Sandbar By The Sea

March 5, 2017

Last week I had a play date with Madi, a young lady who was also featured in this post.

It’s nice to be almost fifty-five years old (my birthday is Wednesday) and still get to go on play dates.  Forever young is my motto–even though the arthritis in my knees seems to have overlooked that particular memo.

The best thing about a play date on the Outer Banks is that after you go to Sonic for a chocolate Oreo milk shake (Madi’s, not mine) you can take yourself a couple of miles down the road and be smack dab beside a rather large-ish body of water.

For those of you who are needing your ocean fix, this post is for you!

One thing I love about kids is that they suggest doing things we oldsters would never think of–in this case, it was to track the bird who made these tracks.

When the bird tracking had run its course, Madi contented herself with some one-on-one reconnoitering with her own personal ocean.



At one point, Madi thought she would take a picture of me, since I had been taking so many pictures of her. (I’m not exactly sure where my arms disappeared to in this photo; to the best of my knowledge, they were still attached to my person.)

Another glance at the sky and the sea . . .

one prerequisite selfie . . .

and then Madi and I took ourselves back to the car, leaving behind wonderful memories of sand in our shoes . . .


and the glory of an early spring afternoon spent on this beloved sandbar by the sea.

20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Sandbar By The Sea”

  1. Kari says:

    Belated Birthday Wishes! Mine us the 22 – yeah for March babies! My second oldest niece was due on March 1, but ended up having her first baby on Feb 24, a cute little boy! Her older sister has 3 girls and they all have what a lot of people would consider boy’s names. Not too many boys in the family yet!

    Your photos of the ocean make me envious – it must be so nice to live in such a beautiful area.

    • Becky says:


      Hope your coming up birthday is a great one!

      And yes, living by the ocean is truly wonderful–although not so much in the summer when there are so many people. I steer clear of it then! 🙂

  2. Linda in Pgh says:

    What fun, sharing your day with a young friend! Taking, time to put your busy life on “hold” to spend that time mentoring Madi, enjoying her company, enjoying the sandbar and making memories. . . . something we should all do more of! Madi is lucky to have the Smith family in her life and the Smith’s are just as fortunate to have Madi in their lives. Blessings all around.

    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right–it’s important to just take time, to not just rush on by the moments that make a difference. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. mrs pam says:

    all I can think of is… where’s the nearest Sonic?!!!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      It’s actually about 5 minutes away from where those pictures were taken. One of the few things we have nearby!

  4. SueEllen Williams says:

    Thank you for taking me to the beach once again! These pictures depict a wonderful afternoon and each brought a smile to my face.

  5. Catherine says:

    I almost feel jealous to see you at my favorite place in the world and you don’t have coats on. We are preparing for temps in the teens and a chance of snow in northern Pennsylvania. Looking forward to a trip to OBX sometime this summer.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we have been having some gorgeous weather recently. Of course, Pennsylvania in spring and summer is especially gorgeous so you’ve got something to look forward to!

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Oh, beautiful pictures. So relaxing at the ocean. So looking forward to that scene sometimes in the future. Good pictures of you,too, Becky.

  7. Wendy says:

    How great to be able to hang out with a sweet young teenager. They keep us young maybe? LOL The ocean shots are beautiful and it looked like Madi had a great time with you as well.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it was wonderful acting young-ish for a while and especially getting to invest in the life of a young lady.

  8. Lesley says:

    She is sweet, I’m sure she had a wonderful time. Kids are the best.

  9. Jenna HOFF says:

    Lovely! It was blizarding over the weekend and when I woke up this morning it was snowing again. Forcast this week is as low at -27. Seeing your lovely ocean photos was just the thing I needed !

    Also Madi looks like a girl with spirit! I’m glad she and you got to have a fun adventure.

    • Becky says:


      You are looking at minus 27 and I was just bemoaning the fact that we will be getting down to thirty. It’s all relative, isn’t it?

      Spring is on the way–here AND there!

  10. rsclark says:

    I miss OBX. That is all.

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