Smith Snippet Subjects

March 4, 2016

Not a lot going on here except for blustery, windy, rainy March weather. Is anyone else ready for some springtime? 

I’m happy to announce that in the face of all the bleary blustry-ness, I finally found a brown poncho. And it was just four dollars! I had spent a couple of years looking for one and was beyond happy to finally make its acquaintance in the aisles of my favorite Goodwill.

Hooray for me. And hooray for ponchos. And hooray for the coming spring!

Note: since publishing this post, I have had several readers say that the poncho looks purple.  When I came back and looked at this picture, it does seem to have a purple tint.  However, when I wear it out in natural sunlight, it defnitely looks brown. I guess it’s a chameleon poncho!


Also, I had been wearing a pair of athletic shoes (that I had bought used) for about 6 years and parts of the soles were starting to peel away and fall off. After several months of looking, I found these which were in virtually new condition.  They were $3 but the store was having a half price sale so I paid $1.50.  I looked them up online and the exact shoe sells for $150.  I think I did all right.

They fit like a dream and are so comfortable.  Happy woman, right here!


(And speaking of these kinds of shoes, I’m never sure what they are called anymore.  Sneakers? Tennis shoes?  Running shoes? Trainers? Athletic shoes?  What do YOU call them? )

On another Smith Snippet Subject, Sarah was getting ready to leave for school yesterday and I just had to snap some pictures since she was beyond cute.She is wearing a favorite scarf with a bicycle print on it. IMG_1728

Notice the cool look of shoes with no socks. If I tried that, I would look ridiculous. When Sarah sports that look, she looks fabulous!  It’s really not quite fair.


Hard to believe this young lady will be leaving home in about five months. It just occurred to me the other day that she will be celebrating her birthday away from us this year–21 years old!  (sniff)


And lastly, last night I babysat for our Associate Pastor while she was hard at work directing the Easter drama. Such sweetness.

(Note: I hope you appreciate the lovely way I am pushing on the skin of my cheek with my fingers and thereby producing a great big wrinkle/skin fold thingie.)


Happy weekend to you! I hope that wherever you live, the blustry-ness is abating and you are seeing some signs of spring.



28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Smith Snippet Subjects”

  1. jstory56 says:

    I call them tennis shoes (pronounced ten-uh shoes).

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm . . . that’s funny. In my mind, I’ve always thought I’ve pronounced them tennis shoes, but when you mentioned ten-uh shoes, I realized that’s probably the way I pronounce them, too!

  2. Becky, beautiful picture of the running shoes. I love my Canon E0S 70D as much as you love your “Mr. Nikon.” And, as I’ve said many times before, I’ve really have enjoyed watching how your photographic efforts have improved over the months and years.

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to notice the improvement in my photography! Isn’t it great to have a camera and get to experience the joy of taking pictures and learning new skills? I love it!

      One thing that encourages me is when I look back at photos I took 2 or 3 years ago and I see things that I would change if I took that photo now. That really lets me know I’m improving.

      Happy shooting! 🙂

  3. greywildcat says:

    It is purple???

    And Sarah and you look lovely. Sigh I can’t believe she was 10 years old and had relapsed back in 2006 when I started following you and now she is a beautiful young lady about to leave the nest oh my 😀 I feel ”old” ;D
    Why did she not want to become a teacher btw? And how is her novel going? Did she finish it or?

    • Becky says:


      Nope, it’s brown but in that particular light, it did look a little purple!

      Sarah decided not to become a teacher because she realized it wasn’t her passion like filming, editing and creating visual art are.

      And the book is still a work in progress–ten years after she started it. 🙂

  4. Jim Martin says:

    What is the make of your tennis shoes, sneakers, runners or what ever you call them????

  5. Ann Martin says:

    I, too, like the “brown” poncho. Know I am color blind but new brown. Sarah’s pictures are beautiful. So hard to believe the little curly haired girl we met after transplant is now the stunningly beautiful young lady in the pictures.

    • Becky says:


      I know–Sarah has changed SO much since those curly headed, little girl days. So glad you’ve been along with us on the journey from then to now!

  6. Wendy says:

    Cute cute pics of Sarah. You look so happy with the baby in your arms. We call them tennies us here in northern Mn. We got a couple inches of new snow this morning but we are supposed to get up to mid 40’s tomorrow and then 51 on Sunday and a chance of thunderstorms on Monday..Whoo Hoo! Can’t wait. So, I need to dust off my tennies and get out for a walk this weekend 🙂 I too, see a purple poncho!?! Must be like that dress that went around FB a while back, did you see the blue or gold color on it, ha ha! Have a great weekend. I will be, cause my kids and grandkids will all be here, first time since Christmas. Planning my meals and made puppy chow for them.

    • Becky says:


      How wonderful to have your kids come home. There are few things more enjoyable than getting to plan and prepare meals for people you love. Enjoy every moment of their visit–and also, all the signs of coming spring!

  7. Mary H says:

    Sarah is so beautiful. She is a gem. It will be an adjustment for sure to have her going to school and not being at home. However, what a wonderful miracle that she has the chance to do just that.

