A Sigh of Peace

February 1, 2016

Steve and I are on the road to Georgia today for part three of a four-part leadership conference we are attending over the course of a year.

We stayed with his parents in Charlotte last night and celebrated Steve’s dad’s birthday with everyone.  Good times!

I wanted to share a few water photos with you, taken last week on a beautiful, calm morning as I made my way to Greenville for my RA infusion.  Whenever I go to Greenville, I always try to leave at least 30 minutes early, so I have some time to putter around and take pictures.  Best therapy in the world.

I hope these bring a sigh of peace to your day.  (At the end of the post, you’ll find a couple photos of Sarah left over from Christmas.)

And here are a couple of photos of Sarah, doing her auntie thing!




I told you what we are doing today but I would love to know what YOU are doing.  I’m always curious about my readers and eager to get to know more about your lives.  Are you at work? At home? Traveling?  What does your day hold?  Please share with the rest of us!

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “A Sigh of Peace”

  1. Marylea Russell says:

    It’s amazing how you can look at something and just know it will make a wonderful picture!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, sometimes pictures just announce themselves. “Here I am! Take me!” 🙂

      It would have been such a shame to have had to rush by that scene, especially since the water was uncharacteristically calm. I’m glad I allowed time to stop

  2. Mel says:

    Day late but I am at work wishing that the storm that is coming would bring some snow for me so I can call in a snow day but alas, they are saying that we will be 7c so it looks like rain. 🙁 Being in Southern Ontario Canada, we have really not had any snow to speak of and I miss it. Well, I miss it until we have it and I have to drive in it. lol It just doesn’t seem right being able to see the grass in January.

    • Becky says:


      Well, I learned something. I guess I thought that ALL places in Canada would have snow by now. I didn’t realize that the more southern parts have different temps and snowfalls.

      I hope some snow comes falling for you soon! 🙂

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Beautiful pictures and I saw so many, probably broken, shells. Are you a shell person – I am? So I saw them and wondered if there were any nice ones for keeping. Loved the last picture of Sarah and it looks like baby is saying, “Okay, I’m waiting for my next spoonful.”

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never really been a shell collector but I know that a lot of people have collected some really beautiful ones. There weren’t that many in the location where I was in but there are many, many beautiful ones along the ocean beach.

  4. Wendy says:

    I am busy with my little ones here at home. I have in home Daycare! Its chilly again today. Only in the teens. We had 39 degrees on Saturday. A real treat and a teaser for Spring to come 🙂 Your pictures are lovely, so peaceful and serene! Love Sarah’s haircut and her with the little ones there. Safe travels

    • Becky says:


      I know having little ones in your home keeps you busy! What a precious privilege to get to care for them!

      It’s funny that 39 degrees is warm for you. It’s COLD for us! Stay warm!

  5. Mary H says:

    I am at work today. I am a legal secretary. Mondays and Fridays are the most hectic in a law office, it seems. For that reason, your photos were just what I needed to exhale a bit and run to get a bite to eat for lunch before getting back to managing the four attorneys I handle – “handle” that is an interesting, yes, I do have to “handle” them and all their issues and questions and filings and e-mails and…..I think I need to look at the photos again. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your trip with Steve.

    • Becky says:


      You must be very organized to handle four attorneys. I’m sure they wouldn’t know what to do without you! I can imagine you dealing with hundreds of details every day and probably all of them, time sensitive.

      I’m so glad the pictures gave you a little breather before you had to jump back into the fray! 🙂

  6. Nicole says:

    I am at work today….best thing so far though was running late and catching a later than normal bus. By doing this, I ran into a friend I have not seen in person (we are FB Friends) in YEARS. It was so cool to touch base with her, catch up a little and see her. Now to do as we promised and get together for coffee. That totally made my day though to see her.

    • Becky says:


      How fun is that? Something that could have been potentially aggravating turned into a wonderful surprise.

      It’s such a great blessing to have old friends in our lives; in our transient society, it’s even more special than it might have been even a generation ago. Be sure to make time for coffee wit her! 🙂

  7. mrs pam says:

    I’ve already been to Preschool this morning to read to the children.
    Gayle comes every Monday, and we have lunch and run errands, usually to the library.

    btw, I like Auntie Sarah’s hair.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Bless you for reading to the children. One of the greatest things an adult can do.

      Lunch, errands, and the library sound like fun, too!

  8. Shawn says:

    Beautiful pictures!!! I don’t work due to a disability so I am at home waiting for the snow to hit Kansas. I am going to curl up with a good book today. Keep those pictures coming, I love looking at them.
    Take care!

  9. Karen in Shawano says:

    I’m going to work at the day care, doing laundry/dinner after work at the laundry mat with my husband and preparing for a major winter storm coming tuesday. I love your photos.

    • Becky says:


      Another reader waiting for a big storm! I kind of miss my growing-up-in-Wisconsin snow storms but I know they can also be a big hassle so I don’t miss them TOO much!

