A Job. And Blessings.

March 14, 2012

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Yep!  Meagan just landed a teaching position at an excellent Christian Academy in Winter Haven and will be starting on March 19.

Meagan–we’re so proud of you!  Those students of yours don’t know what a blessing they’re in for.

In other news . . .

This week our church is once again hosting Room In The Inn, an outreach to the homeless.  We host it twice every winter and provide food and lodging for a week at a time.   I cooked the meal for the guests on Monday night and Steve spent the night as a monitor last night.  (The monitors and guests all sleep on blow up mattresses in our Youth House.)

As Sarah and I were leaving the dinner on Monday night,  I commented to her how thankful I was to be able to help those folks and how extra thankful they made me feel that I have a home to go to at the end of a long day.   I never, ever want to take for granted  that I have a soft bed, a private bathroom, a comfortable recliner,  plenty of clothes,  a front porch, a back yard,  and a kitchen with cupboards full of food.

In America, advertising is always nagging us to want more and more and more stuff but I really think that true happiness comes in just understanding that what we have is enough.

I’m grateful today for our Room In The Inn friends who reminded me without saying a word that I have enough.  I have more than enough.

I am blessed.


(This picture I took recently reminds me that am blessed to live in such a lovely area!)





18 comments so far.

18 responses to “A Job. And Blessings.”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    So glad for Meagan! I taught school for 14 years and loved it. Would you believe I taught high school seniors my first year and had a blast. When, after 4 years in public school, I went to Christian school to teach I started with 4 & 5 grades (combination) and started October 1. That was a lesson in time management! I moved back up to high school after about 3 years as we added grades. I know the students will love Meagan–a pretty young lady. One of my former students who I taught in 4th grade and then in high school told me a few years ago that he had the biggest crush on me when he was in 4th grade. I never knew that. Thanks for what you and Steve and Sarah do for the homeless in your area. We have a mission here so the churches don’t do that. Our church does support the mission monetarily monthly.

  2. Guerrina says:

    Congratulations, Meagan! How exciting!

  3. Anna says:

    Way to go Meagan! She will bring such joy to her classroom.

  4. becky m says:

    whhoo hoo megan, im sure it will be hard starting mid year but i am also sure she will do great!!!

  5. Linda says:

    Way to go Meagan! My mother was an elementary teacher for many years and fourth grade was always her favorite grade to teach! She has been gone from this earth since 1998 and I still miss her “lessons”.
    Speaking of lessons (nice segue, huh?) . . . one thing that I learned long ago is … Happiness is not found in having what you want but rather in wanting what you have!

  6. Marjie says:

    Congratulations to Meagan and thanks Becky for reminding us about enough… I am blessed beyond words in that category. I hope you have a great day. Tell Meagan and Nathan I am very happy for them both.

    Hugs from Iowa,

  7. Dana H says:

    Yay for Meagan!! I know she has to be thrilled and I’m sure a little nervous. I love kids but man they can be turkey tails sometimes. It takes a special person to be a teacher. They deserve way more recognition than they get. Wishing the best on the job! Congratulations.

    I loved reading about the Room In the Inn the last time. Christmastime I think? I work in Downtown Greenville SC, an area where you see a lot homeless people walking the streets or sitting on stoops. There’s a Salvation Army and a Soup Kitchen right up the road and it’s heartbreaking. Seeing an adult that has nowhere to call home is bad enough but when you see children standing in a line waiting for something to eat and wonder if they’ll have somewhere to go later it’s horrible. A lot of the shelters around here stay full to the point they have to turn people away. That’s sad. So where do they go. i can’t imagine and Lord willing I never have to find out the feeling. What you guys are doing is a really wonderful thing. A lot of people are turned off to churches and Chritianity because the sad truth is, they’re not all as accepting and non-judgemental as they should be. True concern and love can be felt and seen and hopefully the people that walk in and out of there this week will feel and know what true care and love from the Church really is. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      The Room In The Inn organization is so great because it allows a whole bunch of churches to get involved in a very practical way. Each time I have volunteered I have enjoyed sitting and eating with these folks and getting to know them and their stories. They are always so grateful for the smallest things we do and I feel like I end up receiving more from them than I give.

  8. Tiffany says:

    Congratulations to Meagan!! I know that her students will love her!! That is great news, and I know that she is excited to begin her career! I hope that her first days are wonderful !!

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