Family Photo Shoot(less)

January 22, 2016

After Nathan and Meagan left for Florida after Christmas, it occurred to me to that we had never gotten around to doing a family photo shoot. But with 6 out of 7 of us sick most of the visit, the time just never seemed right (nor the energy level high enough) to put something together. And so we ended up being Family Photo Shootl(less).


There was one brief point during the visit when the Nathan branch of the family all felt well enough at the same time to don some matching ensembles and have a quick photo shoot to capture this quickly passing Baby/Toddler Chapter of their lives.

Much to my honor (and dismay), Meagan asked me to take the pictures. I have to say, I get freaked out a little when I am asked to take people pictures. It’s not really my strong suit since I am much more of a “wander about and gaze at the surroundings” sort of a photographer. But hey, I was definitely not going to turn down the invitation.  These were my precious peeps!

We tried to plan the photo shoot for that wonderful, luminescent golden hour that transforms people, places, and even energetic toddlers into works of art without the photographer having to do anything at all except push a button.

Alas, the golden hour declined to arrive on that particular day and this photographer was left with a whole lotta non-luminscent light.  Happy (non-golden) day.

Despite the lack of lovely light, we all had the very best time, running around the back yard and trying to capture the craziness of highly energetic little people.  I snapped and snapped the shutter as Nathan and Meagan expended copious quantities of energy bouncing the baby, corralling the toddler, and trying to smile pleasantly the whole time. 

Steve was on hand to shake rattles and stand behind me and make funny faces so that said baby and toddler would actually glance (occasionally) in the (general) direction of the camera which is (usually) very helpful in the taking of family photos.

When I finally had a chance to sit down and look through all the pictures, I loved the poses and the smiles but I was less than entranced with the overall, non-golden vibe. 

However, all was not lost.

I broke out my trusty photo editing site and after a bit of work, ended up with some lovely shots. (I know that most professional photographers use Photoshop, but after many years of trying to figure it out, I have pretty much given up hope I will ever understand it.)

So here is our fun photo shoot where we not only made new special pictures but also made new precious memories. (I’m including the before and after shots so you can see the difference a little bit of editing makes.)

meg 2


four deck edit




nate 2


edit 1


edit 2


edit 4


edit 5


edit 6

DSC_4266 (2)

 fam final


smile 2


madi 2


kiss 2


leaves 2   

Wasn’t that fun?

Thanks, Nathan and Meagan, for letting me be part of that sweet memory capture.

In other news . . .

You may be wondering if the Outer Banks is getting any bad weather with this coming blizzard. From what we can tell right now, it looks like less than an inch of snow is possible here, along with an inch or two of rain and some gusty winds. Areas a little north of us are getting a lot of snow so it looks like we are just barely on the edge of the line.  I must say it would be fun to see several inches fall here on the beach, but a dusting is pretty, too!



28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Family Photo Shoot(less)”

  1. Jan Reuther says:

    I don’t know why you think there wasn’t a photo shoot. These photos ARE a photo shoot. Such a darling family.

    • Becky says:


      The photo shoot(less) refers to the fact that we didn’t get our annual photo with all seven of us. But yes, we did get a great photo shoot of The Four Smiths!

  2. Jodi says:

    Beautiful! Is there one of Noah & Meagan together too??

    Are you guys safe & warm in your area?

    Hope you’re finally feeling better!


    • Becky says:


      I actually do have one of Meagan and Noah; I’ll post some more photos on Friday.

      We got a total of 1/2 inch of snow Saturday night so we’re pretty well “dug out” by now. 🙂

      I am headed into week of four of this cold/flu thing but feeling a little better.

  3. Lesley says:

    You got some really nice photos, regardless of whether you edited them or not. Such a beautiful family. I can’t believe how big the baby is getting.

    • Becky says:


      I know, right? Last time I looked that granddaughter was just a newborn. And now she’s almost crawling!

