A Dinosaur Baby Shower

October 25, 2012

Sunday afternoon, I went to a Dino Baby Shower. 


This little fella said he’d be happy to give me a tour.




One of the places he led me to was a certain basket that had a fellow dinosaur standing guard.

And just what was Sir Dinosaur guarding?  It turned out to be a basket of cookies and mini graham crackers. 

Oh my. 

I didn’t even know that mini graham crackers existed. I was stunned. Speechless. Stupefied. Shocked. And also surprised.


 Ever since I was a little girl, I have adored graham crackers.  In fact, if you want to make me happy, prepare a dessert for me with a graham cracker crust. I will be your friend for life.

And for me to find out that graham crackers could be procured in bite-sized portions and dipped into whatever wonderful wonderfulness was taking up residence in these pumpkin bowls?  

Well, I as one happy woman.  

Just so you know, I wrestled this particular dinosaur to the ground since he had his gimlet eyes fastened on MY graham cracker bite-lets.  (I won’t tell you who won, but I will say that it wasn’t pretty.)


And this display?  This is something you can’t look at without smiling.

A baby in a cradle made of watermelon and assorted fruit?  Utterly charming.


 Since the theme of the day was dinosaurs, of course there had to be dinosaur eggs.






















 As I moved along through all the delightful displays, I thought  that nothing could make my heart any happier than my discovery of the mini graham crackers.  But I was wrong.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you my new dessert addiction . . . dino bones.


 Pretzels in the middle.  Mini marshmallows on each end.  Everything dipped in white chocolate.  Need I say more? 


I hesitate to mention this, but there were reports around town the next day that police had to be called to a “certain” dinosaur baby shower because a “certain” mild-mannered woman created a kerfuffle when she unhappily ascertained that the other incredibly selfish guests who were present at the event also wanted to partake of the dino bones. Let’s just say that this aforementioned mild-mannered woman did not react well.)  

Ahem. Let’s move along, shall we?

Creative decorations. .  .


A house overlooking the sound . . .


Angels in the windows . . .



It was a perfect dinosaur shower. 

dino final


18 comments so far.

18 responses to “A Dinosaur Baby Shower”

  1. Tracee' says:

    i would love to know about the salad served at the dino baby shower! Daughter is expecting and wants health baby shower foods. Thanks or could you friend Tracee Pettee on FB

  2. Lori says:

    Bravo Bravo!! The presentation was very clever!! Stacey love…..did you make the pumpkin cream cheese spread?? Everything looked delish!!

  3. On my point view on Streamers for decorations – Mix two or more colors that are part of your theme. Twist the streamers and hang them on the walls, ceilings, doorways, and stairs.

  4. Becky says:

    Michelle, I did go ahead and share it on FB. And I think I accepted your friend request by my computer sort of glitched at the same time and I’m not sure if the request went through. If it didn’t, please try again.

  5. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxharyn McDonald says:

    What a dearling idea What a darling idea for a shower, cute decorations and the food – well, it certainly made a statement regarding the theme of the party. Whoever created it – SALUTE!

  6. Cath Young says:

    Adorable. Amazing. Genius. Only thing I did not like was the “baby head” in the fruit basket. But I get queasy about burning any candles that are figurines.

  7. Jojy Smith says:

    I don’t even Like baby/wedding showers, but this one looked FUN! As for the Dino bones “out of control” pastors wife episode….You got a lot of ‘splaining to do, Becky!

  8. LizziLou says:

    What a fun shower idea! 🙂 And I agree with the earlier comment – you should share this on facebook! Oh, and in case you did, I sent you a friend request so I can read it again. 😉 Even though we’ve never “met”, your blog has made me think of you as a “friend”. 🙂

    Michelle (Cearley Schmidtz)

    • Becky says:

      Michelle, I did go ahead and share it on FB. And I think I accepted your friend request but my computer sort of glitched at the same time and I’m not sure if the request went through. If it didn’t, please try again.

  9. Laurie says:

    Any way to get that pumpkin dip recipe? That looks really good. Love the dino bones, too.

    • Becky says:

      Laurie, I had some of the dip (well, a LOT of it, actually) and it wasn’t a pumpkin dip, it was more like a cream cheese sort of dip. You could take any dip you want and put it in the hollowed out pumpkin; it makes such a great Fall serving container.

  10. Jan Reuther says:

    Wow! Just wow! Some people are just too, too clever for words. Imagine all the hours looking for ideas, then for ways to implement them, then doing the actual work! My hat’s off to the hostess of this one.

  11. sharon says:

    you need to post this to faccebook so every one can see the wonderful pictures of the wonderful food, was it a pumpkin dip for the crackers?

    • Becky says:

      Sharon, posted it yesterday on FB. And no, the dip wasn’t a pumpkin dip; I’m not exactly sure what it was, but it was GOOD!

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