Friday. Fly Day.

April 29, 2016

Last Friday, we had a Skype call with Nathan and Meagan.  A big reason for the call was to present Steve with an early birthday surprise we had all been plotting about.

In preparation for the big call, I had made a festive looking certificate and at an appropriate time in our Skype conversation, we made the big presentation.

Steve was totally puzzled as to why he would be receiving a package for absolutely no reason, especially since his birthday was still 3 weeks away.

steve 1

But when it hit him . . .

steve 2

it hit him BIG!

steve 3

Bottom line?

Everyone in the family who usually gets him a gift has instead put their money toward a 45-minute flight lesson. In other words, he will actually get to pilot a Cessna 150!

We had thought about waiting until his actual birthday to tell him but since half of the enjoyment of a big experience is the anticipation, we decided to let him know ahead of time.

In preparation for the Skype call, I had gone upstairs to print off the certificate, which I had designed earlier in the day. The plan was to put it in a gift box and wrap it in festive paper and ribbon.  However, Steve wandered upstairs about the same time as I did which made it a challenge to get my tasks done without arousing suspicion. I got a little discombobulated and finally just told him a teeny little lie, saying that a friend was having a birthday soon and I thought I’d get a gift ready.

However, in the midst of all of my attempts to hide the real purpose of my activities from Steve, I ended up wrapping the envelope without the certificate in it. When he opened the (empty) envelope, he wasn’t the only one who was surprised!  

I had to run upstairs (in the middle of the Skype call), get the certificate, put it in the envelope and then present the envelope to him a second time. I am nothing if not organized.

It didn’t surprise me at all that Steve looked puzzled over receiving a beribboned birthday gift so early, but I couldn’t figure out why he still seemed to be puzzled even after we had explained the gift to him.

It wasn’t long before I found out the reason: He was under the impression that the whole purpose of the Skype call was to surprise ME!

Here’s the back story:

Over the past few months, Steve and I had tossed around the idea of me going to Wisconsin for a visit this summer; however, our finances didn’t seem like they were going to accommodate that plan and I basically gave up on the idea.

Without even knowing about the conversations Steve and I had been having, Meagan had also started to think about the fact that I hadn’t been to Wisconsin for several years and she thought that Mother’s Day would be a perfect time for me to go.

Well, I have learned that when Meagan gets an idea, nothing will stand in the way! Between her and Nathan, Steve, and my sister, Debbie, and brother-in-law, Randy, they all raised the funds to buy me a plane ticket. (Randy’s contribution was also a way of blessing both his wife and our mom on Mother’s Day; he has always been so very thoughtful.)

And so it wasn’t long after I presented Steve with his surprise that I discovered that the OTHER purpose of the Skype call was for the family to tell me that I would be in Wisconsin on Mother’s Day!

This is me saying, “Is it true?  Am I really going to Wisconsin?”


I am not quite as demonstrative as Steve in my expressions but believe me, I was thrilled.


The best part of the whole story is that just a couple of weeks ago I had breathed a little prayer, “Lord, I would sure love to get to Wisconsin this summer.”  I knew it wasn’t really a realistic proposition but that was truly the desire of my heart. I’m so thankful for a fantastic daughter-in-law who has the sensitivity to know when it’s time for her mother-in-law to see her mother!

In her words, “I wanted you to be with your own mommy on Mother’s Day.”  How sweet is that?

And may I just mention that “Sarah (The Sneak) Smith” was privy to both surprises. We are now referring to her as a Super Double Agent. 

When Sarah was younger we had to stop telling her any surprise secrets because she would inadvertently give them away; however, she has greatly improved as the years have passed. In this particular case, she kept both secrets like a champ, scheming with both parties with great aplomb and highly impressive sneakiness.

And as if those two happenings were not enough to make the day special, last Friday is when Sarah set up her account at Regent University, thereby becoming an official student there.

And so last Friday turned out to be all about flying.

Steve will pilot a plane.

I will fly to Wisconsin.

And Sarah will taxi to the end of this runway called childhood and fly away to new horizons.


Friday. Fly Day.





35 comments so far.

35 responses to “Friday. Fly Day.”

  1. Michele says:

    AWESOME! I hope both of you really enjoy your surprises. I know you will. Sarah is quite the sneaky planner!

  2. Sheri Holthe says:

    It is beautiful here in Wisconsin today! I am in Hillsboro and this weekend is going to be wonderful! Have a happy Mothers Day and enjoy your stay!

    • Becky says:


      I was thankful to have 4 or 5 days of beautiful sunny weather when I was there. A little rain the last two days but it gave us a good reason for staying in and being cozy.

  3. Mel says:

    Your family is just amazing. I have nothing else to say. 🙂

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What wonderful surprises. How wonderful to be able to go home for Mother’s Day. What a great idea – you are truly blessed. I know you’ll have a fantastic Mother’s Day!

    • Becky says:


      It HAS been a wonderful surprise. Today I am in the throes of packing and tomorrow I will be there. Hooray!

  5. mrs pam says:

    lovliness abounds!

  6. Ann Martin says:

    What a wonderful day for all! So happy for all three of you. Pictures are great!!!!

  7. anna says:

    I love you post. I been following sarah and you from the beginning and I still here. I just what back to the caring bridge pages that you have and I re read all of you post. When you writ you make the reader feel like you there to. I love it. How is sarah heath doing??? She looks great.

