Senior Smiths. Junior Smiths. Smithettes.

July 13, 2017

We came across this odd enclosure on one of our convenience store stops. Anyone want to guess what it’s for?

Edited to add:  A few have you had some good guesses about this odd little room in the comments area; here is the answer.
The cashier told us it’s actually a space where the management will be adding lotto and slot machines. She wasn’t real thrilled about that, but was happy to fill us in on the answer to our curious question.

Steve thought it might be a cage to house husbands.

Once we finally let him out of his cage, something that made him extra happy was to discover that the store we were in sold popcorn. Steve has rarely let one day go by without the ingesting of some popcorn.

Since popcorn generally goes hand in hand with entertainment, Steve provided his own entertainment by holding his breath through the tunnels of West Virginia.  His dad always held his breath when going through tunnels when Steve and his brothers were small, so Steve is carrying on the tradition.

After eleven hours on the road Monday, we finally made it to a hotel.  Just so you know, all of that luggage is not Sarah’s; she got her belongings in just the polka-dotted bags which was quite the accomplishment for a ten day trip.)

We arrived in Wisconsin Tuesday evening and were given a warm Wisconsin-ite welcome. Debbie and Randy even gave up their own bedroom for Steve and I to stay in and Caleb gave up his bed for Sarah. Are they not the nicest family members?

One of our great joys in being here is getting to spend time with mom. I went with Debbie to go pick her up
yesterday . . .

and went with Sarah to drop her back off last night.

In the in between time, one of the things Mom and I did was to cut up apples and put them in the blender to whir themselves around and transform themselves into Jo Ann’s Famous Applesauce.

Although she is in quite a bit of pain in her back and hip, Mom enjoyed standing at the sink  a few minutes and doing one of the many things she is so gifted at.

These lovely hands have changed many a diaper (including mine) and cooked tens of thousands of meals which nourished both the bodies and souls of the people she loves.

After the applesauce making experience was over, she went back to her favorite pastime which is reading.  Our family comes by its love of words honestly.

Todays big activity consists of getting Nathan and Meagan and kids from the Milwaukee, which is two hours away.  I am going to go by myself to get them because any additional people wouldn’t be able to fit along with them and their luggage.

Steve went out to the car in his pajamas this morning to do some cipherin’ to try to ascertain if everything would fit.  (Note: the tape measure he is using used to belong to Randy’s late mom. I just love items that have history.)

Speaking of going out to cars, here is Randy and Debbie’s son, Caleb, in front of his new car.  He drove Sarah to church last night where they were having Bratwursts and volleyball–a good summertime combination if there ever was one.

Caleb is Frontier Airline’s general station manager at the Madison airport and so it only makes sense that he has a coffee mug saying, “I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning.”

And speaking of family members, this is an excerpt from an email Debbie sent out to the family updating them on all the comings and goings of various family members.

The Senior Smiths–Steve/Beck–and one junior Smith–Sarah–arrived safely from NC Tuesday night.  What a joy to have them here!  Then the other Junior Smiths– Nathan/Meagan, and Smithettes–Noah/Madison–fly into Milwaukee tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. We are so excited to see them and finally meet those sweet babies!

I thought she did a good job of sorting through the various levels of Smithdom and making me smile, all at the same time.

And now it’s time to go pick up those aforementioned Junior Smiths and Smithettes.

What about you?  Did you grow up holding your breath going through tunnels?  Do you still do it now or maybe have other family traditions?



26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Senior Smiths. Junior Smiths. Smithettes.”

  1. I’d never have guessed that cage was for gambling machines! lol

    Can’t wait to see the pics and read the stories when the entire tribe is there! 🙂

    Growing up in the MidSouth, we had no tunnels, so we held our breath while crossing bridges – we lived very near the Mississippi, so we did a lot of breath-holding. I used to be terrified of tunnels, and have video evidence of purt-near freaking out while going through one in Austria a lifetime ago. And the tunnel in Mobile, Alabama, was also not pleasant (it DID drip!). I wouldn’t even think of holding my breath back then, because I was probably on the verge of hyperventilating. haha

    Recently, I’ve driven through many tunnels in Colorado, and it’s OK. I guess taking the train from London to Paris (and vice versa) has made me “get over” the irrational fear of tunnels. 🙂

    I, too, have a “smell of jet fuel” coffee mug. Growing up outside a SAC base, it was the aroma of my youth! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      It’s so interesting to me to read the different traditions readers have for tunnels, bridges . . . and even passing cemeteries!

      Steve’s “youth aroma” was jet fuel, too. I’m sure that’s a smell you never forget.

  2. Lesley says:

    I love this post. So much merriment and togetherness. Have a wonderful time! Take some videos of just regular things with your mom and also the grandbabies, time goes by so quickly.

    • Becky says:


      You’re right when you say time goes by quickly, especially with babies and with the elderly because babies change so fast and the elderly can be gone before we know it.

      Thanks for the reminder to treasure the moments.

  3. LeeAnne says:

    So glad that you made it safely to your destination. Enjoy!
    We grew up in Colorado and there are many tunnels in the mountains. Dad would always honk the horn when we went through tunnels and we held our breath going past cemeteries. 🙂

    I never would have guessed that the enclosure was for lottery machines. I was thinking it looked like a place to stand and have your coffee (narrow ledge for cup-setting) and a shelf for a laptop, but who in their right mind would hang out in a convenience store and do that?!?!? LOL!!

    • Becky says:


      You’re right about no one wanting to hang around in a convenience store to surf the web and drink coffee. I can never get out of one of those places quickly enough! 🙂

      Holding your breath going past a cemetery is a new one for me! I love how traditions are different in every family.

