
October 31, 2022

Before I get into our life out west, I’ll share a photo of life back east that I took before we left. Fall is still in full bloom in Charlotte and our deck is a wonderful place to enjoy the coolness and the colors.

Inside the house,  it’s not quite as lovely because our renovation has started.

The floral wall is the back wall of the dining room.  The kitchen window and door are to the right.  The beams are, of course, just temporary.

This is the view from the kitchen. We will put a breakfast bar between the two rooms.

And this? This is our lovely master bedroom.  Don’t you love what we’ve done with the place?

This is what happens when everything from the dining room and kitchen has to be moved out of the way. It makes me all the happier that I am in a clean, neat hotel room with nary a box to be seen.

A couple of days before we left on vacation, my brother and sister-in-law (Tim and Berit Campbell)  were with us. One of our outings was to a botanical garden at UNCC, which happens to be Steve’s alma mater.

It had some truly lovely places.

The following evening, Tim and Berit and I took ourselves off to take pictures of the Metalmorphosis in Charlotte.

Tim is a great photographer; it’s so fun to share the love of capturing photos with my big brother.

There is supposed to be a pool of water under the sculpture so that it reflects, but it had been drained.  And the pieces seem to have frozen in the middle of a rotation because they’re not quite lined up like a face. But it was still a cool thing to see and a beautiful night with some of my favorite people.

And now on to the western part of the country.

We saw some lovely sights walking around Las Vegas.

It was especially fascinating to see the world’s largest chocolate fountain.

I wouldn’t mind having one of these installed in our house as part of the renovations.

So much creativity everywhere.

Glass flowers on the ceiling.

I loved the enormous display of plants and flowers arranged for Thanksgiving.

We didn’t spend much time in Las Vegas as we were eager to hit the road for the start of our adventures, including the Valley of Fire State Park. It gets its name from the red Aztec sandstone that covers 46,000 acres.

I had banged up my toe a bit that morning so didn’t get out of the car a lot to take pictures. But to help you get a better scope of the place, I have included an online video here. And here’s a photo (by earth trekkers) to give you a general idea of what it’s all about.

Absolutely spectacular.

As we were driving through the area, Steve was fascinated to see half a dozen or so cars in the $500,000 range. Although the State Park has a low speed limit, the roads that lead to the State Park are sparsely traveled at this time of the year. He said he could imagine those powerful cars getting out there and possibly going just a few miles over the speed limit.

As for Steve and me, we just puttered along happily in our rented Toyota and drank in the experience of driving for hours with few cars around and no houses, buildings, or billboards.  It felt a little like being on the moon with not a scrap of grass to be seen and a rocky, constantly changing, landscape all around.

I will have to admit though, that after six hours of being completely removed from civilization, it was lovely to finally turn a corner and see a few houses on the horizon. And a convenience store with an actual flush toilet? Even lovelier.

Yesterday was Grand Canyon day and that’s a whole nother post. I will say that you can’t view the massive beauty of that place and not be changed. It is that powerful of an experience.

I’ll have plenty of photos to come but will close with this lovely shot that Steve took of me.

Today we turn our little car to Santa Ana, just outside Los Angeles which will certainly be a change of pace. We are looking forward to spending time with Steve’s extended family and seeing what further adventures await.  If you know of anything that is a must-see within two or three hours of that area, let us know.

What about you?

Have you been to the Grand Canyon?  What were your feelings?

What other State or National Parks do you love? And why?

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “Adventuring”

  1. Fred & Lucy says:

    Becky, the photos in this blog are magnificent, but I must say that my favorite is the view from your deck. You truly have moved to a North Carolina wonderland.

  2. SueEllen says:

    I would enjoy the world’s largest chocolate fountain for sure! I want to go back to Vegas (it’s been 30+ years) just to see all the fabulous “new” casinos they’ve build. They look so interesting. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon and I have a fear of heights so I’m not sure how I’d do, although I WOULD love to see it. I can’t wait to see more pictures of your remodel AND your fabulous road trip.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      It was so interesting to see that chocolate fountain in person; the pictures can’t even come close to showing its intricacy. I love how creative people can be–especially when it has to do with chocolate!

  3. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Yes, have been to the Grand Canyon a couple times – breathtaking. Have visited those places in Las Vegas you have shots of – how about all of those umbrellas? When we were traveling out west – had taken a road where there was not much traffic – or a bathroom. Had noticed other folks’ tire tracks making a pit stop where none was and made up one.

    • Becky says:


      Some of the roads we were on were short on bathrooms as well. We didn’t quite get to the point of making pit stop tire tracks but came close! 🙂

  4. Stefanie in St. Louis says:

    The Grand Canyon is simply indescribable, and no photographs can even come close to doing it justice. My husband has hiked “rim to rim” twice – from the South Rim to the North Rim. The first time, he did it in three days; the last time, he did it in 14 hours. 🙂

    I love Bryce Canyon and Yellowstone too. All the western National Parks are just amazing. 🙂

    Glad you’re having that work done while you’re away – the upheaval is frustrating but necessary, and it will all be worth it in the end. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      We just had dinner with Steve’s cousin last night who hiked rim to rim in a day–in July, with temps up to 110. Your husband did an amazing job at 14 hours. I can NOT even imagine. But what an accomplishment!

      There will be two more weeks of work AFTER we get home but at least the dusty part will be over.