      I hope you’re digging out from your Big Snow. Even though I grew up in Wisconsin, it’s hard for me to comprehend getting that much snow all at one time.

  4. Bea says:

    Such lovely photos!!! They are such a beautiful family! <3 Awww…… Thanks for sharing these!!! Yes, I was thinking about you guys with the storm… Thanks for the update. XOXOX

  5. mrs pam says:

    had to chuckle with the leaf on Madison’s head.
    you got some great photos

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yeah, the leaf on the head was a favorite shot. Later on, I’ll post a few more photos leading up to that shot. Turns out Big Brother thought it would be fun to dump leaves all over Little Sister. 😉

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Enjoyed the pictures. You always do a good job. We have some snow and sleet. It is suppose to continue through 6 PM Saturday. More snow to come is the prediction.

  7. CJ says:

    Those are great shots! They seem to represent everyone perfectly -nothing was forced -well done 🙂

  8. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Great pictures Becky and fantastic photoshopping (chopping?). There’s one in which you removed the bright light from the left hand side. How great that you were able to remove it and be left with a wonderful picture.

    • Becky says:


      I’ve found that sometimes removing stuff that isn’t necessary can create a really beautiful shot from what is left.

  9. dmantik says:

    Love times a million! 🙂

    Love, deb

  10. Guerrina says:

    Wonderful pics of amazing subjects! Great job editing, Becky! Love all, but that last one make me grin!

    Looks like here on southeastern Connecticut coast we’re expecting 6″-7″ … yay. The last 2 years of serious snowfall have finally dampened my enthusiasm for snow – took 61 years lol. However, with a 5-year-old boy in the house who has unlimited enthusiasm for almost everything (except vegetables), I will surely have company shoveling.

    I live with a real life Dennis The Menace – never intending something to go wrong and immeasurably curious with best of intentions- who will tell you, if asked, that there is no value in not talking – to you, himself, the cat, the trees, flowers, the car, whatever/whoever is available – sings in the bath, sings washing dishes – quiet…I miss periods of quiet. At age of 4 we had to nix watching Bill Nye the Science Guy. His thinking: Hmmm…I understand the directions and I have the stuff so why do I need adult supervision? And I discovered a container of water with two batteries connected by wire submerged in said water. Aaaaack! LOL He surely keeps me young!

    • Becky says:


      Your stories of your grandson makes me smile. Sounds like he will grow up to be someone famous and very well accomplished! And he’ll look back to these days with his grandma and point to YOU as one of his reasons for success!

      I know he’ll have great fun in the snow. Think young! 🙂

  11. LeeAnne says:

    The pictures are really nice! Beautiful!! Of course, the subject matter makes for a great picture no matter what! 🙂 As I watched Al Roker tell about the storm this morning, I wondered how your area would be impacted. An inch or two would be great. That would present some awesome photo opportunities without all of the yuck that comes with massive amounts of snow. Like downed power lines, broken trees, etc. Stay warm and have a great weekend! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      i agree– we definitely don’t want the “yuck” if we can possibly help it. A little bit of white loveliness would be nice, though!

      Glad you enjoyed the pictures! 🙂

  12. AnnO. says:

    Looks like some Golden Hour photos to me, Becky!!! And everyone looks relaxed! The photographer did a fine job!!! What a lovely branch of the Smith Family Tree!

  13. Loved seeing your works of art! Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you for your blog and thank you for sharing moments of sweetness with us!

    • Becky says:


      I’m thankful to have moments of sweetness to share and thankful for wonderful people like you to share them with! 🙂

  14. Shawn says:

    Beautiful pictures! Hope all you get is an inch of snow. Looks pretty bad. Kansas got about 6-7 inches in some spots. I couldn’t imagine 24 inches. Have a wonderful weekend and take care.

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you–24 inches is completely beyond my realm of comprehension. Thankful not to be dealing with that this weekend!

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