A Go!

April 6, 2021

Just a quick note to let you know that today’s biopsy attempt was a GO!

Sarah’s blood pressure stayed stable so they were able to give her a little more relaxing medication. When she was done, she was much more at peace than she was yesterday after the two attempts.

The preliminary report could be back in as early as 48 hours and so much hinges on that one report. There is a whole crew of doctors, oncologists, and surgeons all waiting to know what that biopsy is going to show so that they can formulate a plan for treating Sarah.

Tomorrow she will have a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration which she will be sedated for. She is all about sedation and I can’t blame her. The less you are aware during these procedures, the better.

Thankfully, today she was able to walk up and down the hallway a bit, which was a huge improvement over the past few days when she struggled to even walk to the bathroom. So we are seeing some stamina return to our lady.

By the way, this photo s of the last time Sarah was in these hallways–way at the other end of the hall from where we are now. We were doing the picture thing, even back then!

49 comments so far.

49 responses to “A Go!”

  1. Ellen W says:

    By the way, regarding this photo: Has anyone pointed out yet that Sarah was wearing masks waaaaay before everyone else thought it was cool? Decades even! Trend setter. 😄😉

  2. Ann O. says:

    Prayers continue. Yes, Sarah, go for sedation! Any chance you could get a bit of sedation, Becky? I can’t imagine the stress and hand wringing going on. You are joined by many, with the hand wringing, as we wait with you for results.

  3. Sarah says:

    Praying for a quick turnaround of the biopsy results and for smooth bone marrow procedures today!

  4. DeLynn says:

    So thankful that the biopsy could take place! Praying for the pathologists who will perform the studies–praying for unanimity, knowledge of exactly what they are seeing—and praying for healing for Sarah! I will pray that tomorrow’s bone marrow biopsy goes well–so thankful for sedation. Praying for Sarah, those caring for her, and all of you who love her. The Lord is at hand (Phil 4:5).

  5. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    PTL about the biopsy and Sarah was able to walk the halls. Onward!!!

  6. Bethany Kistler says:

    Hello to the wonderful Smith’s!!! I remember that little fighter in the picture very well!! She was one of the first patients that I took care of on 5200. I’m sorry to hear about Sarah’s recent medical issue and I’m praying for the best possible outcome regarding the biopsy. Dr. D and the team will take the best care of her and if anyone can persevere through this with flying colors, it is SARAH!!! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding Sarah, you will be a stunning bride. xoxo Bethany

    • Becky says:


      We were just telling one of our nurses this week about you promising you would buy Sarah a Bryer horse if she would gargle with morphine. It did the trick!

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    That’s great news they were able to complete the biopsy today. I really hope the results are in soon so the team can get a treatment plan in place.

    Also, in looking at the photo from long ago of Sarah as a little girl– can you imagine if back on that day when the photo was taken you could have looked ahead through all the wonderful years Sarah has had up until to today (and the many, many more still ahead of her). The joy would have been profound on that day long ago to see the happy childhood she would have and the incredible woman she would become. While in the thick of the battle we can’t yet see the joy of the future, but it is there nonetheless. Likewise, today is a hard time for Sarah– but there is joy ahead, starting with a very very special wedding just next month.

    Thinking of you all.

  8. Brooke Robertshaw says:

    Oh Becky. I’m just reading everything from the last couple of weeks. On one hand I’m thrilled for Sarah and Gage, on the other my heart is broken for her, for all of you. I don’t know what else to say, except that. You all of course will be in my prayers. *hug*

  9. Wendy says:

    So happy to read that the biopsy was a go. praying many times a day for Sarah and all of you. I shouted for joy when i read it could be scar tissue. That’s my prayer!!

  10. SueEllen says:

    Prayers for peace in the waiting….and that everything goes smoothly tomorrow…continued love, hugs and prayers sent to all of you…

  11. Buff says:

    Great news! Now praying for a good report from the biopsy!
    Something easily fixable! But more importantly, God’s will be done.
    Thank you Lord for a successful attempt today. And for a little more strength for Sarah than yesterday.
    Bless Becky and Gage but also Steve who is feeling alone and afraid for his little girl. In Your name. Amen.

  12. Heather E says:

    Glad to hear that’s the biopsy was able to be completed. Praying for wisdom for the doctors as they formulate a treatment plan for Sarah.

  13. Tobi says:

    Sarah has been in my thoughts all day. Prayers, and more prayers.

  14. Bea says:

    Oh forgot to ask, is there a way we can send cards to Sarah?

  15. Bea says:

    SO MUCH LOVE and SO MANY PRAYERS coming your way for all of you!! God Bless Dr. Driscoll, he is THE BEST!!! You are all on my mind and heart constantly. My heart hurts so much for all that precious Sarah is going through. SO thankful she has her PRINCE by her side as well as her Mama….. Lots of tears here…. 🙁

  16. Gail Puckett says:

    Great news Becky. Praying for good results

  17. Ronna Perry says:

    So glad to hear Sarahs biopsy was a success today. Prayers for tomorrows procedure!

