A Good, Long Weekend

December 14, 2020

Early Friday morning, Sarah hit the road for the 4-hour trip to Fayetteville to meet Gage’s family.

The Long family includes his parents  . . .

and his FIVE brothers.

When I first saw these photos I chuckled out loud at the sight of Sarah amidst all those fellas. However, she looks like she is holding her own in the middle of the merriment.

After a lunch of tacos, part of the crew played a game that Gage had created.  Sarah and Gage really love board and card games, just another of the many things they have in common.  Gage wants to eventually design games to sell.

Of course, I had been thinking about Sarah all morning as she drove and had been nervous on her behalf.  I know that meeting people who are important to the person who is important to you can be a little nerve-wracking.  But happily, four and a half hours after her arrival, I got a text that simply said,  “I had a great time with Gage’s family.”  She didn’t have time to write all the details right then but she knew I would want a quick update.  And she was right!

After leaving the Long’s,  Sarah and Gage drove an hour to her friend, Hope’s house, where Sarah spent the night.

Hope had gotten tickets for them to go see some Christmas lights.  Good times!

The next morning, Hope took Sarah to meet Gage and the two of them headed to Charlotte.  A student that Gage had mentored was in a drama production and Gage had been invited to come to see it.

You just never know when you might run into a camel.

From the play, they drove over to Steve’s mom’s house for the night.

(Note: Gage had gotten over COVID two weeks earlier and Sarah had tested negative right before she traveled, so they felt comfortable being with Vernie for a few hours.)

Vernie’s opinion of Gage was that he was one of the most fascinating people she ever met.  She’s met a lot of people in her years of military travel so that was quite the compliment.

It was special for Sarah to get to give Gage a tour of the house that has been part of her life since she was just a week old.  In one particular bedroom, she showed him the white wicker chair where I had taken pictures of her as a newborn and also, the dresser drawer where Nathan had slept for a few days until we got his “crib housing” arranged.

Sarah said that while she was explaining those two things, Gage started to do a little comedic riff on the stories she was telling and made Vernie laugh harder than Sarah has EVER seen her laugh.  Sarah and Gage enjoyed getting to spread some joy to that dear lady.

The two of them got up early Sunday morning and drove four hours back to Fayetteville to attend service at the church Gage’s dad pastors. And then after a quick lunch, Sarah hit the road for the drive home.

As you can imagine, she was exhausted when she arrived but she still stayed up with Steve and me for a couple of hours and told us all the weekend stories, stories that included:

A road trip, a good friend, Christmas lights, a show, a grandma, a boyfriend, and especially getting to meet the whole Long family.

It was a good, Long weekend, indeed.

What about you?

Do you remember when you first met the family of someone who was important to you?

How did it go?  Any interesting things that happened that you’d love to share?

Also, are you the person who usually makes other people laugh, or are you the one who enjoys doing the laughing?  BOTH are important!





24 comments so far.

24 responses to “A Good, Long Weekend”

  1. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    So glad Sarah’s “meeting of the parents” and visit went so well. It looks like Sarah fit in perfectly and enjoyed her time with the family. Everyone looks like they were having good fun. It was also nice that Sarah could spend some time with her friend, Hope. Seeing the play (and meeting the camel) knowing that Gage had been a mentor must have been a special shared time for Sarah and Gage. How awesome that Grandma got to meet Gage in person and that they were able to spend time with her making precious memories for all.
    Hugs from Pittsburgh,
    Stay safe and healthy and God Bless,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it’s not every day you get to make the acquaintance of a camel. Just one of the many fun things about Sarah’s Long weekend!

      I was especially glad they were able to spend a little time with Vernie; that really brightened her day.

  2. Dale Tousley says:

    Sounds like a wonderful week end and she fit in perfectly! Unfortunately, both my husband’s parents passed away at young ages before I met him but when I met his two sisters, I felt like I had known them forever….I had asked each to be in the wedding but hadn’t met them yet, one lived in Miami and one lived in New Orleans, both of their husbands were career Coast Guard so they moved around quite a bit, but we flew down and I met them and my two future nieces and like I said, I felt I had grown up with them….they welcomed me with open arms and we just laughed and talked through the whole visits, they also became very close to my family and my mom became a surrogate mom and grandmom…..they loved her so and she loved them….

    • Becky says:


      I loved what you said about feeling like you had known your future sisters-in-law forever when you first met them.

      And how wonderful is it that your mom became a surrogate mom and grandmom; it’s so inspiring to hear of families whose love blends them so well.

  3. Heather Eland says:

    I first met my husband’s family when we had been dating a couple of weeks- it was his Mom and Dad. A few months later (prior to our engagement) his parents asked me call them Mom and Dad and they have been that ever since. I met his sister and brother a bit later.

    Sarah looks like she was having a great time with Gabe and his family. Having followed along with your blog since Sarah was in treatment I’m so thrilled to see her so happy. She’s a true miracle and reminder to me that God “still moves stones”.

    Merry Christmas to you all!

    • Becky says:


      Your parents-in-law must have been pretty sure you were going to get married if they asked you to call them Mom and Dad before you got engaged. Love that!

      Thanks for hanging around with our family all these years; it means so much to have long-timers on board. (Sounds better than old-timers.) 🙂

  4. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    I’m sure she was a little nervous meeting Gage’s parents, but also Gage’s 5 brothers. I know she fit right in and was able to converse with each one and probably any gags they might have played on she and Gage, were taken in stride. I had no brothers, but 3 sisters aind when I got married (almost 54 years ago), I married into a family of 8 sisters and 2 brothers. It took me a while to remember names and especially if they had children and the children had children – well, it take some time to remember names and who belonged to whom. Sarah will do just fine!

