The Flailing, Falling Pastor

March 7, 2016

For the past six weeks or so, Steve and I have been living and breathing preparation for the Easter drama. Steve estimates he’s spent a hundred extra hours (over and above his regular pastoral/music responsibilities) working on sets, lights, rehearsals, and learning his lines.

In the pursuit of getting all of his tasks accomplished, he had to bring in a lift that enables workers to go beyond the regular reach of a ladder in order to hang new lights. (Well, he calls it “flying the lights” which I guess is the technical term for it.)


Here are the lights . . .


 . . . and here is the guy flying them.  Aren’t you glad your job description doesn’t include light flying?


In order to get the lift under the correct rafters (where the lights were to be hung) the guys had to unscrew and move several pews from hither to yon.

As you can imagine, we have created some messes in the sanctuary which, of course, have to be cleaned up every week in preparation for Sunday service.


IMG_1571   IMG_1459     IMG_1511  


Once again this year, Steve is playing a Bad Guy in the person of a Pharisee who helped to plot the death of Jesus. He’s actually quite good at acting bad!

DSC_5082  Doesn’t he look convincingly and cunningly conniving? DSC_5117


Here are a few more scenes from rehearsals.



I especially love these photos of our drama director’s son as he watched the dancers. He was determined to join in the dance from the sidelines. (He’s the little guy I babysat in this post.)



Our lead dancer/choreographer has created a stunning dance that will be done around the tomb.  Even without all the lights and the fog that will be added later, it is already gorgeous and goose bump-producing.



And as for the flailing and the falling pastor?  Well, here’s the story behind that title.

At the end of the drama, the whole cast twill come out and sing, clap, jump and/or dance to an upbeat song as various groupings of cast members take their bows. 

Whenever they rehearse that section of the drama, Steve always laughs and says that compared to all the youthy people on stage, he feels like he is just sort of “flailing around up there.”



Last week, at the end of a particularly strenuous run through of that song, he effected a dramatic collapse to the carpet, accompanied by loud and pitiful groans.  Everyone got a good laugh out of the flailing, falling pastor. 


And what is my involvement in all of this?

Well, I was on the script editing team and designed the graphics that are being used to promote the production.


The final product.


I’m also working on the dozens of video screens that will provide a moving back background to each scene. (Here’s a sample screen from last year showing the effect of video.)


And when I’m not doing working on drama, media, or music stuff?

I’m doing this.

b edit

And just what is that, you may ask?

Well, in recent months, the role of co-youth leader has been added to my list of responsibilities. I work with a terrific fella named Mark who is thirty years old and does a great job teaching and corralling energetic young folks. He provides the youthful energy and I provide the mature “seasoning.” (I will be even more seasoned tomorrow when I turn 54!)


The Cool Dude and The Grandma. We make a good team!

At our youth meeting last Wednesday night, a couple of the girls were trying to teach their oldish youth-leader some sort of a dance move. (The name of which I don’t remember.)  After much prodding and cajoling, I finally  agreed to coerce my creaking muscles into the asked for pose so that they could take a picture.

A flailing, falling pastor and a creaking, muscle-coercing pastor’s wife. 

We are quite the pastoral pair.


34 comments so far.

34 responses to “The Flailing, Falling Pastor”

  1. Linda in Pgh says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky! Hope you have a wonderful 54th year… and many more after that! Your production looks awesome as usual. How much work it is, but how rewarding it must be. The youth in your church are certainly lucky to have you as their Youth Leader. I am sure you will make a big impact on their lives. Again, Happy Birthday, what a wonderful gift God gave the world that day!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for the happy wishes. These birthdays seem to be coming and going a lot faster these days, 🙂

      Had a good youth meeting last night. I never thought I would be a youth leader again at my age (did it when we were newlyweds) but I’m enjoying it!

  2. Catherine says:

    Hey Becky !! You were the best youth pastor lady ever!! I learned a lot from you!! You’ll do just great!! Happy 54 !!

  3. Karen from Shawano says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky. We are one year and four days apart. I celebrated my double nickel b’day last friday. I took the day off and celebrated me with my husband. Make sure you celebrate you today and count the many blessings God has granted. As someone said to me, “May your grandma years be the best yet.”

    • Becky says:


      Love that line about “the grandma years.” Made me smile.

      I hope the double nickle year has gone well for you! 🙂

  4. Jodi says:

    Happy Tuesday & ?? 34th birthday ?? to you! I hope that your day is as amazing as you are! Can’t wait to hear about all that you did for your special day!


  5. Karen says:

    Wow, your production looks like it will be great! Wish I lived in your area as I think I would enjoy your church (besides the fact that Manteo looks like a beautiful place to live). Hope you have a Happy Birthday! Mine is in two weeks but 5 years older than you.

