Twins? Or Not?

March 27, 2013

It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted about our grand-baby-to-be and the parents-to-be of said grand baby.

When I posted the picture below, a few of you were quite sure Meagan was having twins and a few more of you were quite sure that she was much further along than she thought.


 Well. When she and Nathan had their first official doctor appointment yesterday, they found out her due date AND they found out whether or not they are having twins.

And the answer is?

Tune back in tomorrow . . . 



No. Just kidding.

The answer is that they are having just ONE wee little Smith.

And the other answer is that Meagan is due on October 21 which means she is only TEN week along! 

Yep. Ten.

It seems as though Meagan is just one of those lucky ladies who shows really, really early and gets to show off her baby really,really early!

They did get to hear the heartbeat and the texted us a sonogram picture which Nathan dubbed, “Our little peanut.” (When they are far enough along, they want to find out the sex of the baby, which will be doubly exciting!)

So there you have it.

Happy baby news!

Note: Be sure to read Meagan’s mom’s version of the first doctor visit on Embrace the Grace.)

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Twins? Or Not?”

  1. Cath Young says:

    Now I know that they’ll pick that baby’s name on their own, but, Becky what are your favorite names these days? My children like yours have very traditional names, but I am finding myself attracted to some more unusual ones these days like Adair, Dashielle, Xila, for girls, and am glad to see some shift finally in the popular boys’ names lists after all the years of slow change for them!

  2. Cath Young says:

    I’m glad they are not having twins. Riskier when there are two babies. Poor Meghan to balloon out like that so early before any of it is baby weight. I gained 50 lbs with my second pregnancy and everyone was expecting a future linebacker, but I had a 5 lb baby! Good luck to the young Smithies.

    • Becky says:


      Well, thankfully, Meagan loves the LOOK of being pregnant so she’s happy to be showing a little earlier than normal. Funny that you had a 5-lb. baby instead of a linebacker! 🙂

      • Cath Young says:

        I could have been the line backer with the weight I gained!

        You know, Becky, I liked being pregnant most of the time. I like wearing the loose flowy clothes and just not having to worry about my stomach sticking out. There was a nice feeling about it. But the considering how many YEARS I was pregnant, adding them all up, it was a good part of my life.

        Nothing wrong with looking more pregnant than one would think early on. Where some of us were a tad worried was that people would think we were still pregnant after the baby was born!

  3. Bec (from Sydney) says:

    I coudn’t do my pants up at 6 weeks. My stomach just went – right we’re pregnant boom lol.

    How well does Meagan look!!

    • Becky says:


      That is so true that each woman shows at different times, some earlier, some later. Sounds like you and Meagan are in the same boat, experience-wise! She does look well, doesn’t she?

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    glad all is well with the newest Smith!

  5. Renee says:

    No words here, just a big :-)))))))

  6. Jill says:

    Wow! I was,thinking she was about twenty weeks! had no bump at ten weeks for either baby. I didn’t know that was possible. I was kinda thinking she was close to being one of those moms that goes into labor without knowing they were even pregnant! (No offense Meagan!) Congratulations again! Can’t wait to follow along with this pregnancy!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, I’ve always been pretty amazed by those stories of women not knowing they were pregnant! Glad you’re going to follow along with this joyful pregnancy journey!

  7. Shannon says:

    WOW….obviously I’m happy for all, but I think I might feel sorry for Meagan having to have such a bump so soon!!! 🙂

  8. Mary H says:

    Becky, I have been buried here at work – hoping not to be here on Easter Sunday! Just wanted you to know that I have been briefly reading your entries but just no time to respond until this one – I took some time! WOO HOO! I bet hearing the heartbeat was so wonderful and can’t wait to hear if it is a girl or a boy. Have a blessed Easter and I am anxious to really catch up – sometime next Tuesday when all of this work will be completed and filed with the courts.

    • Becky says:


      I hope you have some quiet, peaceful days in your near future–you definitely don’t want to work on Easter Sunday!

      Thanks for taking the time to sign in and rejoice on this latest milestone in the Smith Baby Saga.

  9. Kristina says:

    Oh, that was MEAN! Only for .37 of a second, but still… my eyes widened in shock and horror that you were turning into one of *those* bloggers 🙂

    Thanks for the Smith-baby update!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that was sort of a little bit mean wasn’t it, making you think you had to wait for the answer! But I wouldn’t do that to my fab Smithellaneous readers! 🙂

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