  18. Lesley says:


  19. Guerrina says:

    Thank you, Jesus! Praying for quick, accurate labs, and that the docs have God knowledge & wisdom, and the understanding to know what to do with it! Peace for Sarah, you, Gage and those waiting to hear that aren’t there.

  20. Pam D says:

    Praying constantly over here, for so many things. Right now, for the biopsy to be expedited, for expert eyes to see all that they need to see, and for expert minds to come up with a game plan that perfect for whatever the situation turns out to be. You’re in that hallway right now, waiting, but hopefully it will be a short wait and a door that opens to great news! Love you!

  21. Debbie Rivas says:

    I’ve been checking all day for an update! So glad the biopsy is done. My daughter and I are praying for Sarah! ❤️

  22. Andrea Kiebler says:

    Rene and I are praying!

  23. Gayle in AL says:

    Thankful for the update! I’m glad today was a better day and I hope tomorrow goes just as smoothly! She needs to get well so she can go home and plan a wedding! 🙂 Keeping all of you in my prayers!

  24. Patti says:

    Thanks for the update. Prayers continue

  25. Patti says:

    Glad to hear the biopsy is finished. Prayers for the bone marrow draw. My husband has had several and he is all about sedation also. Had a couple with just ativan and did not like that. I sat thru a couple of them and can understand why he wants sedation! Continued prayers.

  26. Mrs. Pam says:


  27. Tricia says:

    Been praying for Sarah often today, and was sure glad to hear today was a go. Now lets hope they can rush those results, so a treatment plan can begin! Sending love and hugs to all of you.

  28. Patti says:

    So glad to hear they were able to do it! Continuing prayers for all of you!

  29. Shannon B says:

    Strong prayers from Nebraska coming your way!! Stay strong Sarah!

  30. Laura Nettles says:

    Praise God for the successful biopsy! Praying that tomorrow will go smoothly and answers will be clear so that a treatment plan can be started.

  31. Cindy Latoures says:

    Wonderful news and a step forward! Praying for great results from this test and tomorrow’s.

  32. Dear Becky, Thank you so much for keeping us informed with these updates. The photos on Sarah’s door are wonderful. We are so glad that today went well and pray that the rest of the week will be the same. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers throughout each day.

  33. Jan Reuther says:

    Wonderful news! Hoping it’s just the beginning of a winning streak.

  34. Marsha says:

    Thank you for the update – one down; one to go. I have dubbed your sweet girl (besides awesome, intelligent, incredible, cute as a button, precious etc, etc as the “Tiny Giant’…because she’s also tough, strong, faithul to God & focused! She has her eyes on her prize…a sweet, handsome, devoted fiancé who loves her dearly! Pass the hugs – love all you kids! ❤️

  35. Ellen W says:

    Good news. The “not knowing” place is always such a hard one to be in.

  36. Suzanne says:

    Yay for GO TIME! I’ve been praying off and on all day that they’d be able to do the biopsy today (and checking in frequently for any updates). Thank you, Jesus, for this blessing!

  37. Dale Tousley says:

    I am so glad you were able to get the biopsy done, like many others, I check the blog almost hourly. That picture of her is SO adorable….she is one of the bravest people I have ever known. Prayers, love and hugs coming your way.

  38. angelinaballerin says:

    Have prayed for years and years thru Burlington Assembly in Burlington. The nurse back then in that picture is Bethany. I just sent her a message to show her this picture of her!!

  39. Janet says:

    While these procedures are unpleasant to say the least, so glad to know that they are working diligently to get them done in order to move forward with getting this sweet lady better!
    Continued prayers for you all as you take one step after another in this still not fully known journey.
    But, how sweet to know that God is aware of Sarah’s every breath. While we may not know what even the next hours hold, how comforting to know Who holds the future.

  40. Katrina says:

    So glad to hear it was a GO!

  41. Shawn says:

    Great news! Sending prayers for tomorrow!

  42. Wheeee! Hooray for the successful procedure today! Now to hope for a result that is simple and easy and not too scary. <3

  43. LeeAnne says:

    Oh yay!! Wonderful news! Answered prayers!! And I’m especially glad to hear that she’s getting some stamina back. Sarah is a real trooper. Now for more prayers for smooth sailing tomorrow, answers from the biopsies and a plan!

  44. Lisa MacKay says:

    So happy that today’s attempt was successful! I’ve been following Sarah for so many years now and am heartbroken to know she’s back to fighting this horrible thing again. Sending lots of love and prayers to all of you!!!

  45. Jan Turner says:

    Great news! Here’s hoping for a plan real soon. There’s a wedding to be had!

  46. Phyllis says:

    Hallelujah! Fantastic news that they were able to do the biopsy today. I know everyone will feel much better once you get the results and a plan is formulated.
    Continued prayers.

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