to show that the idea was a roaring, non-Pinteresty worthy success.

I am especially pleased with the mismatched (size, color, brand) paper plates and also the mismatched plastic glasses. Because you know that matching items could very well have ruined the whole vibe.

I made a point of throwing my semi-homemade peanut butter cookies into a Ziploc bag rather than arrange them artfully on a reindeer tray. UnPinterested win!

The ice cubes were plopped into an old lunch bag Nathan used to carry to school. (And that I still use for packing my own lunches for work.) 

The ice cubes were served with a measuring cup.  UnPinterested win!

Here’s another photo of the culinary chaos. Not pictured are the ripped-off-the-roll paper towels I gathered from the bathroom when I realized we had no napkins. Nothing says unPinterested like ripped-edged, industrial grade paper towels.

The sad news?

The lack of Pinterest picturesque-ness totally put a damper on the evening. Everyone was sad and morose and lolled around saying mournfully, “I sure wish there were some Pinterest-worthy food items in this room because one really cannot have any fun without them.”

(Or not.)


The one fella in attendance bravely held his ground amidst all the female chatter.



So the bottom line from this unPinterested Party?

Every gathering does not have to be put together perfectly and Pinterest-worthy.  When it comes down to it, people attend parties and dinners because of wanting to be with the other people, NOT because the appetizer is in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Sure, there are certain times when it’s fun to go all out and make everything creative and fabulous. But if you have to choose between having a few people over for chaotic cuisine or NOT having them over because the cuisine is chaotic, always choose the former.  You will make a memory and your guests might enjoy themselves even more because being aggressively unPinterested is actually a whole lot of fun.  

In other news . . .

Steve started writing a song back in the spring for a special mentor/counselor of ours who has made a huge difference in our lives.  He worked on it all year and then played it for me and asked me to help tweak a few things. Finally about a month ago, he went into a small local studio and recorded vocals, rhythm guitar and bass.  He brought in our church drummer to add a little percussion and then asked if I would sing part of the song, too. 

Considering the fact that Steve and I have recorded 15 CD’s and have spent over 1200 hours in studios together, it was definitely a trip down memory lane as I stepped into that little studio last week.

After almost thirty-six years, we are still making music and making a marriage together.

This is Nick, our engineer and a staff pastor at Source church.   Nick has been an invaluable resource for me when I run into technical issues at church.  I will text him with a plaintive plea for help and he will come over and graciously rescue me from whatever technical mire I have fallen into.  

 And lastly . . .

If you lost your stuffed camel recipe, I found it!  If you read through the directions you will find that the result of this delectable dish will be MORE than Pinterest-worthy.  I mean how many times do you see a recipe that features “stuffed chickens arranged around a cooked camel?”  Not too many, that’s for sure!


 What about you?

Are you a Pinterest aficionado?  If so, what categories do you use it for the most? 

16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Aggressively UnPinterested. And a Song.”

  1. Kari says:

    Becky, forgot to mention, have you seen the video of Drummer Boy by For King and Country? I love it! Your photos in the recording studio made me think of it.

  2. Kari says:

    Becky, I enjoy your recipes that are tasty and simple, but I do believe I will pass on the camel, lol! Too much work!

    It looked like everyone was enjoying themselves at the party and that is much more important than the decor. I’m not much of a Pinterest person myself, unless I am looking for a specific idea that I have or a recipe. After finishing this, I am going to work on a holiday arrangement for my table, decorations for my outdoor planters and making a new wreath. Last week I did a garland for around my front door. Brought the Christmas Tree in yesterday and put the lights and garland on today. Still have to put the ornaments on. We’ll see how that goes, as my cat has pulled off some garland several times tonight!

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Your unPinterested get-together looks very much like a few that I have had over the years. Lol I don’t do Pinterest. It is such a time killer. Ugh.
    I do believe that we will be enjoying a roast beef dinner. It seems much more manageable than the stuffed camel. My monstrous stock pot wouldn’t quite cut it. 😀
    Have safe travels and a really wonderful time with all the family! Merry Christmas!!

    • Becky says:


      We non-Pinterest gals need to stick together, don’t we? 🙂

      And I think a roast camel would be a bit “much” in more ways than one Enjoy that roast beef! 🙂

  4. Phyllis says:

    Pinterest is one of those things that can sap time away from me. So I don’t venture into the app very often. I can waste enough time on Facebook and Twitter. I have found some good recipes on it that I have used. I’m not a very crafty person so much of what I see, I would never be able to recreate myself. I don’t think I’ll be using that recipe for my Christmas dinner. My local HyVee or Hen House neither one carry camel!

    • Becky says:


      I think your local grocery stores need to get with the program and work on their camel stock!

      And I agree–it is easy to waste time on Pinterest but it is fun to see what all is out there.

  5. Angela says:

    What a wonderful reminder – thank you, Becky! I think you will like what my daddy always told me while I was growing up: “When you invite people over, don’t worry too much about how your house looks or what you are serving. Just have something good to eat and plenty of it, and be relaxed yourself. If you do that, any company worth having will have a good time.” He was right!

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Do not go on Pinterest. The party was fabulous and I am sure no one felt ill at ease afraid they might break something. You rock, Becky Smith!!! Safe travels and enjoy your time with family. Merry Christmas. Waiting for pictures. Love and hugs.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I guarantee that EVERYONE at my party felt extremely comfortable. Nothing too much intimidating going on! 🙂

      I can’t wait to see the pictures I take, too!

  7. dmantik says:

    That was hilarious! And very true! I was very unPinteresty last night when we invited some friends to stop by even though my house was awash in Christmas debris from my so far unsuccessful efforts to get the house decorated. You would have been proud. I just shoved some bins aside, made a path through the boxes and we managed to enjoy our visit even if we did have to sit by the lit but undecorated tree. Amazing. And sort of appalling. But inspiring. I did tell them I’d text a picture when it was all pretty. Because you can only take this unPinterest stuff so far…..?

    Happy travels! So glad you can hang with the loved ones! ? wish we could all be together.

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      I’m always happy when you get a smile out of something I write.

      Good for you in inviting people over even when then the house and decor were not at their best. Shove those bins, clear that path and have a fab time!

  8. Guerrina says:

    what a night of fun! Some of the best get-togethers have no planning whatsoever! I gaze upon Pinterest when I already have an idea in mind … or am bored 🙂 I love the picture of you in the recording studio, Becky. I can hear Heartsong in my head!

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad the pictures reminded you of Heartsong. A lot of good memories from back in the olden days! And you’re one of the few people to remember us in our glory days. 🙂

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