A Birthday Revisited

March 11, 2013

I got quite a chuckle out of this birthday item that arrived from my younger sister Debbie, who lives in Wisconsin.  Among other gifts in her festive box was this necklace set and this message. 

Had these. 
Didn’t wear. 
Hope you can. 
(Have a nice day.)

The very epitome of succinctness.DSC_6543

Debbie and I have no qualms whatsover about giving each other gifts that we purchased at a thrift store or things we already own. Our other sister, Ruth, is the Absolute and Utter Queen of Thrifty, Yard Sale Living, as is our mom, so we come by it naturally.

And speaking of my mom, she put her own contribution into the box with Debbie’s gift.  (Since they live in the same town, it made sense to combine their efforts.)  It’s always heartwarming and dear to see her inimitable handwriting pop up in my life.


Since I spent my actual birthday on a personal outing (which I’ll write about later), my party was the day after. And although Steve had an extra busy schedule that day with church stuff, he still managed to get groceries, get the chicken marinating, help Sarah decorate, clean up and vacuum.  We invited the singers/musicians from our worship team and happily, they all contributed to the meal. (And if you missed the earlier post as to why Steve is growing a beard, it’s because he has a lead role in our upcoming Easter production.)







I got this trivet at Goodwill earlier in the week and loved it because it matches our dining room and is sparkly!  Plus, it was only two dollars which makes it the perfect triumvirate: Matchy. Sparkly. Cheap.


Before the meal, the guys played some horseshoes . . .



. . . while Steve cheered them on from his vantage point at the grill.


When it came time for everyone to sit down for the meal, Steve made sure that I sat at the opposite end of the table from where I normally sit (nearest the kitchen) so that I wouldn’t be tempted to jump up and do all the hostess-y things I am wont to do.

That plan worked just fine until it came time to bring in the cake. Although Steve had located the birthday candles earlier in the day, when it came time to put them on the cake, he couldn’t find them anywhere. However, since he was determined that I not get up from my Queen for the Day Chair and look for the candles, he and another guy came up with Plan B.

Which really made me laugh when I saw what it was.DSC_6629

It was . . . this.  One big candle in the cake. (Fortunately, it was an ice cream cake and able to hold the weight of the candle.)


And the advantage of a single candle?  MY COPD’d lungs had absolutely no trouble blowing it out!  (Summer was there to offer assistance, should it be needed.)



 Here is the inside of the cake. Four layers of utter deliciousness. DSC_6663

It occurred to us after I had blown out the candles that I had forgotten to put on The Traditional Birthday Hat so Cindy grabbed it and brought it over to apply it to my person. As you can see, that turned into a wild and wacky process which caused me to make faces that were hitherto ever before ever been made by me.

51 birthday party

After we’d finished with the overall festivities, Steve explained our family’s tradition of going around the table and having everyone say something they love and/or appreciate about the birthday person.

As I sat and listened to our guests talk (some of them with tears in their eyes), I was completely humbled. I always feel like such a background person who quietly goes around helping and encouraging and working behind the scenes; I guess I wasn’t even aware that people even noticed the quiet parts of who I am and what I do.

But they have noticed. And they expressed their hearts so sweetly and with genuine love and appreciation  I felt like the most blessed woman on earth when they were finished.

It was a happy, happy birthday, indeed. 


15 comments so far.

15 responses to “A Birthday Revisited”

  1. dmantik says:

    Hey, mom and I made the blog–definitely an honor! Steve and Sarah did such a good job with the party–a special time for a special lady! 🙂 Love deb

  2. Debbie B says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!! Looks like fun, and I too would love that recipe!!
    Sarah looks cute as always!! Summer too!!!
    God Bless~

  3. Judy says:

    It looks like your celebration was lots of fun.
    Seeing Summer at the table reminded me of the Boston Terrier we had when the boys were small. Hearing the Happy Birthday song brought Digger running to take his place at the table, get his party hat on and eat cake and ice cream just like all of us.
    Please add me to the list for the ice cream cake recipe. Thanks!

  4. Mary H says:

    Oh, yes, I have been creative with candle(s) on cakes before as the ones that were purchased and/or found to use mysteriously escape their burning fate by disappearing at the moment of their need! Actually, those are the best candles (improvised ones). Also, it never fails that I forget the string to tie up the turkey legs on Thanksgiving morning and this usually occurs when my hands (well actually arms up to my elbows) are covered in turkey stuff and slippery with butter when I remember the fact that I forgot the string, have NO string of any sort in my house and I am forced to use shoe laces, yarn, lace, whatever can be twisted, wound around and tied. I am such a good planner.

    I loved your expressions with the birthday hat. So glad you had a good time and you were told of your value to all those present – because your value is great.

    • Becky says:


      Creative cooks are the best! But since I’ve never tied up a turkey in my life, I have no String Stories for you. 🙂

  5. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Looks like a good time was had by all! What would we do without those thrift stores – my favorite too. I too would like the recipe for that cake. Looks soooo good!

  6. Jo says:

    Do you have a recipe for the ice cream cake? I would love to have it!!

  7. Jodi says:

    Sounds like a beautiful day!

    Did Sarah cut her hair & let her bangs grow back out? It looks great on her whatever it is! She looks pretty w/ any style!

    Have a nice week!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, she did get her hair cut shorter and her bangs are as long as her hair. She loves experimenting with new styles and like you said, I think she looks nice with anything she does.

  8. Mrs. Pam says:

    looks like a great and YUMMY (especially that cake) celebration. glad to see that Summer had a place of honor on the most honored birthday girl.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Thanks for the birthday card; I was honored to see our name on your “wall!”

      Yes, Summer was definitely a guest of honor. She always waits for us to eat and then kind of lurks around my feet until I pick her up and hold her. 🙂 Such a sweet snuggler she is.

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