
December 28, 2017

2 comments so far.

2 responses to “IMG_2232”

  1. Sharyn McDonald says:

    LOVE tearooms. When we travel, always try and find one – when I say we, I mean my husband. Yes, he does go to tearooms with me. When out east this past early spring we stopped in one called “Minerva’s.” They had an older mannequin dressed as an elderly lady and her name was Miss Minerva. Wonderful food and tea! Such wonderful pictures!

    • Becky says:


      It’s so cool how the picture you commented shows up right along with your comment! (I am easily entertained.)

      I love that a tea room has an elderly mannequin as its “mascot.” Too funny! I don’t do a lot of tea rooms but this one was absolutely marvelous. And may I say, you have a great husband who will do the tea room circuit with you!

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