7 Smart Tips For Organizing Your Kitchen

November 7, 2012

Every once in a while, the Organizing Bug bites me and I feel compelled to launch into a major project. Just last week I pulled out all sorts of items from all sorts of drawers and cabinets, went through them and returned them to their rightful places where they could continue to live their kitchen-esque lives in an orderly and organized manner. In the process, I utilized some useful tips which I’d love to pass along.

Here is the beginning stage of the Everything Pulled Out phase of the project.



When it came time to put all the stuff back in,  I used my trusty ol’ organizing tips.

Tip #1: Find Wasted Space And Make It Work

This basically means to not overlook the spaces beside storage areas.  Rather than putting my two plastic bins flush up to the wall, I moved them out a little to create another little storage nook for boxes of crackers and other skinny containers.


Tip #2: Put Wall Space to Work

Storing things vertically make them so much easier to find and all that wonderful space gets put to use!


Tip #3: Alphabatize Spices

Yes.  Really.

And just why would I do a thing like that?


It’s because when I’m trying to whip up a meal in ten minutes for ten people, it is helpful to be able to put my hands on the thyme in two seconds rather than four minutes.

Occasionally, if a spice has a long name, I’ll circle the word that I’m using to alphabetize, as in “Cayenne” below. 


Another little ol’ spice rack trick I use is to make a note on top of the lid if I have already bought more of that particular spice. I don’t know how many times I have run out of a spice, gotten more at the store and then come home to realize that I already had another bottle of it in the cupboard.


Tip #4 Use Racks and Plastic Shelves to Multiply Storage Space

I added just one plastic rack and was able to double my storage on the bottom shelf.  Happy dance for doubled storage!



The black plastic rack you see here is actually a rack for a school locker; Sarah didn’t need it this year so I grabbed it and put it to use as my cereal box holder.


Want to know a little secret?

Do you see the red and white Staples box in there?  Do you want to know what’s in it?

Absolutely nothing.

I know. Isn’t that wild? A box full of nothing?

I basically stuck it in there because I needed something to make that inside corner more accessible.  Trying to scrounge around on the floor behind all the cereal boxes to find something was not my idea of a good time. So the box basically functions as a “Lifter Up-per of Food Stuff.”  

You can Google that name but I doubt if you’ll find it listed anywhere. It’s a Smithellaneous Original.


As my cleaning spree progressed, I tackled a kitchen drawer that always seems to launch itself into veritable spasms of disarray whenever it’s left to its own devices. I figured it was time to march on over there and show that drawer who was The Boss!

Tip #5  Make Space on ALL Sides

Once again (building on the earlier tip), I centered the green divider instead of putting it up flush with one side or the other of the drawer so that I could create long storage spaces on both sides of it.



If you look closely at the part of the drawer nearest you, you can see that I made a little space for my meat and candy thermometers which makes it very easy to find them quickly.



Tip #6   Store Things Together That Do Their Jobs Together

I don’t know why it took me so long to learn this particular lesson, but I finally wised up and started storing the blades for my electric knife and the beaters for my mixer right with the utensils themselves.  No more rummaging morosely around the kitchen, trying to remember where I put the ye olde blades and beaters.

Why did it take me thirty years of marriage to finally do that?  Why, I ask you? 

(Actually, don’t answer that. It might just be because I’m an exceedingly slow learner.)


Tip #6  Be Smart With Prime Real Estate (My Favorite Tip)

As I was rummaging through all my stuff and removing it from various drawers, I came across my fancy butter spreaders and relish fork.  Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t use these kinds of things every day and yet they were taking up prime real estate in my drawers.  So I gathered them up . . .


put them in a bag . . .


and put the bag into a basket with other utensils that I rarely use that were also taking up prime real estate.


In this picture, you will see my basket tucked away behind the box of Ramen noodles. It’s still easily accessible (because I do use some of the items every month or so), but its contents are not cluttering up my Every Day Prime Real Estate Drawer.


And although this isn’t a kitchen photo, I conscripted the walls of my laundry room across the hall from the kitchen to hold Steve’s grilling tools which, up till that moment, had been taking up precious prime real estate in my pantry. 

Remember, walls are our friends!


Tip #7  Learn Contentment With The Kitchen You Have

I spent the first two years we lived in our house wishing that we had the money to put in a regular window over the sink rather than than this “popped out window.” 

03-only imagine persecuted 029

After it finally occurred to me that we were never going to have $400 just lying around for that particular home improvement, I quit my belly aching and decided to dress up the window, rather than complain about its unsightliness.  Although the casual, attractive placement of miscellaneous items is not my forte, I did get the area to at least look passable.

And I’m hoping that at some point in the near future, I can have someone form GHTV over for dinner and compel her to adorn it a little more.  (It could happen!)


And there you have it. 

Got a trick of your own?  Please share!


