A Hospital and a Tool Belt

November 1, 2018

Just a quick, midweek update . . .

Grayson (our youngest grandchild) has been admitted to St. Joseph’s in Tampa for GI observation after having ongoing struggles with weight gain.  If you’ve ever had a child in the hospital, you know how stressful that is.

The day before he was admitted, Madi had to have dental work done which, in Meagan’s words, “left both of them crying.”

Meagan wrote on Facebook post last night saying, “Needless to say…our family would appreciate your prayers the next few days as we navigate this time with each of our kids.


When my heart is overwhelmed…lead me to the rock that is higher than I Psalm 61:2”

In happier news . . .

Noah chose to dress up as Grandpa Smith for school on Wednesday. In his estimation, impersonating his grandpa translated into a Hawaiian shirt and a tool belt. Is that not the funniest thing?  Steve said it made his entire week to see that picture.

In other medical news  . . . 

I was driving home from Greenville Tuesday afternoon when I saw a call coming in from ECU Pulmonology.  My doctor had told me that he was having the scan sent back to radiology to be looked at again and if nothing was concerning, they would just see me for follow up in 8 weeks. However, if they saw anything that needed to be investigated further, they would call me to discuss further steps.  

So my heart sank a little when I saw where the call was coming from and then it sank a few steps more when I heard the doctor’s voice on the phone instead of the nurse’s.

However, he was not the bearer of bad tidings. He was calling to say that the radiologist didn’t see anything that he thought needed immediate attention. (Sigh of relief) However, my doctor went on to say that he knew of another radiologist who specialized in “mysterious” cases and he was going to do what he could to get my scan in front of him.

There were two things I appreciated about that conversation: 

1) My doctor took my comments seriously when I said I would have appreciated a call from him on the first scan

2) He is not willing to give up on finding a solution for a patient who has gotten into the severe range of COPD with nothing on a high-resolution CT scan that would explain why.

I truly appreciate him going the extra mile.

And in the last bit of medical news . . .

Steve is out and about more but still not back to full speed.  He’s been working some half days and trying to pace himself as he continues to recover from shingles.

And that’s it for now.  Have a great rest of the week!





22 comments so far.

22 responses to “A Hospital and a Tool Belt”

  1. SueEllen Williams says:

    Prayers for precious Grayson and his family…Noah was adorable dressed as his grandpa…so happy to hear Steve is feeling better, hope he continues to improve…and happy that your doctor listened to your concerns and called you personally; hope you get answers soon!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I agree about Noah being adorable as Grandpa Smith! Big smile-producer.

      Thanks for your prayers for Grayson and family; it has been a stressful time, for sure!

  2. Phyllis says:

    Prayers for the Florida Smith family, especially baby Grayson and his mom and dad. Having lived in Tampa for 13 years, I know that St. Joseph’s Chrildren’s Hospital is a great hospital. Hope Miss Madison has recovered from her dental work.
    Noah’s costume for Grandpa Smith is great!
    Glad that you got a quick callback from your doctor. Glad that he is trying to get to the bottom of your COPD. And glad to hear that Steve is doing better.

    • Becky says:


      It’s fun to have a blog reader who knows right where that hospital is!

      I hadn’t realized how much was going on till I read through your comment. St. Joseph’s hospital, Madi, dental work, costume, doctor callback, COPD, Steve’s health. It’s been a busy week; thanks for taking the time to check in with us.

  3. Mary says:

    Prayers ongoing for the entire Smith family!

  4. Lesley says:

    A doctor willing to go the extra mile for you is worth his weight in gold. Hoping he is able to come up with a new idea or two.
    Poor little Grayson! Such a worry when they are such itty bitties. So many possibilities for the cause of his issues. Sending positive thoughts that it is something easily rectified.
    And Steve, the resolution of Shingles can take quite a long time, as I’m sure he knows. But so painful in the meantime. I’m on the fence about the shingles vaccine when I turn 60. I’m sure at this point he would say GET THE VACCINE.

    • Becky says:


      Actually, I was asking my RA nurse about getting the shingles vaccine and she said that it is now recommended for 50 and older, not 60 and older. So it may be something you want to do. I am going get it as well, but currently there is a shortage.

      And yes, an extra mile doctor is hard to find. Hoping along with you that he is able to come up with something no one else has thought of.

  5. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Have a feeling, if you could have hugged the doctor through the phone, you would have. For him to go the extra mile in trying to find out what is going on is comforting to me. I have a bro-in-law who is in pain 24/7. Has been to about 3 doctors, and they rule out what it isn’t, but don’t seem to go the extra mile to find how what is causing the pain. He also has tinitus. My sister and bro-in-law are frustrated to say the least. My daughter’s first child (a girl) also was not gaining weight, so the doctor suggested feeding her more fat (not sure what that all entailed). She is now about 27 and is over-weight. Not saying that that is what will happen to Grayson, but praying the Lord will give the doctors wisdom to find out the cause.

    • Becky says:


      I can’t imagine being in your brother-in-law’s shoes and being in pain 24/7. Absolutely impossible to even comprehend. If anyone needs a doctor to go a few extra miles, it’s HIM! I am sure they are so frustrated with not having answers.

      Glad your granddaughter’s problem was discovered and solved. Plenty of things to worry about when our children and grandchildren are small.

  6. Linda in Pgh says:

    Becky, You and your family are in my daily prayers, I am adding extra ones for each of you in these trying times. Hugs to all of you!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      How very heart-warming thing to know that we are in your prayers; thank you for adding a few extra while we navigate all of our various medical journeys.

      Blessings to you today!

  7. Wendy says:

    Oh that poor dear sweet baby boy. I am praying they get answers and that it is something relatively easy to change for him. That is so great that Noah dressed up as grandpa. What a special thing to do 🙂 Happy you got a bit of better news anyway and that they are sending on your records to have another expert peruse them.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, he is a poor, dear, sweet baby boy for sure. I hate he has to go through all this testing but at least he’s young enough that he won’t remember it. He just knows he has his mom and dad at his side and that’s all that matters.

  8. Jodi says:

    Poor sweet Grayson! I must’ve missed something as this is the first I’m seeing. Prayers for a speedy recovery to get this little man home to his brother and sister. Hopefully, it’s as simple as a formula change or if Meagan is nursing, finding out if something she is eating is causing the issue. Whatever it is, I hope it’s found quickly. Hugs to you, Meghan and Nathan (& you Becky, Steve & tSheri and Frank)!

    Speaking of Steve, glad he’s slowly feeling better. Don’t push it! Take the time you need!

    ? jodi

    • Becky says:


      I think I’ve just briefly mentioned Grayson’s issue once or twice so it would be easy to miss. So thankful he is in a top notch facility and getting the best care. Of course, he has absolutely wonderful parents at his side, to that’s the most important thing!

  9. Ann Martin says:

    Prayers for all. Know how stressful it is to have a little one in the hospital. Glad Steve is doing better and prayers for continued progress with your issues. May Madi be better soon. Prayers for answers with Grayson’s health problems. God is still in control and may you feel His comfort.

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for your sweet words of concern and your prayers. With all the health issues you and Jim have had, you know exactly what it’s like to deal with doctors and hospitals. That gives you an extra dose of compassion and empathy.

  10. LeeAnne says:

    Oh my…..I will definitely keep ALL of you in my prayers!

  11. Guerrina says:

    When it rains, it pours! Keeping all of you in prayer!

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