    • Becky says:

      Hi Anna!

      I’m amazed that you would take the time to read through those old posts! I do that occasionally, but am always happy when one of my readers does it, too.

      Sarah’s health is excellent; she is feeling well.

      • anna says:

        That great. So she have no side effects from the chemotherapy or cancer it self??? Yes I been with you all from may 2002.

        • Becky says:


          She’s had a little hearing loss and some other minor side effects but she’s been very fortunate to not have anything major. Fourteen years is a long time to follow our family’s story; thank you for sticking around! 🙂

  8. Jenna Hoff says:

    Ps Love love love Sarah’s bicycle scarf. Love her look and style. 🙂

  9. Jenna Hoff says:

    This is such a happy post to read. Both are such great flying surprises! As you said about Steve’s gift, the anticipation is part of the excitement of such a great gift. …and now…isn’t it great that you get to look forward a few weeks as well to seeing your mom in Wisconsin? This must be so exciting! Great anticipation!!

    And how exciting for Sarah too, being perched on edge of nest about to fly into a wonderful adulthood. Just imagine the great adventures ahead of her!

    One thing I think as mamas is it can be hard to see our little chicks begin to fly from the nest. My daughter is 16 and suddenly what once seemed so far off is almost looming around the corner….But what im beginning to realize is that all the changes don’t mean we mamas can’t also fly….that there is not also the anticipation of great things to come. ..I predict great and wonderful adventures in your and Steves lives as this new season comes upon you

    Blessings as you enjoy the anticipation 🙂

    • Becky says:


      That is such a great way to look at. Our children’s departures from the nest usher in a new chapter for them AND for us; we are also entering an exciting new season. I need to remind myself to look at it like that.

      I love Sarah’s bicycle scarf, too. Steve and I got it for her for a gift; I’m proud of myself for not keeping it! 🙂

  10. dmantik says:

    Yay! Just yay. Yay for surprises. Yay for thoughtful (and sneaky) daughters-in-law and other assorted thoughtful (and sneaky) relatives.

    Most of all, yay that you’re coming! Whoo-hoo! Time to get out the good ‘ol Red Carpet and prepare a Mega-Welcome! 🙂 The only bad part? We don’t get to see Steve and Sarah too. 🙁 But we will enjoy and be thankful for the blessing of having you here! See you soon! (yay!)

    Love, deb

    • Becky says:


      I am “yay-ing” right back atcha!

      I still can’t quite believe I am coming to my beloved Wisconsin, land of meandering country roads, curious cows, and photographic sojournings. Of course, getting to see my family is sorta nice, too. 🙂

      Thanks for being excited right along with me. See you soon!

  11. AnnO. says:

    Happy, happy, happy news, Becky!!! What a lovely post! The best gifts ever!!! I am so happy you get to be in Wisconsin. Meagan’s words about you seeing your own mama on Mother’s day were so touching. Safe travels!!!

    • Becky says:


      Meagan is a very thoughtful person and doesn’t just think thoughtful things but she works hard to put those thoughts into action. So excited!

  12. peggy pride says:

    I would bring warm clothes as Wisconsin seems to be stuck in a weather pattern of warm (70’s) one day and 40’s the next! If you get near Mayville come see me at my cheese store! Old Fashioned Foods 331 s main. I’ll hook you up with some yummy cheese!!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’ve been watching the WI weather and it’s looked pretty unsettled. But I looked at next week and it seems like it will be holding in the 70’s. I sure hope so!

      I think we were in Mayville many years ago. A lovely little spot!

  13. Liz says:

    That is an awful lot of excitement in one Skype call! I am so glad you will be with your mother on Mother’s Day. Sarah continues to look so mature and put together. Do love her short hair cut. It is perfect on her.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we were definitely burnin’ up Skype with that call!

      I love Sarah’s short hair, too. It is a perfect style for her and she will be glad she has it in the dorm room when mirror time is at a premium. She can have that hair styled in 5 minutes!

  14. Jan Reuther says:

    Being lazy today (cataract surgery yesterday), so I’m using a little help from my friends (youtube).

    For Steve:

    For Becky:

    • Becky says:


      I hadn’t heard the “On Wisconsin” song in a long time! We used to sing a version of that at all of our games back in school. And of course, music doesn’t get much better than “Those Magnificent Men . . .”

      Hope you are feeling recovered from your surgery.

  15. LeeAnne says:

    Well, how exciting all the way around! I’m super envious of Steve’s gift. I have always wanted to learn to fly a plane and get a pilot’s license, so a 45 minute flight lesson would be awesome! And you get to go home to be with your mom. How very special! Enjoy your trip!! Meagan is a real treasure. 🙂
    And Sarah is going to be a University student! Yay! How can that be?!? She was just starting college a little while ago. Everyone is flying right along with the time.
    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Happy Friday!!

    • Becky says:


      Steve has ALWAYS wanted to learn to fly. If we had extra money, he would have gotten his license years ago. But I just couldn’t stand for him to wait any longer to at least have the experience of being in the clouds behind the controls.

      I can’t believe that Sarah will be going off to University, either. Just fourteen more weeks!

  16. I have tears in my eyes – literally! What an amazing set of surprises! Your family is the bomb-diggity! 🙂

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