    As far as shoes go, my daughter is a runner (marathons and half marathons) and she works for a local running company. I recognize the original price on those shoes and you seriously found yourself a bargain. Always replace those running shoes (that’s what I call them but I NEVER run in mine) when they are showing some wear and tear because a good fitting shoe that is in good shape is critical for success at any physical activity. My sister had horrible back problems and my daughter fitted her with some shoes that she wears all the time now and her back problems have improved greatly and she is much sturdier on her feet. If you can find bargains like that, don’t wait until the shoes are completely worn out to replace them. If you find another pair soon, buy them and store them or rotate the use of the shoes. Hope that wasn’t too much advice! So glad you found your new shoes and poncho!

    I wanted to comment on a prior post about your photos of objects in your living room but we were having computer issues here and I could not get it posted. I just love the photo you had framed for Steve. What a wonderful memory and how could he not smile at that glimpse of childhood. You packaged it just perfectly with the frame choice.

    Have a great weekend. I am off to visit my older daughter and grandson. I have not seen them since Christmas but we are expecting some spring-like weather here in the Midwest this weekend and work has eased up and so I am packed and ready to roll as soon as I can get out of the office. Can’t wait – I miss them both!

    • Becky says:


      That is great advice on the shoes; I’ll keep my eyes open for another wonderful pair to have on hand.

      And I’m glad you liked the frame; I liked it as soon as I saw it. And you’re right. We DO smile everytime we see that picture. Such fond memories.

      Happy, happy, happy that you get to be with your family this weekend. Enjoy that grandson!

  8. Shawn says:

    We are in Kansas and suppose to be 70 today and tomorrow. It has been super dry here but they say we might get some rain over the weekend. We call our shoes tenny runners. We have done that since the kids were little almost 30 years ago. Yes I am old! Lol. The purple poncho is beautiful. They are so comfortable. Also I love Sarah’s hair. She is all grown up! So beautiful! Have a super weekend!

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never heard of tenny runners but it’s a name that makes me smile!

      There’s been quite a bit of discussion here about the brown/purple poncho, but I promise that when I get it outside in natural light, it really is brown! 🙂

  9. Jenna Hoff says:

    Sarah and you both have such great style. Sarah’s style is so trendy and yours is so timeless classic.

    We are having one of the warmest winters I can recall in all my years. I think it only hit minus thirty a few times in November, and it was mostly well below minus 20 all winter. Snow began to melt in January, instead of April. My city’s river, which is usually frozen 7 months of the year, is now already partially unfrozen (should not usually even begin to show signs of melting until late March). And, my husband noted this morning that 4 Canada Geese had returned to the river, again weeks and weeks ahead of schedule. And yet other parts of Canada are getting walloped with snow. I’ve heard its an El Nino year, maybe that could explain the mixed up weather systems.

    • Becky says:


      I am rather amazed by someone who can say that “minus 20 most of the winter” constitutes a warm winter. I cannot even imagine.

      So glad that spring is coming early to your area. Nothing quite like the joy of everything becoming new again, and in such a beautiful display.

  10. Liz says:

    Sarah’s haircut is truly fantastic! She looks so sophisticated but not as over the top as some young women. Truly a gift from God!

  11. Guerrina says:

    Love the purple poncho! Up here the name for those shoes depend on use – mine are either sneakers or cross-trainers (I have not cross-trained for about a 1,000 years though) – sneakers is most often used though. Sarah is rockin’ that hair cut! Mother & Daughter, beautiful!

    • Becky says:


      Cross-trainers. Hmmm. I completely forgot to add that description to my line up of shoe names. Isn’t it amazing how many different names a simple pair of shoes can have?

  12. Jan Reuther says:

    Becky, please tell me you were having fun with us talking about a “brown” poncho! I see a beautiful purple poncho! Congrats on your lucky finds.

    With this last haircut, Sarah has gone from cute/adorable to beautiful/stunning! You’ll have to dust off your Skype for her birthday. It’s not really as good as being together, but it’s far better than not being able to see each other at all.

    I’m quite certain that, if you hadn’t said something, absolutely no one would have noticed your wrinkle/skin fold thingie. Everyone’s focus would have been on the cute baby and your doting facial expression.

    Spring has been here for a while now. There are definitely advantages to living in this rainy area!

    • Becky says:


      I am not funnin’ with you; the poncho is truly brown!

      I think though, that it is a very changeable color because when Sarah and I were in a workshop at Regent last week, I looked down at the poncho and noticed that in that particular light, it looked navy blue. But I promise–ninety percent of the time, it IS brown. (Except for the times that it is purple and navy.) 🙂

  13. Here in southeast MO, in our family, we call the shoes “tennykickers”.Have enjoyed coming here and reading your updates all these years. Your camera skills are great. I’ve been practicing with old barns when we are out on the motorcycle on country roads. Thinking about going for old churches, too. There are plenty out there for sure. Have a great Friday and weekend!

    • Becky says:


      Another new name to add to our shoe list–tennykickers. Love it!

      Old churches are one of my all time favorite things to photograph. You are lucky you have a lot of them around you. Enjoy those country road jaunts!

  14. LeeAnne says:

    We are in south central Nebraska and it is supposed to be 60 Saturday and 65 on Sunday! Woooo Hoooo!!!! After being out of town for a while, I am glad to be able to stay home this weekend, get some things done around the house and get out and enjoy this weather. I haven’t been able to get warm all winter and I am SO. READY. FOR. SPRING.!! 🙂

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