    • Becky says:


      So you are approaching the big six-o! I’m right behind you! Happy (in two weeks) birthday!

      March babies are best. 🙂

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    1) Happy birthday, Becky!
    2) Your “dabbin'” looks very graceful. (Now I’ll have to do some surfing to see what it is. Thanks Nathan for the wisdom of your youth!)
    3) Years ago I attended a church that got a new pastor. When the ladies of the church told his wife what the traditional duties of the pastor’s wife were she said, “I’m married to my husband, not to the church…get someone else.” Fortunately for your church, you are definitely NOT of the same ilk! From baby sitting to amazing productions to graphic design to DARE dinners (which are dinners for the DARE participants, not of the “I dare you to eat this!” type), your commitment to the church is wonderful.
    4) I admit I’m no Biblical scholar, but I’ve paid attention in numerous classes over the years….yet I never knew that Pilot even had a wife. I did a quick search…nope…no stirring in the dust of my memory. Sorry Claudia.
    5) Because it’s worth saying again, “Happy birthday, Becky!

    • Becky says:


      Web surfin’ and dabbin’! Isn’t it crazy we didn’t even know what those words were “back in the day?”

      Sounds like your former pastor’s wife had a very clear understanding of her role in the church, which is good. (Although maybe she might have been slightly more diplomatic in stating it.) 🙂 I am grateful that our church has never shoved me into any particular role; they let me find my places of gifting and then cheer me on!

      Thank you for the birthday wishes to start my day. I always appreciate your cheery, witty comments.

  7. Lesley says:

    Well!!!! Happy Birthday to you and Happy birthing day to your mom. It’s hard to keep up with the young folk, for sure. Are you doing 3 performances? It looks like they will be beautiful. I see Steve is growing his yearly ‘bad guy beard”. And those lights! What a project to hang them all.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, three performances. We’ve done that many for about 3 years now and come very close to filling the building each time.

      I love that you mentioned my mom on my birthday. I would say she had a fairly big role in this day! 🙂

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Looks like fun. Our drama will be outside on March 18, 19, & 20. I have taken pictures at two rehearsals, one last night in costumes. Ours is the last week of Christ’s life up to His return to heaven. All narration and singing has been pre-recorded. Our Minister of Music wanted to do this last year but it did not happen. So excited about this year.

  9. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Steve is so talented and has so much energy, but alas we don’t get to see him collapse when he gets home. 🙂 Because you are not sitting on your laurels, you probably join him. If I don’t get on board tomorrow, want to wish you an early Happy Birthday. God’s best to you always Becky. You are an inspiration to all!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for the birthday wishes! I’m enjoying my last evening of 53-dom.

      Yes, Steve does collapse when he gets home from rehearsal. He is always thinking about so many things during rehearsal–not just acting but the lights and the sound and sets. His brain is always whirring!

  10. Mel says:

    I look forward to your Easter post. You make me feel like I am right there in the audience and your family puts so much into it to make it special. Happy Early Birthday.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much. As you can probably tell, that annual drama is something we are very passionate about–personally and as a church.

  11. Nathan Smith says:

    Mom you are “Dabbin” in that picture. A move that Carolina Panthers QB Cam Newton does a lot. Appropriate since you live in North Carolina. Sorry they lost!

    • Becky says:


      Now that you mention it, the word they used WAS “Dabbin’.” I guess if a guy was doing it, one could say that they were “dab-onair.” (Instead of debonair.) I know. Weak joke! Love you!

  12. JennyJoT says:

    So glad that Steve is good at acting bad, but NOT good at bad acting! Sorry – just couldn’t resist!

  13. Silver can light thing = R2D2. Can’t un-see it now. HAHA

    Looks like the production is going to be spectacular, and I love the graphic you’ve created!

    ~Stefanie in St. Louis

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your nice comment about the graphic. I put a lot of work into it and it’s nice when someone compliments it. 🙂

      Sorry you can’t “unsee” R2D2. Too funny!

  14. Guerrina Waters-Hernandez says:

    You guys rock!

  15. mrs pam says:

    know you’ll have another glorious Easter production.
    happy last day of being 53!

  16. LeeAnne says:

    Your Easter productions always amaze me. It looks fantastic!
    The youth are so lucky to have people like you teaching, leading and just being there for them.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your encouragement.

      I wasn’t sure how it would go with the youth (with our broad age difference) but I am really enjoying hanging out with them. A great chance to make a difference for them before they head out into adulthood.

  17. beckylp says:

    those are lucky youth to have you part of their team

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