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “7 Smart Tips For Organizing Your Kitchen”

  1. Becky says:

    Anonymous, I love that idea! I have seen custom built drawers for that where you pull a drawer down flat but I hadn’t considered doing it just a regular door. Great tip!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I keep my spices in a drawer. they are laid down flat with the name of the spice facing up. Works great. I can open the draw and get a look at all the spices without having to move them around to find what I need

  3. Mrs. Pam says:

    I have a sign hanging on the door from the garage to the kitchen:

    basically, the only things I need are a refrigerator. microwave for my frozen dinners, coffee pot
    and a sink and dishwasher. but, it is inspiring to see that other folks know the meaning of Organization… and actually organize.

    btw, is it necessary to check the “Notify” box every time a comment is left?

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam, I love that sign!! And glad to hear that there are a few people out there who are untroubled by the complexities of kitchen organization. 🙂

      As for checking the box, I think you need to check it if you want to see what other people say about this particular post. There might be another post you don’t care about responses as much so you could leave the box unchecked.

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    I too, have a carousel, and still have to find what I’m looking for. Maybe should put a mark on the edge, and start an alphabetical line of my spices. Love those little racks – it does create more space and I’m a firm believer in small baskets or even large ones – depending on what needs to be put away. I got a small one for my husband and his bathroom because he had hand lotion, eye drops, eye drop cloth, small pieces of soap lying on the sink, so instead of picking up each one, they are all in the little basket. Becky, you are so clever – especially that empty box. Good thinking lady!

    • Becky says:

      Sharyn, getting a basket for you husband’s stuff was a great idea. Pick up and move one thing instead of 10 things! I love baskets, too.

  5. Kristi says:

    Sterilitie’s18-gallon bins are my friend! At $4.97 a piece at Walmart, you can’t go wrong. 🙂

  6. MNMom says:

    You have some great ideas going, Becky. It made me chuckle that you would want a “regular” window over your sink when I am guessing the “greenhouse” window cost more than $400 to put in!
    I wonder how many folks are wondering about that zigzaggy thing hanging on your pantry wall. I have one just like it and love it. Put folks out of their misery and tell them about how useful it is!
    Your organized spices look great, but I must admit that I like mine on their little double decker carousels in my upper cupboard right at hand when I need them. I do admit to having to hunt occasionally for something in the middle of it. Love the idea of writing “more” on the top. I buy my seasonings in bulk whenever possible and too often discover that I did have more. Great ideas and good time of year to do the organizing before the holidays.

    • Becky says:

      MNMom, I know that gardeny type people would love that window but since I have a brown thumb, it doesn’t excite me quite as much. 🙂

      And yes, those little zigzaggy things are wonderful aren’t they? For anyone who doesn’t know, they are “holders” for hot dishes and you can push them in or pull them out to be longer and they fit many sizes of dishes. I got two of them at a thrift store years ago and love them.

      And you mentioned the double carousel in your upper cupboard–that reminded me that I forgot to mention that I have one of those too, right near the stove. I keep all my most frequently used spices there.

  7. Mary H says:

    I agree with Margie M about your window and growing herbs. They are very easy to grow and it is nice to have some fresh ones and your window is perfect. I need to dig into my kitchen and organize – you may have just given me enough inspiration. After all, there will be some cooking and baking going on in my kitchen over the next several weeks. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

    • Becky says:

      Mary, you are welcome any time to come to Manteo and get my herb garden set up. 🙂 I get completely overwhelmed at the thought of even trying such a thing since I kill everything I try to grow! But I’m sure an “herbist” person would be ecstatic over that window! Looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, right along with you!

  8. Kristina says:

    When I saw the first picture of that ‘popped-out’ window, I confess I immediately thought “oh yeah, that’s awful.” But it looks lovely in the second shot… you did such a nice job!

    • Becky says:

      Kristina, the worst part about that window is that it’s double paned and so moisture and dirt are trapped between the panes and it’s impossible to clean. Keeping it covered up is my Big Plan! Glad you liked the cover up effort.

  9. Wendy says:

    Good ideas. I am gonna use the one that you use the plasic shelving to double up your space. I have a big ole cupboard with NO Shelves in it and If I want one thing then 20 more fall out of it. Ugh! If Martha comes to your house could you send her my way too? LOL Wendy

    • Becky says:

      Wendy, oh yeah, the plastic shelving is especially wonderful for tall, big cupboards. Have fun putting a few of them and organizing things!

  10. Margie M says:

    Becky how about using that space in your poooed out window to grow some fresh herbs? I would love a space like that.

  11. Donna says:

    Well, all your ideas are just “Handy-Dandy”. I am in some serious need of cabinet organizing at my home!! Hope you don’t mind, but I am going to steal a few of your ideas, especially this one: small plastic shelving to double the storing space. I can’t stand having to pull out everything that is stored on one shelf just to get the bottom item!!

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