A Tough Weekend (Part 2)

September 9, 2024

Thank you for the comments you’ve been leaving. I’ve been reading them and wiping tears.

The vet called a few minutes ago with his report.

Good news:

In his words, Tippi’s kidney levels are “beautiful.”

Kidney number went from 3.6 to .5 and creatinin went from 63 down to 8 which he said is amazing.  Levels are completely normal which means the worrisome elevated levels were caused by a UTI and the antibiotic did its work.

He also said she seemed a little brighter and not as depressed.

Not so good news:

Her esophagus and pancreas are still angry and inflamed.

He can’t get her to eat anything.

Liver levels are a bit high.

He is suggesting a feeding tube for a little while so that she gets some nutrients and strength which, in itself, will make her feel better. But first, he wants to try offering her food when Steve and I are there. He said sometimes dogs will eat better if their owners are present.

To sum it up, the vet seems guardedly hopeful. Tippi is still a very sick doggie though, and won’t be coming home today. Steve and I will head out for a visit soon. This is a picture Steve got of yesterday’s visit.

Tippi feeling well. This is how I will think of her as we wait.

19 comments so far.

19 responses to “A Tough Weekend (Part 2)”

  1. DeLynn says:

    I am so sorry, Becky (and Steve). I was thinking about how crazy grief is. To those who don’t know your family’s/Tippi’s story, Tippi is a sweet little dog. For you, Tippi is tied to your family in significant ways that make her illness so much more than that of just a sweet dog — Steve’s parents who are now with God, as it should be, but still you miss them, this move which has challenged you on so many levels, and more — this is not just about a sweet dog. (I hope you can understand my thoughts…not explaining well.)

    May God meet your needs and bring healing and comfort to your hearts — and to Tippi.

    • Smith says:


      Yes, Tippi’s illness certainly had many layers to it, especially her connection to Steve’s parents and the whole Smith family. She had a happy, full life of being Tippi Smith.

  2. Eb says:


  3. Denise Ward says:

    Sending prayers and good thoughts for a full recovery for sweet Tippi. Our dog had pancreatitis before last Christmas and was sick and listless; we had her at two different clinics. The second prescribed Mirtazapine for her as an appetite stimulant and I didn’t have much faith that it would work but she dug into her food after the first dose. She also was in an antibiotic. I am hoping Tippi will respond well to treatment and praying also for your family who love her.

  4. Susie says:

    Thankful for the good news and praying for healing. It is so hard when our furry family members are suffering. Tippi is a very lucky dog, although I suspect you feel like you have been the lucky ones to get to love her. You will know the right decisions as they are needed.

  5. Ann O. says:

    Prayers for the Smiths, and precious Tippi. I’m currently on vacation, and saw the Monday morning title of Tough Weekend (Part 1) in my email, and decided I better wait to read after my husband and I returned from a day of hiking in Utah to read. When at home in Ohio, your Monday update is consumed with my breakfast.

    Becky, Tippi was so lucky to have you and Steve bring her back to her home. No matter how things turn out, the time in her familiar home had to be so special. Prayers that those days will continue.

  6. Phyllis says:

    Glad you got a good update. Hope it continues.

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Feeling hopeful…still praying.

  8. Patti says:

    Prayers as you wait and make decisions

  9. Berit says:

    Sending love and hugs. We are pulling for you, Tippi!

  10. sharynmcd says:

    Am so sorry about Tippi. Did not make any comments on the first posting and thought I would wait and see if there was a second one. Glad to hear about the amazing results of some tests but realize she needs a lot more treatment. Will keep praying she will recover quickly and be able to go home soon.

  11. Lisa from Georgia says:

    Thankful for each small step toward getting her back to healthy. Continuing to pray!

  12. Suzanne says:

    So thankful for some encouraging news! Still sending you guys love and prayers! Doggos are the best friends!

  13. Carol Campbell says:

    So hard to read Becky.
    Prayers for Tippi, Steve and You.
    Love and hugs and positive thoughts,

  14. Cindy says:

    Sending get well prayers for Tippi! Bless her heart.

  15. Dale Tousley says:

    Prayers Becky, for all of you……

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