  4. Mel says:

    Glad to see you made it to WI safely. I am not even exactly sure what you mean by tunnels as I don’t believe that we have any around me in Canada. The only tunnel that I have been through is the tunnel from Windsor to Detroit that goes under the lake and I don’t believe that I would be able to hold my breath that long. 🙂 So nice to see pictures of your mom and can’t wait to see pictures of your family all together.

  5. Sarah says:

    It looks like the next week here in WI is supposed to be pretty dry. We’ve had a lot of rain here the past week! Here’s hoping for safe travels for everyone!

    • Becky says:


      We’ve been amazed at how very green everything is and my sister said it’s because of all that rain. I’m thankful it seems to have passed and we can enjoy the rest of our time here being nice and dry! Nathan and family arrived safely; so nice to have them here.

  6. Angela says:

    My dad and I (joined for the last twenty-six years by my husband) have always driven my mother nuts by saying “Drip. Drip.” as we go through any underwater tunnel.

    So glad you are having such a wonderful time!! Please tell Steve it’s nice to know that others share my single-minded devotion to popcorn!

    • Becky says:


      The “drip, drip” thing is a new one to me! I am just trying to think how often I go through an underwater tunnel and I think the answer is about once every twenty or thirty years so I wouldn’t have much of a chance to incorporate THAT one in my life! 🙂

      Glad to know you share Steve’s love for popcorn!

  7. Phyllis says:

    Glad you made it safely to Wisconsin. Sarah looks so tiny standing next to Caleb.
    There aren’t many tunnels in Missouri so we didn’t have that tradition. I really can’t think of any traditions my family. We do all open our Christmas presents at the same time. My sister-in-law’s family does theirs one at a time, one person opens one, another one, etc, etc. I think she thought that was a little different at first.
    Have fun loving on the Smithettes!

    • Becky says:


      The Smithettes and Junior Smiths are officially picked up and are joining the party. What fun to have them here!

      It’s always interesting the different traditions different families come up with–at Christmas and all through the year.

  8. Wendy says:

    Nice to hear you made it to WI safely and that the rest of the family arrives soon! You will all treasure the time together. So wonderful your mom can come out and still help and feel useful. My mom used to want to help out too and we certainly let her as long as she was able to also. About the cage, I would have had to ask what it was for…My kids get embarrassed sometimes by their good ole mom, ha ha! Have a wonderful time

    • Becky says:


      I actually DID ask what the cage was for because I couldn’t stand not knowing. At least we are showing our kids what curiosity looks like–a good trait to have!

      I am going to update the blog in a few minutes and explain what it was.

  9. mrs pam says:

    my comment has nothing to do with your post, but I got a funny message this morning.

    sometimes my phone’s closed caption goofs:

    Friend said: “I haven’t been in St. Louis too much.”

    CC wrote: “I haven’t been insanely too much.”


    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      It sounds like closed captioning gives you a few giggles from time to time.

      I’m glad to say I haven’t been insanely too much either. 🙂

  10. Brooke R. says:

    I can’t think of any family traditions we have that I continue, at least not off the top of my head. Like my father I’m afraid of bridges, but that’s not a tradition, that’s just a phobia I inherited from him. Like so many others I can see both of my parents in many of the quirky things I do and my interests (my mom and I both just love statistics).

    I’m glad you got to see your family Becky. I just got back from Amman, Jordan where I was visiting my best friend and her large extended family, who are more like family than friends now. It was nice to snuggle & play with her 5 children and her sister’s 2 children, and spend a lot of time laughing with all the adults. I didn’t realize how much I needed that time with people so dear until it was about time to leave. Going there is always the best, but leaving there is always heart breaking. I’m hoping to be able to figure out a way to go again next year, but if not next year, the following year. I try to go at least every 2 years.

    I know you will have a wonderful time with your family, and I know tears will be shed when you leave. I didn’t realize it until now, but those tears really are a blessing.. they are an indication of the love you have for each other. Yeah. My best friend and I were both crying as I left her house. What a blessing – to have someone I love so much that tears shed as we part.

    • Becky says:


      What an amazing trip that must have been, to be in such an incredible part of the world and spend time with people whom you love so much.

      You’re right. It’s a true blessing to love and be loved and to shed the tears that demonstrate that love. You’re blessed!

  11. Ann Martin says:

    So, so excited for you to see all the family members. I know it will be a joyous time together. So blessed to have your Mom with you to enjoy everything and everyone. We picked our feet up when crossing railroad tracks and blew the car horn going through tunnels. Been through those West Virginia tunnels many times! Enjoy every minute!!! Waiting for more pictures.

    • Becky says:


      I’ll bet blowing your horn in a tunnel is fun because of the echo. Never tried that! Those WV mountains are sure beautiful, aren’t they?

  12. Ann O. says:

    How wonderful you are all making the effort to meet up!! Always wonderful to see your sweet mama, Becky! What a joy for her to spend time with family. Can’t wait to see pics with the Smithettes!

    Our son-in-law introduced us to the holding breath in the tunnel thing. I was driving with him in a tunnel, under the Chesapeake Bay, here in Maryland, and thought he was either ignoring me in conversation, or fell asleep. Once he took a big exhale, he explained! Had never heard of that! Now I try it, as long as traffic is moving pretty quickly. Don’t want to risk passing out, especially if I’m behind the wheel!

    Wondering about the cage! Hopefully someone will pipe in. I’m thinking maybe an area for pets? Or toddlers to run about??

    So glad you made it safe and sound.

    • Becky says:


      I’m happy to see your words about my sweet mama. Thank you for mentioning her.

      Yes, you definitely do NOT want to pass out from holding your breath in a tunnel. That would sort of ruin the fun! 🙂

      I updated the post to explain what that room was for.

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