A Fur Friend Found. A Human Friend Lost.

September 14, 2012

A Fur Friend, Found.

As you can tell, it was a stressful evening at the Smith home last night. 



Blood pressure was high.

And anxiety was rampant.


I’m just not sure if we are going to be able to make the difficult and stressful adjustments that come with finding a new fur friend.

But we’re sure willing to try.  ðŸ™‚



 A Real Friend, Lost.

In less happy news, I got word early this morning that a special woman in my life passed away last night from cancer.

Sue Guenther (or SueG as she was known around the blogosphere), came into my life through the Caringbridge site I started for Sarah during her cancer journey.  When I transitioned my writing over to Smithellaneous, Sue followed.  And we stayed in touch.  A lot.

Although we talked by phone a couple of times over the years, we mostly wrote back and forth.  I imagine I have 400 saved emails from Sue on my computer. She was my unofficial writing coach and mentor for several years. She helped me edit several pieces that were published and she (at my invitation) critiqued my blog writing, letting me know when word choices or syntax or imagery worked–and when it didn’t.  She was a gentle critic and was most often affirming and encouraging.  She was funny, and refreshingly irreverent and she could poke holes in traditions and stodginess like no one’s business.

She bought a huge thesaurus and sent it to us, so that Sarah and I would never be without that handy tool when we wrote.  And when she found out I liked Golden Graham bars, a large box of them showed up at my doorstep.  

She was always thinking of other people and especially people who were going through hard times. She was famous around the Web for her guest book entries; she would pop up on the blog of someone who was undergoing cancer treatment and leave one of her compassionate, incredibly wise, funny, heart lifting comments.  I would visit different blogs I was familiar with and not be surprised at all to find that Sue had been there before me.    And if you have read Smithellaneous for any length of time, you probably remember all the many, many comments she blessed us with here.  Her words were treasures.

It’s amazing to me that I feel like have lost a friend, even though I never even met her.  Sue helped me find my writing voice and she inspired me to write my heart, always write my heart.  She told me to dig down deep and find the words that didn’t always come right away and that when I did, my writing would move people’s hearts.

My life and my writing will be forever after influenced by this amazing, gifted, large-hearted woman. And I am so grateful.   (Read Sue’s own words following the picture.)

1-sueg edited


I’ll close with her own words from  the introduction of her Caringbridge page:

Three separate primary cancers in less than five years. Kidney cancer, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer again, high grade myxoid histeosarcoma over 18 cm long and just as deep (wrapped around my femoral artery, femoral vein, and quadricep), kidney cryoablation twice, radical nephrectomy, and acute renal failure.

Radiation that left severe burns and a hole in my leg that took a year to heal. Metastasis to the lungs. IL-2 treatments (which I affectionately refer to as flu in a bag). Chemo since May 5th, 2008 (28 days on, 14 days off).

So many biopsies I lost count, numerous surgical procedures, scores of scans and related tests.

Medical costs: astronomical.

God’s presence every second, every minute, every hour, every day of this journey. God’s love and protection, a constant. God’s Truth as my compass, giving direction, hope and promise. God’s wisdom, discernment, guidance for me and for my doctors. God’s gifts of the spirit on an ongoing basis.

All this and more: priceless.

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “A Fur Friend Found. A Human Friend Lost.”

  1. madyson007 says:

    I am heart broken. Sue was one of the very first people to post on my blog. It was so nice of her because I don’t think my blog would be the kind of blog Sue would normally frequent. She continued to visit and leave encouraging comments through the years. She found my blog through this one…so
    I need to thank you as well. She was a kind voice to a woman who was quite desperate at that time…that woman was me.

    • Becky says:

      Madyson, I went by your blog and read the comment of hers that you featured in the recent post. Amazing comment, amazing woman. I am so glad she was an encouragement to you.

  2. Nancy says:

    Becky. Sue G passed away???? She was one of the strongest women I have ever had the opportunity to talk to. I didnt know she was sickand this comes as a devastating blow. :0( I’m glad you got a new furbaby. May he bring you the greatest joy. I am so sorry about Sue Becky
    god bless you all with these somber news :0(

    • Becky says:

      Nancy, Sue was definitely an inspiration to everyone who knew her. Funny and strong and compassionate and wise. I’ll never forget her.

  3. Pilotbutterfly (Ann M) says:

    I got the e-mail on Sue’s site this morning and really feel sorry for her family but I’m sure they are at peace that she is no longer in pain. I have read her comments many times on your blog and have been following her caringbridge site. May you and her family have the peace only God can give. Summer is just too cute. She has adapted well to her new family. Excited to hear her story.

  4. Jojy Smith says:

    Becky: As you pointed out so well, friends can be friends, no matter how long the road between them! She was a good friend to you and I know you will miss her encouragement. I am so sorry she didn’t have more time. She was a warrior!!

  5. becky m says:

    I almost had to ask who the young man laying on the couch wit summer and sarah was……but then a few pics later i realized it was steve…
    i am so sorry about sue. i used to read her comments on Hannah blog then on yours and even a few random times i ventured to another blog. i read a few of her entries. she had an amazing way with words.

    • Becky says:

      Becky, glad you figured out who was on the couch with Sarah! 🙂 And yes, Sue’s way with words was nothing short of amazing. I think she so often said what we were all feeling.

  6. Jill says:

    Summer is adorable. Fits right in for sure!
    I am sorry to hear about Sue. She is very familiar to me from her many compassionate comments on various blogs.

  7. Cindy Forrester says:

    Oh my…little Miss Summer is just too cute! She looks to be adjusting quite nicely!

    I’m very sorry for the loss of your friend. She sounds like a very special lady.

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Cindy. Life is all about comings (Summer) and goings. (Sue.) So thankful for the joy I’ve had in knowing Sue for these years.

  8. Lesley says:

    So sorry to hear about SueG. I always enjoyed her posts. Well….she has more power where she is now, I am sure she will use it 🙂

  9. So sad to hear. I’ve been known to pop over to Sue’s site…she’s such an encourager. Though her family has lost her here on earth, they will find her waiting for them down the road … as will you.

  10. Jessica K says:

    I will be praying for her family. Her presence in the blogosphere will be missed, but I’m rejoicing that she is home with Jesus.

    • Becky says:

      Jessica, thanks for your prayers for her family; they are much appreciated. And as you said, the blogosphere will never be quite the same.

  11. Steve says:

    What a lady. We will all miss “the Jewish Princess!”. She was such an inspiring follower of Jesus! No doubt she has heaven in stitches!

  12. nancy irving says:

    So glad to see that you are all settling so well with the new addition, she really is priceless. I am so very sorry to hear about Sue G. You are so right, I have seen Sue’s name pop up many, many times over the years on your blog and on many others. I have also ventured over to Sue’s blog on many occasions. I am so so sorry that we have lost another great soul to the horrible “c” word. You and Sue’s family are in my thoughts.

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