A Man and His Machine(s)

July 18, 2016

Saturday morning, Steve invited Sarah and me out to the flying field to watch him send Big Red to the sky for the first time.


Steve has had this particular plane for about five years and has invested about 125 hours into assembling it, most of those hours due to the customization of the engine he installed.  He has put a lot of work and time into getting it sky worthy.

Although the way he’s handling this plane in this photo makes it appear to be as light as half a feather, it is actually quite heavy.  He had me lift a part of it once and I had to do a great deal of groaning and moaning just to get my little corner off the ground.


Sarah sat and watched Steve do all of his Pre-Flight Readiness Stuff. The box you see in the background is one that Steve designed to hold his wings securely while transporting them.  An ingenious fellow!


I wandered around looking for photographic opportunities.

I found these thingies which were quite interesting although I had to clue as to their purpose and forgot to ask Steve about them. But still, unnamed thingies are always worthy of a photograph.


After Steve had finished his prep . . .


and posed for a pre-flight photo . . .


I walked over to say hello to myself in the cockpit.  (If you didn’t know, Steve installed a female pilot and named her after me.)


May I just say that Becky the Pilot was very nervous about doing this maiden flight and would have bitten her fingernails if she’d had any hands.

But she doesn’t have hands.  So never mind. It seems as though my altar ego is nothing but a head and hair with no body.   (Which would certainly make dieting much easier.)

Finally, it was time to get Big Red lined up and ready for take off.


Sarah was on hand to get video of the momentousness of the occasion. I love this photo framing her and her dad together–both doing something they love.




Big Red flew beautifully for at least ten minutes. Sarah and I tried not to whoop or cheer during the flight (not that our introverted selves would do any such thing) but we didn’t want to distract Steve from his concentration on his mysterious radio controls. I would show you some video from the flight but I haven’t gotten it from Sarah yet.

While the first ten minutes of the maiden flight of Big Red  were great, the flight came to a somewhat inglorious ending when it landed itself rather abruptly and broke off some sort of important flying gear, the name of which I don’t remember. Steve took the unexpected landing with admirable equanimity and loaded the plane up to take home, repair, and get ready for the next flight. 

Except for the somewhat unhappy ending, it was a fun outing.

Another outdoor experience Steve recently had was cleaning our upholstery and living room rug.  (Oh happy day.) He labored diligently outside in 95 degree heat and got everything sparkling clean.  I’ve always said that a cleaning man is a handsome man. Wouldn’t you agree?
IMG_4396  IMG_4398   

A man and his machines!


In other news . . .

I am greatly looking forward to our trip to Florida this week, not just because we get to see a beloved son and daughter-in-law and darling grandchildren but also because I get to see Sheri, the “other grandma” and my dear friend. I am so blessed that my son decided to marry the daughter of someone who was already dear to me.  (And happy fifth anniversary to Nathan and Meagan on July 23rd!)

This photo was taken two years ago; now that little baby boy is a raring-to-go toddler with a little sister.  And Sheri and I have a couple more years on us as well, but of course, we don’t show it. We are just forever young!  (In our hearts, at least. Our bones don’t always agree with our hearts.)


Have a great week!

17 comments so far.

17 responses to “A Man and His Machine(s)”

  1. Jan Reuther says:

    Regarding Steve’s plane making it’s abrupt landing you said, “Steve took the unexpected landing with admirable equanimity…” Becky, I think that for Steve it was almost a good thing. For someone like him, it’s not the product but the process that’s important. It’s not the destination but the journey. Um…. the fun is in working on it and dreaming about what will be…. not about what already is. I guess I’m trying to say that he likes working on stuff!

    Have a wonderful visit with “the kids.”

    • Becky says:


      You are very wise when you say “it’s not the product but the process that’s important.” Steve truly does puttering around with his machines and so the crash landing has afforded him more “puttering time.” 🙂

  2. LeeAnne says:

    The plane is awesome! It would be fun to watch him fly it. Sorry about the landing. 🙁
    Enjoy your vacation and travel safe! Soak up all the hugs, cuddles and kisses and have fun catching up.

  3. Ruth says:

    The bit about the Becky pilot was the best. (funny!) Ruth

  4. Bea says:

    Love it!!! The photo of Steve with the plane would make a lovely framed picture to hang up in your home. Don’t you agree? It looks perfect! I can’t believe it will be 5 whole years for Nathan and Meagan! Wow, how time flies… I SO enjoy all your blog entries. Thank you for each and every one of them! They always brighten my day!! XOX to each of you.

    • Becky says:


      You’re right; that would make a great picture to frame! I love it–the picture and the idea.

      So happy you enjoy the blog entries and thankful that you took the time to let me know.

  5. Phyllis says:

    Happy anniversary to Nathan and Meagan, I should be able to remember that date since they got married on my birthday. I remember looking up the scripture that they had used to schedule their wedding date, at least that’s what I’m remembering 5 years later.
    Congratulations on the new (to you) car also. My brother and his wife have an Edge and have been pleased with it.
    Good luck to Sarah as she starts this new chapter in her life – responding to both your posts from today and Friday.

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad you brother likes his Edge; we have three people in our church who own one so I guess that’s a good recommendation.

      Happy birthday to you this Saturday!

  6. Ann Martin says:

    I know Steve will get the plane repaired. It is neat. Safe travels to Florida. Enjoy the hugs and kisses.

  7. Lesley says:

    That airplane is so cool! Ten minutes is actually quite a long time. Your line “I wandered around looking for photographic opportunities” made me laugh out loud. The story of my life, haha. I’m always looking, even without my camera.
    Gotta love clean rugs and upholstery.
    Safe travels to Florida, it will be here before you know it.

    • Becky says:


      Nice that a “fellow wanderer” understands that compulsion so well.

      The great thing about that mindset is that you come to realize that there is ALWAYS something interesting around you, no matter where you are. It is a great gift to come to that realization in life.

  8. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Sorry about Steve’s plane, but I am sure he will have it back in the air soon! Have a wonderful vacation!

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