Aforementioned, Post-Hasted Grandchildren

December 28, 2017

I have a few posts to share about our Christmas trip to Charlotte and Florida. I am going to do them out of order though, and put the Florida post before the Charlotte post simply because we all know that grandkids need to be written about post-haste!

Here’s a photo album of some of the aforementioned, post-hasted grandkids–along with some of their relatives.  (Some of the photos have captions.)

 Is it just me, or am I correct in saying Madison may have gotten some of her hair genes from me? 


We both had that same freewheeling, tousled, every-curl-on-its-own look.  Love it!

Well, my original posting plan was to get the whole Florida post finished today but I can see that is not going to happen. Too many pictures and too many stories! I will finish up Forida on Monday.

What about you?  What were YOUR best December 2017 memories?



16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Aforementioned, Post-Hasted Grandchildren”

  1. Kari says:

    Oh my gosh, I can’t believe how much alike the photos of you and Madison are! I just saw a photo of my sisters youngest granddaughter and it reminded me so much of an old photo I had of our Mom. I sent my sister a photo of her granddaughter and our Mom side by side, she couldn’t believe it either!

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it cool how relatives can look so much alike even several generations apart? I love looking for those similarities.

  2. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Was just thinking of that photo of you tonight when I was praying–glad to see it. Ruth

  3. Beth says:

    My best December 2017 memory is my Daughter being released from the hospital so we could all spend Christmas together. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  4. Phyllis says:

    I can see the resemblance between your hair and Madison’s.
    Favorite Christmas memories – Christmas concert at my niece’s college, all of my family (parents, brothers, sister-in-law, 2 nieces and nephew) together Christmas day, Christmas eve services at my church with my mom (dad was home with a cold) and friends, knowing this is the last holiday season that I will have to juggle a job and getting ready for Christmas since I retire end of June!
    One of my Tampa friends called me Christmas Eve. We had gotten snow that morning and she was telling me that Tampa was in the 80’s that day. With the high’s here not even getting above freezing for the next several days, I was missing living in Tampa!

    • Becky says:


      So lovely you got to be with family at Christmas and even lovelier to know that next Christmas, you will be blessed with lots more time to do what you love with people you love. I know you are looking forward to June.

      And I can certainly understand you missing Tampa; when we were in FL last week, we certainly enjoyed the balmy temps!

  5. LeeAnne says:

    I love the look alike hair! She is such a cutie! So is Noah. 🙂
    My favorite part of Christmas this year was having us all together and all going to church together on Christmas eve.
    Looking forward to seeing more pictures!

    • Becky says:


      Sometimes it’s the simplest things, isn’t it? Just being together and going to church are two things that are so simple they are simply special!

  6. mrs pam says:

    love the twin hair-dos!

    best Dec. happening: selling my house!!!!!!!!
    my children gave me a wireless frame, so now I, too, can see cute (grownup) grandkids, grand-dogs, and most Great Granddaughter.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Selling a house is a good thing!

      I’ve always loved those wireless frames; you will will enjoy having it. And congrats on that one great granddaughter! Pretty GREAT news!

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    Your grandkids are so cute- and oh Becky you were an adorable little girl!! Madison looks so much like you!

    I also liked seeing the greenery of the grass and trees in the photos. Tomorrow the high here will be minus 28 C (and an extreme wind chill of minus 43).

    Let’s see about December memories….. my favourite is the gift of being with my grandma as she celebrated her 102nd Christmas. Another highlight was having some unexpected guests over to our Christmas potluck.

    Our fridge decided to die suddenly over Christmas and it took several days for the required fix it part to arrive. It would have been complicated to have a Christmas dinner for 18 without a fridge- except it is so freezing cold here that we just put all the food in our unheated porch and outside on the back deck- and it stayed nice and cold.

    Happy new year to you and your family!

    • Becky says:


      It was 24 degrees here today and I thought it was so horrible. But when I see that you are experiencing minus 43? Well, I’ll just stop my whining and complaining and enjoy our balmy weather. 🙂

      I love your story about your refrigerator dying and your use of God’s great air conditioner to keep your food cold. What better season for your fridge to conk out.

      I always love seeing pictures of you and your grandma. She looks like such a grand lady.

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Enjoyed the pictures. My favorite thing is that I got to do Christmas as usual this year even with metastatic breast cancer. God is good. Bought a new Christmas ? that fit in our den so we got to enjoy it instead of it being in another room. Happy 2018.

    • Becky says:


      I agree. There is something special about having a tree in the same room where you do most of your sitting. So therapeutic and relaxing to look at it.

      I am thankful right along with you that you were able to enjoy a normal Christmas this year when a few months ago, you had no idea what to expect! That makes Christmas all the sweeter, doesn’t it? (We are still enjoying goodies from that wonderful box you sent us.)

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