      Getting laundry done before the snow hits is a very good idea; you don’t want to run out of clean socks and undies in the middle of a blizzard! 🙂 Stay warm!

  10. Michele says:

    Great pictures as always! I’m a school nurse in NY. Working today. Although this past weekend I went with 2 of my daughters to the Winterlude festivl in Ottawa and saw some beautiful ice sculptures and skated on the largest ice skating rink in the world! (nio small feat for this 53 yr old). It was fun..even though I’m really a summer girl and love the beach!

    • Becky says:


      The largest skating rink in the world? How fun! I haven’t ice skated in many decades but I remember enjoying it back in the day.

      I imagine that there is never a dull moment in a job as a school nurse because you never know what you might be dealing with from day. Bless you for being there when the kids need you–such an important job.

  11. krista says:

    I am working. I am a patient access rep in the clinic at our hospital. I’m in Urology/General Surgery. I check patients in and out, schedule, fax, etc. I love what I do and who I work with! The patients are great, too. We have some ‘regulars’ that are always fun to see.
    Safe Travels to you!

    • Becky says:


      I’ve always thought it would be fun to work at a hospital in some sort of office support position. Sounds like you are well suited to what you do and the fact that you love your work, your colleagues and your patients is just icing on the cake. Happy for you!

  12. Robyn says:

    Safe trip to Georgia. I am an assistant professor at an university and will be teaching finance to undergraduate students who would rather be anywhere else.

    • Becky says:


      You are an assistant professor who teaches finance? I am impressed AND intimidated since I am basically incapable of even balancing a check book. (But not due to lack of trying.)

      I can only the imagine the challenge it is to try and make a potentially dry subject interesting enough to keep the attention of young students whose minds are running in a hundred directions. And yet finances are so important to all of life that they would do well to pay attention. Kudos to you for investing in our future generations!

  13. LeeAnne says:

    Gorgeous pictures again! I wish that we lived near something like that. The photo subject matter around here this time of year is nil. Leafless trees and shrubs, gray and brown everything. Ugh. We do have some pretty spectacular sunrises and sunsets though! I have quite the collection of sunrise photos on my phone. 🙂
    We are in south central Nebraska and they are telling us that we are going to get hit by a blizzard and possibly 18″ of snow beginning tonight and going through Tuesday, midnight. I have stocked up on groceries and we’re ready for it. I LOVE snow days!! It might mean a day off of work and a get-together with friends to play cards and hang out. Fun!!

    • Becky says:


      Eighteen inches of snow!? Yikes! If that ever happened in NC it would be beyond traumatic. (Although sort of exciting!)

      I’m glad you look forward to it and can stay home and enjoy watching it from inside your house and don’t have to be out driving in it or, worse yet, shoveling it! Spring will be here before you know it!

  14. Ann Martin says:

    I am always amazed at your photography. I am volunteering until 1 pm at our local hospital and then a trip to Food Lion and after that fill the car with gas for a trip to the Durham VA later this week. Please pray for my 10-year-old great niece who is having surgery in Charlotte Wednesday She has a synix (?) at the top of her spine which has been causing headaches since she was 4. Always was told until December that it was migraines.

    • Becky says:


      Although it’s sad that your niece has to have surgery, it’s wonderful that these so called migraines may be fixable. That would be so wonderful for her not to have to deal with those anymore!

      Safe journey to Durham this week and hugs and hellos to Jim!

  15. Sarah says:

    Long time blog follower, long time follower of Sarah’s story but I do believe this may be my first time posting.
    Today, I’m off to work as an oncology nurse. It will be a busy clinic day, Monday’s always are. Praying for safe travels for you and Steve.

    • Becky says:


      Hooray! A long-time follower, first-time poster! That always makes my day. 🙂

      A million thank yous to you for your work as an oncology nurse–not an easy job but oh so rewarding. I do remember back during Sarah’s treatment that clinic days were always busy, for the patients and for the staff. And I also remember how very much we appreciated those wonderful, patient nurses. Blessings to you!

  16. Karen says:

    A blizzard is predicted for Iowa Tuesday therefore, I’m on the road Monday as soon as the fog & frost go away, as a merchandiser. Will stop and get eggs, milk, bread, greens & whatever else looks good & hope to be prepared to be snowed in for a couple days. I LOVE SNOW DAYS! When I’m inside snug & warm I think a blizzard is beautiful. Safe travels – the Iowa Farm Girl

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm. A merchandiser sounds like an interesting job, although I don’t know exactly what it is!

      It seems that I have at least four readers who are right in the path of the coming storm. I’m glad you’re looking forward to being cozy and snuggled in.

      I thought it was interesting that your staples grocery list included greens. You must be a very healthy eater to want greens in the middle of the blizzard! I would have gone for popcorn and chocolate. 🙂

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