
April 2, 2018

Easter weekend brought this lovely gal home.

I am always happy to see this line up of cars in the driveway.

After church yesterday, I made sure we got a couple quick pictures of the three of us.   (Note: I got the dress, sweater and shoes for $12!)

Such a precious daughter.

Ma and Pa Smith, still going strong after 36 years of marriage!

These two enjoy discussing all the theology that Sarah learns at school.

Sarah’s visit was over all too soon and this morning it was time to say goodbye.  The three of us gathered in a circle in the kitchen to pray before she headed back to Regent.

It was only after we’d said “Amen” that I noticed the t-shirt that Steve was wearing. I told him I was going to take a picture and of course he had to strike a pose.

He did some additional posing on Saturday afternoon. (With yet another t-shirt.)

This morning, as Sarah was getting ready to leave, Steve (and his t-shirt of the day) accompanied her (and her suitcase) to her car

He was going to be all gallant and load her suitcase but she was eager to show him that she had figured out a way to do it herself.


He gave me a “When did our little girl get so strong?” look.

As you can tell, she gets her dramatic posing abilities from her dad.


It’s always nice when Sarah can be home for a service; especially since she is so good at running media. (She alternates with four other people.)

She also created the lyric video that ran behind this energetic presentation from some young girls in our church.


If I had that much energy I would . . . well, if I had that much energy, I definitely wouldn’t be 56 years old!  (You can watch a video of part of the song at the end of the post.)

I loved that this little girl (who had three older sisters singing) just sat on the steps during the performance. It always makes any performance more special to have a cute toddler just hanging out.


The Dare Challenge guys came to the service so Steve had them come forward to sing the theme song he wrote for them that they all love to sing together.

As he got ready to preach he inquired, “Is my bow tie straight?”

When a few people said it wasn’t, he leaned sideways and said, “Is it straight now?”  Such a kidder.

He went on to preach a great sermon called, “Easter Fool’s Day.”


It was such a great weekend with our own family and our church family as we celebrated together the power and the joy of Jesus’ resurrection.  

Enjoy this song that talks about that very thing. It’s called,  “My Redeemer Lives.”


What about you?  What did you do this weekend?

20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Celebrating”

  1. LeeAnne says:

    Oh my….the 4th YEAR!! I completely forgot about the Community College gig. Time really just does fly by too fast!! Ugh.
    Yes, 7″ of snow. Funny April Fool’s day joke. Or not. 😀

    • Becky says:


      Sometimes even I can hardly believe she has been through four years of college. Hopefully just another half year to go and she will be done.

      Hold on. Spring is coming!!

  2. Kari says:

    Loved the video, the young girls were so enthusiastic! Sarah looks great, so nice she gets to come home for holidays. I need to get my husband one of those t-shirts about being grumpy, gosh, the older they get, the grumpier!

    Spent time here cleaning the house and making Easter dinner and just had my best friend over. Not too warm here, but at least we didn’t get snow. Husband did the first grass cutting of the year today and we have snow predicted for later this week.

    • Becky says:


      This has been the craziest spring. Warm one day and frigid the next! When summer gets here, we will ALL be dancing a jig.

      Yes, those t-shirts are fun to have. Fortunately, Steve isn’t grumpy–he just likes the shirt. 🙂

  3. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Pictures are just terrific! Always so special to read your post and see the pictures. I went to church against Jim’s wishes as the stomach bug is going strong here. Have heard today of at least 8 who came down with it last night. Prayers that it skips our house. Do not need it with chemo. I cooked dinner last night. Wanted ham, butter beans and potato salad. We enjoyed eating at home. God is good! Sarah always looks so happy. So proud of her. Jim would join Steve with the t-shirts. He likes to wear ones with unusual sayings.

    • Becky says:


      I know you must miss going to church so much! Glad you were able to go this past Sunday. I’m surprised to hear that the flu is still going around.

      Your menu sounds delicious. I don’t think I have ever made potato salad; I always buy it. I need to try it sometime.

      Hugs to you and Jim as you continue through treatment. You two are such a blessing!

