
March 14, 2016

Friday night, Steve and Sarah took themselves off on a Daddy/Daughter Date. They had dinner out and then attended our local theater’s production of Music Man which is one of our family’s favorites. (Steve and Nathan saw it on Broadway back in 2001 and Nathan has been hooked ever since.)

They had a lovely night out and I had a lovely night in.  Life has been so crazy lately; it was nice to put on my pj’s early, rent a video and have popcorn and apple slices for dinner. Ahhh . . . the simple pleasures.

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Speaking of simple pleasures, I wanted to share with you a few shots from my Birthday Meanderings last week.  I took these photos in a little town called Duck, which gets its name from the all the flying fowl that stop there during migration.

I have seen so many pictures of this boardwalk over the 6 1/2 years we have lived here and always thought, “Wow. That is so cool. I really need to go take pictures there sometime.”

It took me awhile but I finally did it! 

It’s really hard to fully describe to you the feeling of peace I experienced during that hour I spent on the boardwalk. I only saw a half dozen other people the whole time I was there; it was so isolated and serene I could stand and close my eyes and hear nothing but water and birds. Such a treasured small snatch of beauty that I will remember and reflect on for years to come.

Just as I was about to leave for the 45-minute drive home for my birthday dinner, the golden hour started to settle down around me.  I took one look at the way the light was touching and changing my surroundings and immediately texted Steve that I was going to be late.  There is no photographer that I know that could leave a scene like this behind right at the beginning of the golden hour.

Steve is used to my photographic vagaries and said, “No problem!”  (He was just grilling burgers for the three of us so thankfully, we weren’t on a tight schedule.)  As you look through the photos, you’ll probably be able to tell which ones I took during the golden hour.

(Click on any photo to view it full-sized and to scroll through them all.)

I’m thankful I had that little interlude of peacefulness last week because the next ten days are going to be downright crazy. We have rehearsal on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and on Thursday and Friday, we have dress rehearsal and filming. Next week we have church Sunday morning and drama performances on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights.

I’m still needing to finish video screens, design and print a (rather complicated) program, design and print DVD stickers, take a costume in for alterations, help with food for dress rehearsals, and call in a tech person to deal with a video screen issue. (Along with several dozen other things.) I will try to come up for air every once in a while and pop back in here.

Happy Monday and happy spring!


18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Dad-n-Daughter-n-Duck”

  1. Lesley says:

    Wow! So much to do, everything is in very capable hands.

    • Becky says:


      Don’t know how capable the hands are but there is definitely a lot to do! I guess maybe I could call them “overwhelmed hands.” 🙂

  2. Jan Reuther says:

    I love Music Man! The songs were all so wonderful and singable.

    Sarah is looking even more stunning than the last photo you posted of her since her new haircut. Wow!

    Your photos, as always, are beautiful. I want you to start a web page called “Peace” (although I think that name just might be taken already), and just post one picture per day. No captions necessary. Just a beautiful, peaceful photo, preferably along the water.

    I think I’d like to live and teach in a town named “Duck.” I’d have taught all my students that when someone asked where they were from, they should answer, “Duck!” as they shrugged their shoulders and glanced skyward. Just imagine the unique routines their cheerleaders could have. (I’d be happy to give input, whether they wanted it or not.)

    Please don’t over do it with your production duties. We need you here and healthy, taking photos and telling us your stories.

    • Becky says:


      That’s funny. I’d never even thought of the OTHER meaning of Duck, as in, “Get out of the way!” No, my mind was fixed fixedly on the flying fowl meaning. Nice to have blog readers who open my eyes to new things. The thought of cheerleaders doing “Duck!!’ routines definitely brings a giggle.

      Should I overdo it on production stuff and my readers never hear from me again, you can just take over and tell YOUR funny stories! 🙂

  3. Jenna Hoff says:

    Lovely photos, you really have a gift in photography Becky. Duck…what a cute name for a town.

    • Becky says:


      I know. Isn’t it so cute? I’ve actually seen a book that tells how all the oddly names towns got their names. That would be fascinating reading!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    You deserve some peaceful time with the schedule you have this week. Beautiful pictures.

  5. Mary H says:

    You are so blessed that God led you and your family to one of the best spots on Earth. We all should take just those few extra minutes to enjoy the special times of the day and the light God gives us during those times to soak in the wonders of His creations. Thank you for sharing all the photos. Music Man is one of my family’s favorites also. Cheep, cheep, cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more……..With a capital T and it rhymes with P and that stands for POOL…..some great music and lyrics….I could go on, but I will stop.

    Hope you make it through the stress (and exhilaration of the next several days). Your Easter productions are always so inspiring. Still on my bucket list.

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right–the writing in Music Man is second to none. Brilliant, creative lyrics and the melodies to match. As a songwriter, I am in AWE! And once I start singing “76 Trombones,” I’m done for the day. Can NOT get that melody out of my head. 🙂

      And yes, we feel blessed to live in this lovely corner of the planet. But as you said, all of us have beautifully lit moments that pass through our lives–whether on a street corner or a farm. Beauty is everywhere!

  6. Nicole says:

    Sometimes I love it when my daughter and her dad go out on a daddy/daughter date and I have the house to myself! And now, I am going to have to find out more about this town, Duck. Duck is what my husband calls me sometimes. We are going on a huge road trip next summer and this might have to be added to the list of places!

    • Becky says:


      That “me time” is a nice luxury, isn’t it? 🙂

      Sounds like the trip you’re planning will be wonderful! If you DO make it to Duck, my only advice is not to go on a Saturday or Sunday. (During the summer.) The traffic will be backed up for miles as people are checking out of and into their weekly accommodations. Any other day of the week, you should be good. 🙂

      I hope you get to come enjoy our beautiful Outer Banks!

  7. Karen from Shawano says:

    Those are beautiful photos. I love the perspective you found and drama/warmth the golden hour adds. It makes me want to add that area to my sightseeing wish list. I’m glad you were able to refresh and recharge for your birthday.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your kind words about my photos. I keep on trying to challenge myself when I take photos to find a new way to look at what’s in front of me. Don’t always succeed but it’s a fun exercise in creativity.

      It’s also an exercise in. . . well, exercise since I have to crouch down real low sometimes to get the shot, which is always entertaining for anyone watching. 🙂 Crouching is not my gift.

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Oh, my goodness, I got tired just knowing all the stuff you need to do – Breathe Becky!!!!!

  9. LeeAnne says:

    Gorgeous photos and a mighty good looking date-night couple too! You WILL be busy…you made me tired just reading that list of yours!
    Happy Spring indeed. 🙂 It’s finally arrived here as well!!

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