A Few More Floridian Tales

August 2, 2015

Steve has been in Charlotte for the past few days.  He attended a funeral of a church member’s mother on Saturday and this morning he is at the hospital with his mom as she is having a golf ball-sized (non-cancerous) growth removed from her larynx.

Sarah and I talked to her on the phone last night and, as always, we were inspired by her positive attitude, her humor, and her thankfulness for all the blessings in her life.  Our prayers are with her this morning during surgery and during her recovery. Love you, Vernie!



What’s a blogger to do?  

I have many more pictures and stories from New Mexico to share with you,  but I still wasn’t quite done with our Florida trip before the New Mexico trip came along. So I have decided to alternate writing about those two journeys for a little while, inserting any current events as they happen.

Today, we change our focus back to Florida.

Remember me writing about a particular granddaughter born a few weeks ago?  

Well, as it turns out she’s all grown up now.  

She’s fat and sassy and darling and dimpled and she has changed so much in the short time since her birth.

How do babies grow older so quickly?

How does time grow wings over and over again?

How could Nathan possibly be old enough to have not just one child, but two?

Could any baby girl possibly be any more darling?I





(Baby photos by Jamie Scarlett Photography)


Of course, that baby girl is not the only grand child in my life.

I’ve got this fella.


Noah and I went outside to play one day while his mama was getting Madi ready.  Give a little boy a ball and a yard and he’ll soon be whistlin’ a happy tune!


And he’ll also be throwing that ball at grandma who, even on her best days, is not a real “catchy” kind of person. But I did manage to actually nab a few of his throws and return them to him, much to his great delight.


Good job, Grandma!


Such a sweet, sweet fella.



And a few photos from the miscellaneous file . . .

After Madi’s birth, I flew back home from Florida a couple of days after Steve and Sarah had left.  As Sheri (Madi’s other grandma) and I were getting ready to leave for the airport she said, “I just realized your flight is leaving right around lunch time and you’re going to be hungry. Let me make you a sandwich.”

And so my dear friend bustled around her kitchen and prepared a peanut butter and agave sandwich for me. After I had gotten through security, I sat down on a bench in under a skylight and ate my sandwich and drank my water and gave thanks for thoughtful friends, and grandbabies, and the joy of saving $10 on lunch at the airport.  It’s the small things in life.


And speaking of small things, I just recently noticed that Sarah had added Madison’s birthday to our calendar where I keep track of all the birthdays of friends and family. I know Madison has a Florida birth certificate and everything, but a person in our family doesn’t truly, officially exist until their name has been written on The Calendar. So sweet to look and see her little name pop up there with everyone else’s.


And for the last bit of miscellany, I thought you might want to see a picture of how my infection is doing.  Yesterday, I got to wear all my make up for the first time in a week, and I was so happy that the infection had faded to the point that a little bit of foundation just about hid it entirely.  I’m thankful that God created us with skin that miraculously regenerates itself–such a cool thing.

FullSizeRender (7)

And that’s it for today.  Have a great week!

22 comments so far.

22 responses to “A Few More Floridian Tales”

  1. Jenna Hoff says:

    Wow you have some adorable grand babies in your life!! So glad your face is feeling so much better. I hope that Vernie is better soon too.

    • Becky says:


      Adorable is right! 🙂 Today my face is about 98% back to normal–hooray for that. Vernie is doing great! So much to be thankful for.

  2. Jodi says:

    How’s G’Ma Smith doing after surgery? And, Sarah, is just back to herself? Pathology report back?? And, you, are you feeling better?

    Those Grands are beautiful!


    • Becky says:


      We won’t get Sarah’s report back for about 10 more days. I’m feeling just about back to normal although the antibiotic that I’m just finishing up is whipping up on my digestive system. Good times!

  3. Lesley says:

    So I was scrolling down the beautiful sleeping baby pictures and when I hit the open blue-eyed picture-I was surprised to see a lot of Sarah in her. I know they change a lot the first few months, but in that picture I see her aunt.
    So hopeful that Vernie’s surgery went well. Will it affect her voice in any long term way?
    Yay for antibiotics! Much better.
    Noah is more gorgeous every day.

    • Becky says:


      Now that you mention it, I DO see a resemblance.

      No, I don’t believe the surgery will affect Vernie’s voice. Thanks for asking about her.

      P.S. I hope you’re settling in well in your new spot.

  4. Mel says:

    Every year at Christmas, my mom gives each one of us kids (there are 6 of us) a calendar that she has made up and she has all birthdays of everyone, kids and grandkids, anniversaries etc. in them so we have no excuses on missing anyone’s important day. For some reason, the picture of you did not show up on my computer but all the others did so I will just have to take your word. Great pictures of Maddie and Noah. I love your photography.

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm . . . that’s sure strange that the calendar picture didn’t show up for you. Did you try another computer?

      I love your mom’s gift of a calendar every year; with six kids (and the accompanying grandkids, nieces, and nephews), that is a lot of special occasions to keep track of!

  5. Mrs. Pam says:

    great photos!
    hope Vernie does exceedingly well!
    glad your lookin’ and feelin’ good!

  6. Sharyn McDonald says:

    So glad that infection is gone – great picture of you. Those pictures of Madi and Noah – words just cannot express the beauty in them – yes even Noah. How precious.

  7. Steve says:

    So glad you’re feeling better.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    I’m back on board after being on vacation last week. Commenting via phone in an area with poor signal isn’t very easy or handy. 😉

    Prayers for Vernie and a successful, uncomplicated surgery. Your face looks so much better and must feel better too. And sweet, sweet Madi and Noah…..LOVE the pictures!!

    • Becky says:


      Welcome back! Hope your vacation was lovely. And I agree that commenting via phone is not a fun undertaking; I am really slow with that sort of thing.

      Glad you loved the pictures of my lovelies!

  9. Jan Reuther says:

    Prayers and all kinds of good thoughts for Vernie. Hope she gets lots of ice cream and that it helps with the mega sore throat she’ll probably have.

    I love having three grandsons, but pictures of Madi make we wish I had a grandgirl in the mix, as well! She is too too too adorable! And Noah….he’s so precious, and “all boy” (is it still PC to say that?).

    Your face looks much, much better. Keep up the good work!

  10. Ann Martin says:

    Madi is beautiful and so is her Grandma. So glad you are better from the infection. Praying for Steve’s Mom. Have a great day and keep those pictures coming.

  11. Mary H says:

    Madi is GORGEOUS – those photos are some of the best I have ever seen. Noah is so cute! I love that blond, blond hair and big blue eyes. Happy to see your rash fading away. I love your hair, by the way. It is so sweet to see what a wonderful Aunt Sarah Noah and Madi have in their lives. Hope the week is good to you.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’d have to agree that they are some pretty good-lookin’ grandbabies. Thanks for all the nice things you said in your comments; you are always such an encourager.

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