  4. SueEllen Williams says:

    Lovely family Easter pics! And I love that you pray as a family before Sarah leaves for the trip back to school. (And I also think it’s neat that Steve wrote a theme song – and that they performed it!)

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Steve teaches that song to every new student that comes to Dare Challenge. Whenever they leave and go on to the new chapters of their lives, they will all have that song buzzing around in their heads. They love it! 🙂

  5. Phyllis says:

    I have seen that t-shirt before, the grumpy old man one, and thought about ordering for my dad who is 91.

    My niece did get to come home for Easter, her Spring Break was spent touring with her choir. Since her other grandfather is not doing well, he’s 92, it was nice that she got to see him one more time before he joins his wife in heaven. Neither my niece or nephew met their mother’s mother as she passed in 1987, just months after my brother and sister-in-law were married. Ironically my brother never met my mom’s mom as he was born three years after her passing.

    • Becky says:


      I know you were thrilled to have your niece home, especially since she got to say her goodbyes to her grandfather. Those last farewells are never easy but the fact that they are difficult is a measure of the love that exists.

  6. Fred & Lucy says:

    You and your family are so awesome! I love your blogs like this one. 🙂

  7. mrs pam says:

    Yesterday I was wondering if your church did your BIG Easter production. looks like the answer is no.
    My kids were here from NYC for the weekend. and my very small church was bursting at the seam with family and old-time members coming back. so joyous! we had Easter snow, too.

    great t-shirts, btw.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      We decided to put the drama on an every other year schedule. It turned out well that we did, because our drama director (who has three small children) was having two hernias repaired right during Easter!

      How fun that your kids live in NYC; what an adventure that must be. So glad they came home for Easter and you got to attend a full-to-bursting Easter service with everyone.

  8. LeeAnne Lind says:

    I love Steve’s shirts! My hubs likes to wear fun shirts like that too. My current favorite shirt of his says “Only the best dads get promoted to Papa!” 🙂

    Sarah just looks so completely happy and I can’t believe she is closing in on the end of her 2nd year of college already!

    We were home this weekend with the kids and grandtreasures all here. It also snowed 7″ Saturday night/Sunday morning, so the Easter Egg hunt got moved INDOORS. Thank you so much Mother Nature. It was a fantastic weekend being all together and going to church together to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection!!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Actually, Sarah is at the end of her FOURTH year of college since she did two years of Community College. Since she switched majors, it’s taking her a little longer.

      I can’t believe you had 7 inches of snow at Easter time! WHERE has spring gone?

  9. Sharyn McDonald says:

    LOVE Steve’s shirts! He is very bold. My husband will not wear shirts that have sayings on them, oh, maybe Branson, MO, or Pigeon Forge, TN, but nothing more than that. You ladies look beautiful in your outfits. Seeing yours, I hope it’s not too long before we have your fashion “put togethers” . My dress for Easter was also from a thrift store. Just can’t see paying full price for clothes any more, and since losing weight, it just makes sense to get “new” clothes at the thrift store. Looks like you had a blessed Easter service and PTL for those men.

    • Becky says:


      Let’s hear it for thrift stores. Glad you found your Easter dress at a thrift store, too! Isn’t it fun to uncover those treasures?

      And I know it’s a great feeling to have lost some weight. It makes shopping all the more fun to get to shop in a new size.

  10. Guerrina says:

    My favorite pics are those you post of Sarah! My grandson and I did church pancake breakfast leaving his Dad to deal with a dying stray cat in our front garden (he called animal control and they were wonderful). We all met up at church followed by an egg hunt, then off to my favorite cousin’s for family dinner, then home to figure out how to use a scroll saw to cut out pinewood derby car shape!

    I need a nap this Monday work morning.

    • Becky says:


      We do Pinewood Derby races at our church although I think our fellas just buy the pre-made shapes and paint them and add customizing touches. You are very brave to figure out a scroll saw. I know Steve would be impressed because that is the sort of thing he uses.

      I love the Sarah photos, too. 🙂

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