  5. Ann O. says:

    My husband and I took a trip out west in September, and I and I experienced the Grand Canyon for the first time. There are no words to describe. You just gotta experience it! (I’m in Ohio, and I’ve been told by some western folks that anything east of the Mississippi are just big hills, not mountains!) A ranger was giving a talk as we walked around South rim of the Grand Canyon. We stopped to listen, and he explained how many parents get upset when they bring their younger kids, and the kids are just interested in the dirt, rocks, critters crawling around, and whether there are dinosaur bones. He said kids just don’t have the understanding of the scale of that big hole. It’s just a big hole to them! We only appreciate it when we have more perspective of time, and space. In other words, we older folks! And still, it was hard for me to grasp the scale, and I’m your age, Becky! That is so much of life, though. The older we get, the more perspective we have, thus, hopefully wisdom to understand and appreciate!

    I love that picture of you that Steve captured. Thanks for taking us on your trip! Oh my, that Valley of Fire! Will have to visit that next time I head out west! As for Las Vegas,….. We drove through, but I’ll take dirt, big holes, and less people. Flush toilets though, yes!!!

    • Becky says:


      What an interesting perspective from that ranger. It makes sense when you stop to think about it. I guess one of the rewards of us getting older is that we can TRULY appreciate the Grand Canyon!

      Speaking of Las Vegas and big cities, we drove through Los Angeles today. Made Charlotte feel like a small town!

  6. Cindy says:

    So enjoyed your photos! I have never there, only flew over it numerous times. I have been to Kauai’s and it is spectacular. Sounds like you two are having a wonderful time! If you have time you might want to check out the San Diego coast line, it is amazing.

    • Becky says:


      We are actually ARE experiencing the coast line except we are further north, headed up Hwy. 1. Stopped in Cambria for the night. Spectacular scenery!

  7. LeeAnne says:

    That Valley of Fire State Park looks amazing and I am putting it on our ‘must see’ list for sure!
    I saw the Grand canyon as a child (over 50+ years ago!) but still vividly remember being blown away by the grandeur and size of it all. And mom saying “DON’T GET SO CLOSE TO THE EDGE!!” 🙂
    I would LOVE to go back and see it again.
    Keep having fun!!

    • Becky says:


      It would be interesting on your second visit to see how your perspective and appreciation for it have changed since seeing it as a child. An earlier commenter mentioned that; very interesting.

      And yes, I would be yelling the same thing as your mom. 🙂

  8. DeLynn says:

    What fun to see pictures of your adventure! We went out west a number of years ago when all our children were still home. We flew in to Denver and drove to Yellowstone. The kids were amazed at the barrenness! I fully identify with your thrill of getting to a little town with a potty! 😊
    My husband and I went out west last spring. My second time at the GC. It’s so amazing. We went to Sedona and a few other places as well. One thing I thought then, and thought again when I looked at your pictures, is how clear it is that we have an amazing Creator. The enemy is such a deceiver to blind people’s eyes.
    Enjoy your time!!!

    • Becky says:


      Oh my yes. Everywhere we have been, we’ve seen God’s creative fingerprints on everything. It’s like all of nature is a cathedral pointing to Him!

  9. Phyllis says:

    I have only flown over the Grand Canyon. I have been to the Grand Canyon of the Pacific which is on the island of Kaui, Hawaii.
    I really enjoyed Rocky Mountain National Park. I’ve been to it a couple times. My parents and I were fortunate enough to get the use of a cabin from the daughter of a man my dad did some work for. It was in Estes Park. We went in June one year and September another year. The September trip included snow.
    Your pictures are beautiful as always.

  10. Mary Winters says:

    So glad you made it to Bellagio! It’s amazing to me how they do the displays with the flowers and seeds, etc. to make such beautiful holiday displays. That candy store is pretty amazing too!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the Bellagio was such a feast for the eyes. Something wonderful to look at everywhere we turned. And yes, the candy store was marvelous; we bought a little treat while we were there. 🙂

  11. dmantik says:

    I’m so glad Tim and Berit got to come and see you in your new digs! 🙂 Always so nice to have family and friends stop in. Putting ourselves on the list of future visitors!

    It makes me so happy to know you guys are enjoying all that beauty and are able to unplug from all things boxes and remodeling!

    Happy travels! Love you both!


    • Becky says:


      I told Tim and Berit they are among the few who will get to see the house before its renovations and will appreciate the finished product all the more. You and Randy are welcome any ol’ time!

      Trading boxes for beauty is definitely a spirit-lifter.

  12. Suzanne says:

    Oh, beautiful pictures!!! As always! I love the one of you sitting alone at the Grand Canyon. Serenity and Grace.

    I have only seen the Grand Canyon once for just a short amount of time. I would love to go back and savor it someday.

    So looking forward to seeing more of your photos!

  13. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Yes, the photo of the canyon is so good. So glad you got to sit and absorb that great beauty…
    an absolute gift of our amazing Lord Jesus…
    and the gift of eyes to behold it all. Amen.

    • Becky says:


      So true that having eyes to see the Grand Canyon is a blessing that I don’t think about enough. It was such a gift to sit there for such a long time and just gaze at everything. Unforgettable experience.

  14. Patti says:

    Love your view of the Grand Canyon. I have been there a few times and it is fabulous. I would love your view, but my husband would have vertigo just taking the photo of me sitting so close to the edge.
    I would say my favorite National Park is Yellowstone. Partly because I spent part of 41 summers near there. I have been in so many times and love it. My favorite place in Yellowstone is Artist Point. There is a tree that I photograph everytime, it doesn’t change, but I just love it.

    • Patti says:

      PS-Those glass flowers look like a Chihuly. His work is wonderful.

    • Becky says:


      Steve is not a big fan of heights, either. There was a bench that was even closer to the edge but he only lasted there about 3 minutes. 🙂

      What a beautiful heritage to have had 41 visits to Yellowstone. I can’t imagine the sweet memories you made over that time. And photographing the same tree is such a great tradition. The tree doesn’t change each year but YOU do, and that affects how you view the tree. Love it.

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