    • Becky says:


      Wow! Marrying into a family of 10 WOULD be quite overwhelming! Sarah had to study up on the brothers’ names before she got there so she can certainly relate a little bit to what you were going through. And as you said, when all of those siblings-in-law had kids, you REALLY have your hands full then.

      Fifty-four years is a long time–congrats to both of you!

  5. krista121799 says:

    It looks like a lot of fun was had by everyone on the Long weekend. Sarah does seem to fit in nicely. I just so happy for her!

    Have a blessed week!

  6. SueEllen says:

    I’m so glad Sarah and Gage got to spend that special time with Vernie and bring joy to her. Wishing you all a wonderful week.

  7. Phyllis says:

    Looks like Sarah had a great weekend. Glad Grandma got to meet Gage!
    My weekend was a whirlwind. Found out Friday morning my oldest niece got engaged on Thursday. I got home from my parents around 11:15 Friday morning. Around 3, my dad called and said my mom had fallen in kitchen. Ambulance took her to a bigger hospital about an hour away. They X-rayed her hip and said it wasn’t broken. I went back Saturday morning and could barely get her out of chair. Called her doc and told him something’s not right. Back to ER by ambulance, this time to small local hospital. Her femur was fractured. Transferred her to KU in KC Kansas. She is having surgery tomorrow to repair fracture. Praying that her hip replacement will not need a revision as it will be a lengthy surgery. She is 89 so any surgery is a risk. I brought my dad back to my house yesterday morning early. He is 94.

    • Becky says:


      So sorry to hear about your mom’s fall. That is a scary thing when a parent is elderly with brittle bones. I know your dad is very grateful for your care and concern for BOTH of them. Let us know how the surgery goes.

      And congrats to your niece on her engagement; it was nice to have some happy news on a stressful weekend.

    • Dale Tousley says:

      Phyllis, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, she is in good hands at KU Med, we lived in Leawood for 16 years and are very familiar with the hospital system there…..many of my daughter’s friends are nurses up there…..prayers for all of you.

  8. Ruth Rehberg says:

    The family looks like a load of fun and laughs! Sara will not get bored the way it seems thus far!
    It is scary and exciting to meet a bunch of new people, sounds like things went well, and will be even better next time.
    Really nice they could see Vernie too.
    May there be many more happy meetings to come!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Sarah enjoyed them all and seemed to fit in well. And no, I don’t really see any boredom in her future.

      I hope you guys enjoy having Ephraim in the house this week. Speaking of no boredom . . .! 🙂

  9. dmantik says:

    Well, that was fun to read! 🙂

    It was so nice to get a glimpse into Sarah’s very busy weekend. Gage’s family looks delightful (loved the blog title today :)) and Sarah seems to fit right in. And I have no doubt that she can hold her own!

    So happy that Sarah and Gage could go see Vernie and bring her some joy.

    Love to the Smiths!


    • Becky says:


      Thanks for getting the play on words with the blog title. 🙂

      And yes, Sarah can definitely hold her own and thoroughly enjoy herself in the process.

      Enjoy that new grand kitty of yours. That will give you one more happy reason to go visit Caleb and Amanda.

  10. Guerrina says:

    What fun stories! So happy to see the merriment in both Sarah and Gage’s eyes, and thrilled that Vernie had some belly laughs going on. Sarah has plenty of experience in the brother department and a Dad who knows how to prank. I’ve no worries about her!

    Thrilled that this past weekend I started my Christmas cookie/candy baking marathon, decorated my home, winterized the yard (1st major snow due in Wednesday night into Thursday), and did my laundry!

    Laughter? Sometimes I give reason for it, sometimes I’m doing it!

    • Becky says:


      What a productive weekend you had. I’m a little jealous of all that you got done! And what a relief to know you are winterized and ready for all those snowflakes headed your way. (Another reason to be jealous!) Hopefully, we will be blessed with a few flakes at some point this winter.

      Yes, Sarah does have plenty of experience with brothers–or should I say, plenty of experience with brother. And what a great brother he is!

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Oh yes, I vividly remember meeting my husband’s family. He has a brother and three sisters. I have just one brother so the extra siblings really made me nervous. We all hit it off though and I can’t imagine not having all of them in my life. I was completely accepted and brought into the fold. My father-in-law said I was one of his girls. My mother-in-law screamed with delight and accidentally threw soap suds on the ceiling (washing dishes) when Jeff told her that he was going to propose to me. 🙂

    I think that I have a decent sense of humor and can hold my own in the ‘making people laugh’ category. But my hubby is such a funny guy with a sharp wit and a goofy side too. He’s almost always the one doing the entertaining. Where he comes up with the stuff he comes up with is beyond me!

    Sarah looks so happy and right at home in the midst of all those guys. She and Gage make a really cute couple. I am glad that her travels went well….she really made the most of her journey! Wow!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I love the imagery of your mom-in-law throwing soap suds on the ceiling. Cheaper than champagne and just as joyful!

      So glad to hear how much you love your husband’s family–and vice versa.

      Sounds like you have been blessed with a funny guy; laughter is such a great lubricant in the hard times of life and of course, is a delight at ANY time of life!

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